Set Theory Talks

Global set theory seminar and conference announcements

This Week in Logic at CUNY

This Week in Logic at CUNY
This Week in Logic at CUNY:

- - - - Monday, Sep 16, 2024 - - - -

Rutgers Logic Seminar
Monday September 16, 3:30pm, Rutgers University, Hill Center, Hill 705
Maxwell Levine, University of Freiburg
Namba Forcing, Minimality, and Approximations

Logic and Metaphysics Workshop
Date: Monday,September 16, 4.15-6.15pm (NY time)
Room: Graduate Center Room 4419
Speaker: Mel Fitting (CUNY)
Title: Simple tableaus for simple logics

Abstract: Consider those many-valued logic models in which the truth values are a lattice that supplies interpretations for the logical connectives of conjunction and disjunction, and which has a De Morgan involution supplying an interpretation for negation. Assume the set of designated truth values is a prime filter in the lattice. Each of these structures determines a simple many-valued logic. We show there is a single Smullyan style signed tableau system appropriate for all of the logics these structures determine. Differences between the logics are confined entirely to tableau branch closure rules. Completeness, soundness, and interpolation can be proved in a uniform way for all cases. Since branch closure rules have a limited number of variations, in fact all the semantic structures determine just four different logics, all well-known ones. Asymmetric logics such as strict/tolerant, ST, also share all the same tableau rules, but differ in what constitutes an initial tableau. It is also possible to capture the notion of anti-validity using the same set of tableau rules. Thus a simple set of tableau rules serves as a unifying and classifying device for a natural and simple family of many-valued logics.

- - - - Tuesday, Sep 17, 2024 - - - -

- - - - Wednesday, Sep 18, 2024 - - - -

The New York City Category Theory Seminar
Department of Computer Science
Department of Mathematics
The Graduate Center of The City University of New York
Date and Time:     Wednesday September 18, 2024, 7:00 - 8:30 PM. IN-PERSON TALK,  Room 6417
Speaker:     Jake Araujo-Simon, Cornell Tech.
Title:     Categorifying the Volterra series: towards a compositional theory of nonlinear signal processing.

Abstract:The Volterra series is a model of nonlinear behavior that extends the convolutional representation of linear and time-invariant systems to the nonlinear regime. Though well-known and applied in electrical, mechanical, biomedical, and audio engineering, its abstract and especially compositional properties have been less studied. In this talk, we present an approach to categorifying the Volterra series, in which a Volterra series is defined as a functor on a category of signals and linear maps, a morphism between Volterra series is a lens map and natural transformation, and together, Volterra series and their morphisms assemble into a category, which we call Volt. We study three monoidal structures on Volt, and outline connections of our work to the field of time-frequency analysis. We also include an audio demo.

- - - - Thursday, Sep 19, 2024 - - - -

- - - - Friday, Sep 20, 2024 - - - -

Next Week in Logic at CUNY:

- - - - Monday, Sep 23, 2024 - - - -

Rutgers Logic Seminar
Monday September 9, 3:30pm, Rutgers University, Hill Center, Hill 705
Russell Miller, CUNY
Countable reductions in computable structure theory

Logic and Metaphysics Workshop
Date: Monday,September 23, 4.15-6.15pm (NY time)
Room: Graduate Center Room 4419
Rohit Parikh (CUNY)
Title: Value and freedom

Abstract: In order to decide how good a society is, we need some measure of goodness. And the goodness of a society is typically obtained by somehow summing up the well beings of its members. Various approaches include Utilitarianism and Rawlsianism as well as the Leximin approach suggested by Amartya Sen. But Sen and Nussbaum have suggested that the Capability of an individual, what the individual can do, should be the real measure of well being. Another issue is that of freedom. My freedom can be diminished by some restrictive laws. But it can also be diminished by some handicap, or by certain social methods not being available. How to measure the amount of freedom I have? Is it simply the number of options I have, or does the value of the options also matter? And what is the mathematics of freedom?

Note: An extended abstract is available here.

- - - - Tuesday, Sep 24, 2024 - - - -

- - - - Wednesday, Sep 25, 2024 - - - -

The New York City Category Theory Seminar
Department of Computer Science
Department of Mathematics
The Graduate Center of The City University of New York
Date and Time:     Wednesday September 25, 2024, 7:00 - 8:30 PM. IN-PERSON TALK,  Room 6417
Speaker:     Noah Chrein, University of Maryland

Title:     A formal category theory for oo-T-multicategories.

Abstract: We will explore a framework for oo-T-multicategories. To begin, we build a schema for multicategories out of the simplex schema and the monoid schema. The multicategory schema, D_m, inherits the structure of a monad from the +1 monad on the monoid schema. Simplicial T-multicategories are monad preserving functors out of the multicategory schema, [D_m, T], into another monad T. The framework is larger than just [D_m,T]. A larger structure describes notions of yoneda lemma and fibration. Inner fibrant, simplicial T-multicategories are oo-T-multicategories. oo-T-multicategories generalize oo-categories and oo-operads: oo-operads are fm-multicategories, oo-categories are Id-multicategories.

We use this framework to study oo-fc-multicategories, or "oo - virtual double categories". In general, under various assumptions on T (which hold for fc), the collection of oo-T-multicategories [D_m, T] has other useful structure. One such structure is a join operation. This join operation points towards a synthetic definition of op/cartesian cells, which we hope will model oo-virtual equipments. If there is time, I will explain the motivation for this study as it relates to ontologies, meta-theories and type theories.

- - - - Thursday, Sep 26, 2024 - - - -

- - - - Friday, Sep 27, 2024 - - - -

Logic Workshop
CUNY Graduate Center
Friday September 27, 2:00pm-3:30pm, Room 4419
Victoria Gitman, CUNY

- - - - Other Logic News - - - -

- - - - Web Site - - - -

Find us on the web at:
(site designed, built & maintained by Victoria Gitman)

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Logic Seminar 18 September 2024 16:45 hrs at NUS by Le Quy Thuong

NUS Logic Seminar
Invitation to the Logic Seminar at the National University of Singapore Date: Wednesday, 18 September 2024, 16:45 hrs Place: NUS, Department of Mathematics, S17#04-04 Speaker: Le Quy Thuong Title: Motivic integration in valued fields and applications to singularity theory Abstract: Since 1995, motivic integration has been a powerful tool in algebraic geometry and other branches of mathematics. In particular, it has many important applications to singularity theory. For instance, Denef-Loeser around 2000 gave a breakthrough point of view in the study of singularities, by introducing the so-called motivic Milnor fiber, with the philosophy that this is a motivic incarnation of the classical Milnor fiber. One shows that many singularity invariants can be easily recovered from motivic zeta function and motivic Milnor fiber employing an appropriate Hodge realization. Furthermore, there are important problems concerning singularity theory such as monodromy conjecture, the integral identity conjecture, and the Thom-Sebastiani theorem that are waiting for new methods in motivic integration to have a solution. In this talk, we will describe some surprising interactions between motivic integration, model theory and singularity theory that lead to our proofs for the integral identity conjecture, and the motivic Thom-Sebastiani theorem, as well as other applications to singularities. The talk will avoid technical aspects and emphasize key ideas in motivic integration and singularity theory, which may be friendly to a general audience. Note that this week the seminar starts 15 minutes earlier than usual. URL:

This Week in Logic at CUNY

This Week in Logic at CUNY
This Week in Logic at CUNY:

- - - - Monday, Sep 9, 2024 - - - -

Rutgers Logic Seminar
Monday September 9, 3:30pm Hill Center, Hill 705
Corey Switzer, KGRC
Weak and Strong Variants of Baumgartner's Axiom for Polish Spaces

Logic and Metaphysics Workshop
Date: Monday,September 9, 4.15-6.15pm (NY time)
Room: Graduate Center Room 4419
Speaker: Hartry Field (NYU)
Title: Well-behaved truth
Abstract: Common-sense reasoning with truth involves both the use of classical logic and the assumption of the transparency of truth (the equivalence between a sentence and the attribution of truth to it). The semantic paradoxes show that at least one of these must go, and different theorists make different choices. But whatever one’s choice, it’s valuable to carve out one or more domains where both classical logic and transparency can be assumed; domains where everything is *well-behaved*.  In this talk I’ll explore a method of adding a predicate of well-behavedness to various truth theories, which works for both classical and nonclassical theories (including non-classical theories with special conditionals). With such a predicate, one can reason more easily, and formulate and prove generalizations that are unavailable without such a predicate. Besides their intrinsic interest, these generalizations greatly increase the proof-theoretic strength of axiomatic theories.  (There are some previous proposals for adding a well-behavedness predicate to specific classical theories, and others for adding one to non-classical theories without special conditionals.  The current proposal, besides being general, is also more satisfactory in the individual cases, and is the only one I know of for non-classical theories with conditionals.)

- - - - Tuesday, Sep 10, 2024 - - - -

- - - - Wednesday, Sep 11, 2024 - - - -

- - - - Thursday, Sep 12, 2024 - - - -

- - - - Friday, Sep 13, 2024 - - - -

Logic Workshop
CUNY Graduate Center
Friday September 13, 2:00pm-3:30pm, Room 4419

David Marker, University of Illinois at Chicago
Rigid real closed fields

Shelah showed that it is consistent that there are uncountable rigid non-archimedean real closed fields and, later, he and Mekler proved this in . Answering a question of Enayat, Charlie Steinhorn and I show that there are countable rigid non-archimedean real closed fields by constructing one of transcendence degree two.

Next Week in Logic at CUNY:

- - - - Monday, Sep 16, 2024 - - - -

Rutgers Logic Seminar
Monday September 9, 3:30pm, Rutgers University, Hill Center, Hill 705
Maxwell Levine, University of Freiburg
Namba Forcing, Minimality, and Approximations

Logic and Metaphysics Workshop
Date: Monday,September 16, 4.15-6.15pm (NY time)
Room: Graduate Center Room 4419
Speaker: Mel Fitting (CUNY)
Title: Simple tableaus for simple logics

Abstract: Consider those many-valued logic models in which the truth values are a lattice that supplies interpretations for the logical connectives of conjunction and disjunction, and which has a De Morgan involution supplying an interpretation for negation. Assume the set of designated truth values is a prime filter in the lattice. Each of these structures determines a simple many-valued logic. We show there is a single Smullyan style signed tableau system appropriate for all of the logics these structures determine. Differences between the logics are confined entirely to tableau branch closure rules. Completeness, soundness, and interpolation can be proved in a uniform way for all cases. Since branch closure rules have a limited number of variations, in fact all the semantic structures determine just four different logics, all well-known ones. Asymmetric logics such as strict/tolerant, ST, also share all the same tableau rules, but differ in what constitutes an initial tableau. It is also possible to capture the notion of anti-validity using the same set of tableau rules. Thus a simple set of tableau rules serves as a unifying and classifying device for a natural and simple family of many-valued logics.

- - - - Tuesday, Sep 17, 2024 - - - -

- - - - Wednesday, Sep 18, 2024 - - - -

The New York City Category Theory Seminar
Department of Computer Science
Department of Mathematics
The Graduate Center of The City University of New York
Date and Time:     Wednesday September 18, 2024, 7:00 - 8:30 PM. IN-PERSON TALK
Room 5417 (not the usual Room 6417)
Speaker:     Jake Araujo-Simon, Cornell Tech.
Title:     Categorifying the Volterra series: towards a compositional theory of nonlinear signal processing.

- - - - Thursday, Sep 19, 2024 - - - -

- - - - Friday, Sep 20, 2024 - - - -

- - - - Other Logic News - - - -

- - - - Web Site - - - -

Find us on the web at:
(site designed, built & maintained by Victoria Gitman)

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If you have a logic-related event that you would like included in future mailings, please email

UPDATE: This Week in Logic - today's Logic Workshop is in GC 4419

This Week in Logic at CUNY
Please note, the room for the Logic Workshop, including today's talk at  has been changed to 4419.


This Week in Logic at CUNY:

- - - - Thursday, Sep 05, 2024 - - - -

- - - - Friday, Sep 06, 2024 - - - -

Set Theory Seminar
CUNY Graduate Center
Friday, September 6, 11:00am NY time
Virtual: Please email Victoria Gitman ( for zoom info.

Corey Switzer, Kurt Gödel Research Center
Reflecting Ordinals and Forcing

Let  and  either  or . An ordinal  is called -reflecting if for each  and each -formula  if  then there is a  so that  where here  refers to full second order logic. The least -reflecting ordinal is called  and the least -ordinal is called . These ordinals provably exist and are countable (for all ). They arise naturally in proof theory, particularly in calibrating consistency strength of strong arithmetics and weak set theories. Moreover, surprisingly, their relation to one another relies heavily on the background set theory. If  then for all  we have  (due to Cutland) while under PD for all  we have  if and only if  is even (due to Kechris).
Surprisingly nothing was known about these ordinals in any model which satisfies neither  nor PD. In this talk I will sketch some recent results which aim at rectifying this. In particular we will show that in any generic extension by any number of Cohen or Random reals, a Sacks, Miller or Laver real, or any lightface, weakly homogeneous Borel ccc forcing notion agrees with  about which ordinals are -reflecting (for any  and ). Meanwhile, in the generic extension by collapsing  many interesting things happen, not least amongst them that  and  are increased - yet still below  for . Along the way we will discuss the plethora of open problems in this area. This is joint work with Juan Aguilera.

Logic Workshop
CUNY Graduate Center
Friday September 6, 2:00pm-3:30pm, Room 4419

Corey Switzer, Kurt Gödel Research Center
Weak and Strong Variants of Baumgartner's Axiom for Polish Spaces

(One version of) Cantor's second best theorem states that every pair of countable, dense sets of reals are isomorphic as linear orders. From the perspective of set theory it's natural to ask whether some variant of this theorem can hold consistently when 'countable' is replaced by 'uncountable'. This was shown in the affirmative by Baumgartner in 1973 who showed the consistency of 'all -dense sets of reals are order isomorphic' where a set is -dense for a cardinal  if its intersection with any open interval has size . The above became known as Baumgartner's axiom, denoted BA, and is an important axiom in both combinatorial set theory and set theoretic topology. BA has natural higher dimensional analogues - i.e., statements with the same relation to  that BA has to . It is a long standing open conjecture of Steprāns and Watson that BA implies its higher dimensional analogues.

In the talk I will describe some attempts to break the ice on this open problem mostly by looking at a family of weaker and stronger variants of BA and investigating their combinatorial, analytic and topological consequences. We will show that while some weak variants of BA have all the same consequences as BA, even weaker ones do not. Meanwhile a strengthening of BA for Baire and Polish space gives much more information.

Next Week in Logic at CUNY:

- - - - Monday, Sep 9, 2024 - - - -

Rutgers Logic Seminar
Monday September 9, 3:30pm Hill Center, Hill 705
Corey Switzer, KGRC
Weak and Strong Variants of Baumgartner's Axiom for Polish Spaces

Logic and Metaphysics Workshop
Date: Monday,September 9, 4.15-6.15pm (NY time)
Room: Graduate Center Room 4419
Speaker: Hartry Field (NYU)
Title: Well-behaved truth
Abstract: Common-sense reasoning with truth involves both the use of classical logic and the assumption of the transparency of truth (the equivalence between a sentence and the attribution of truth to it). The semantic paradoxes show that at least one of these must go, and different theorists make different choices. But whatever one’s choice, it’s valuable to carve out one or more domains where both classical logic and transparency can be assumed; domains where everything is *well-behaved*.  In this talk I’ll explore a method of adding a predicate of well-behavedness to various truth theories, which works for both classical and nonclassical theories (including non-classical theories with special conditionals). With such a predicate, one can reason more easily, and formulate and prove generalizations that are unavailable without such a predicate. Besides their intrinsic interest, these generalizations greatly increase the proof-theoretic strength of axiomatic theories.  (There are some previous proposals for adding a well-behavedness predicate to specific classical theories, and others for adding one to non-classical theories without special conditionals.  The current proposal, besides being general, is also more satisfactory in the individual cases, and is the only one I know of for non-classical theories with conditionals.)

- - - - Tuesday, Sep 10, 2024 - - - -

- - - - Wednesday, Sep 11, 2024 - - - -

- - - - Thursday, Sep 12, 2024 - - - -

- - - - Friday, Sep 13, 2024 - - - -

Logic Workshop
CUNY Graduate Center
Friday September 13, 2:00pm-3:30pm, Room 4419

David Marker, University of Illinois at Chicago
Rigid real closed fields

Shelah showed that it is consistent that there are uncountable rigid non-archimedean real closed fields and, later, he and Mekler proved this in . Answering a question of Enayat, Charlie Steinhorn and I show that there are countable rigid non-archimedean real closed fields by constructing one of transcendence degree two.

- - - - Other Logic News - - - -

- - - - Web Site - - - -

Find us on the web at:
(site designed, built & maintained by Victoria Gitman)

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If you have a logic-related event that you would like included in future mailings, please email

Logic Seminar 11 September 2024 17:00 hrs by Kihara Takayuki at NUS

NUS Logic Seminar
Invitation to the Logic Seminar at the National University of Singapore Date: Wednesday, 11 September 2024, 17:00 hrs Place: NUS, Department of Mathematics, S17#04-04 Speaker: Kihara Takayuki Title: Degrees of unsolvability of natural problems: A realizability-theoretic approach Abstract: The theories of degrees of unsolvability and realizability interpretation both have long histories, having both been born in the 1940s. S. C. Kleene was a key figure who led the development of both theories. Despite having been developed by the same person, there seems to have been little deep mixing of these theories until recently. In this talk, we will reconstruct the theory of degrees of unsolvability from the perspective of realizability theory. URL:

Wednesday seminar

Prague Set Theory Seminar
Dear all, The seminar meets on Wednesday September 11th at 11:00 in the Institute of Mathematics CAS, Zitna 25, seminar room, 3rd floor, front building. Program: Pedro Marun -- Labelled sets A theorem of Dilworth asserts that, if a poset P has no antichains of size m+1, where m is a natural number, then P can be written as a union of m many chains. If m is instead an infinite cardinal, then the analogous statement is false, counterexamples were constructed by Perles. In recent work, Abraham and Pouzet gave a basis for the class of such counterexamples, and asked if it could be somewhat simplified. Labelled sets arise in connection with these counterexamples. We show that, when the underlying sets are aleph_1-dense, then any two labelled sets embed into each other. Best, David

This Week in Logic at CUNY

This Week in Logic at CUNY
This initial edition of This Week in Logic at CUNY is going out midweek, but in future our mailings will be on Sunday evenings as in the past.  Welcome back, everyone!


This Week in Logic at CUNY:

- - - - Thursday, Sep 05, 2024 - - - -

- - - - Friday, Sep 06, 2024 - - - -

Set Theory Seminar
CUNY Graduate Center
Friday, September 6, 11:00am NY time
Virtual: Please email Victoria Gitman ( for zoom info.

Corey Switzer, Kurt Gödel Research Center
Reflecting Ordinals and Forcing

Let  and  either  or . An ordinal  is called -reflecting if for each  and each -formula  if  then there is a  so that  where here  refers to full second order logic. The least -reflecting ordinal is called  and the least -ordinal is called . These ordinals provably exist and are countable (for all ). They arise naturally in proof theory, particularly in calibrating consistency strength of strong arithmetics and weak set theories. Moreover, surprisingly, their relation to one another relies heavily on the background set theory. If  then for all  we have  (due to Cutland) while under PD for all  we have  if and only if  is even (due to Kechris).
Surprisingly nothing was known about these ordinals in any model which satisfies neither  nor PD. In this talk I will sketch some recent results which aim at rectifying this. In particular we will show that in any generic extension by any number of Cohen or Random reals, a Sacks, Miller or Laver real, or any lightface, weakly homogeneous Borel ccc forcing notion agrees with  about which ordinals are -reflecting (for any  and ). Meanwhile, in the generic extension by collapsing  many interesting things happen, not least amongst them that  and  are increased - yet still below  for . Along the way we will discuss the plethora of open problems in this area. This is joint work with Juan Aguilera.

Logic Workshop
CUNY Graduate Center
Friday September 6, 2:00pm-3:30pm, Room 6417 (NOTICE THE CHANGE! BACK TO OUR PRE-2023 ROOM)

Corey Switzer, Kurt Gödel Research Center
Weak and Strong Variants of Baumgartner's Axiom for Polish Spaces

(One version of) Cantor's second best theorem states that every pair of countable, dense sets of reals are isomorphic as linear orders. From the perspective of set theory it's natural to ask whether some variant of this theorem can hold consistently when 'countable' is replaced by 'uncountable'. This was shown in the affirmative by Baumgartner in 1973 who showed the consistency of 'all -dense sets of reals are order isomorphic' where a set is -dense for a cardinal  if its intersection with any open interval has size . The above became known as Baumgartner's axiom, denoted BA, and is an important axiom in both combinatorial set theory and set theoretic topology. BA has natural higher dimensional analogues - i.e., statements with the same relation to  that BA has to . It is a long standing open conjecture of Steprāns and Watson that BA implies its higher dimensional analogues.

In the talk I will describe some attempts to break the ice on this open problem mostly by looking at a family of weaker and stronger variants of BA and investigating their combinatorial, analytic and topological consequences. We will show that while some weak variants of BA have all the same consequences as BA, even weaker ones do not. Meanwhile a strengthening of BA for Baire and Polish space gives much more information.

Next Week in Logic at CUNY:

- - - - Monday, Sep 9, 2024 - - - -

Rutgers Logic Seminar
Monday September 9, 3:30pm Hill Center, Hill 705
Corey Switzer, KGRC
Weak and Strong Variants of Baumgartner's Axiom for Polish Spaces

Logic and Metaphysics Workshop
Date: Monday,September 9, 4.15-6.15pm (NY time)
Room: Graduate Center Room 4419
Speaker: Hartry Field (NYU)
Title: Well-behaved truth
Abstract: Common-sense reasoning with truth involves both the use of classical logic and the assumption of the transparency of truth (the equivalence between a sentence and the attribution of truth to it). The semantic paradoxes show that at least one of these must go, and different theorists make different choices. But whatever one’s choice, it’s valuable to carve out one or more domains where both classical logic and transparency can be assumed; domains where everything is *well-behaved*.  In this talk I’ll explore a method of adding a predicate of well-behavedness to various truth theories, which works for both classical and nonclassical theories (including non-classical theories with special conditionals). With such a predicate, one can reason more easily, and formulate and prove generalizations that are unavailable without such a predicate. Besides their intrinsic interest, these generalizations greatly increase the proof-theoretic strength of axiomatic theories.  (There are some previous proposals for adding a well-behavedness predicate to specific classical theories, and others for adding one to non-classical theories without special conditionals.  The current proposal, besides being general, is also more satisfactory in the individual cases, and is the only one I know of for non-classical theories with conditionals.)

- - - - Tuesday, Sep 10, 2024 - - - -

- - - - Wednesday, Sep 11, 2024 - - - -

- - - - Thursday, Sep 12, 2024 - - - -

- - - - Friday, Sep 13, 2024 - - - -

Logic Workshop
CUNY Graduate Center
Friday September 13, 2:00pm-3:30pm, Room 6417 (NOTICE THE CHANGE! BACK TO OUR PRE-2023 ROOM)

David Marker, University of Illinois at Chicago
Rigid real closed fields

Shelah showed that it is consistent that there are uncountable rigid non-archimedean real closed fields and, later, he and Mekler proved this in . Answering a question of Enayat, Charlie Steinhorn and I show that there are countable rigid non-archimedean real closed fields by constructing one of transcendence degree two.

- - - - Other Logic News - - - -

- - - - Web Site - - - -

Find us on the web at:
(site designed, built & maintained by Victoria Gitman)

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Location change -- Wednesday seminar -- Macpherson

Prague Set Theory Seminar
Dear all, LOCATION CHANGE The seminar tomorrow will take place in the blue lecture hall, ground floor, rear building, Institute of Mathematics CAS, Zitna 25. Time is the same, we meet at 11:00. Best, David On 30/08/2024 14:36, David Chodounsky wrote: > Dear all, > > The seminar meets on Wednesday September 4th at 11:00 in the Institute > of Mathematics CAS, Zitna 25, seminar room, 3rd floor, front building. > > > Program: Dugald Macpherson -- Definable set in finite structures, and > generalised measurable structures > > A result of Chatzidakis, van den Dries and Macintyre says that  if > \phi(x,y) is a formula in the language of rings (x,y tuples), then there > are finitely many pairs (\mu,d)  (\mu positive rational, d a natural > number) such that for any finite field F_q and parameter a,  the set > \phi(F_q,a) has size roughly \mu.q^d for one of the pairs (\mu,d). This > builds on the Lang-Weil estimates for the number of rational points in > an algebraic variety over a finite field. The result ensures that > pseudofinite fields have a notion of measure assigned to definable sets > and satisfying various axioms (such as a Fubini condition) and in > particular that pseudofinite fields have supersimple theory. > > I will describe various generalisations of this result, starting with > work  with Steinhorn, extended by Elwes, Ryten and others, and leading > to a further framework from a recent paper with Anscombe, Steinhorn and > Wolf. > > > > Best, > David

Wednesday seminar -- Macpherson

Prague Set Theory Seminar
Dear all, The seminar meets on Wednesday September 4th at 11:00 in the Institute of Mathematics CAS, Zitna 25, seminar room, 3rd floor, front building. Program: Dugald Macpherson -- Definable set in finite structures, and generalised measurable structures A result of Chatzidakis, van den Dries and Macintyre says that if \phi(x,y) is a formula in the language of rings (x,y tuples), then there are finitely many pairs (\mu,d) (\mu positive rational, d a natural number) such that for any finite field F_q and parameter a, the set \phi(F_q,a) has size roughly \mu.q^d for one of the pairs (\mu,d). This builds on the Lang-Weil estimates for the number of rational points in an algebraic variety over a finite field. The result ensures that pseudofinite fields have a notion of measure assigned to definable sets and satisfying various axioms (such as a Fubini condition) and in particular that pseudofinite fields have supersimple theory. I will describe various generalisations of this result, starting with work with Steinhorn, extended by Elwes, Ryten and others, and leading to a further framework from a recent paper with Anscombe, Steinhorn and Wolf. Best, David

Logic Seminar 28 August 2024 17:00 hrs by Linus Richter, NUS

NUS Logic Seminar
Invitation to the Logic Seminar at the National University of Singapore Date: Wednesday, 28 August 2024, 17:00 hrs Place: NUS, Department of Mathematics, S17#04-04 Speaker: Linus Richter Title: Definable (Classical) Mathematics URL: Abstract: I will outline a few connections between various notions of definability (which vary in degree of logical formality), give examples, and describe some open questions at the intersection of logic and classical mathematics.

Logic Seminar at NUS on 21 Aug 2024 17:00 hrs by Vo Ngoc Thieu

NUS Logic Seminar
Invitation to the Logic Seminar at the National University of Singapore Date: Wednesday, 21 August 2024, 17:00 hrs Place: NUS, Department of Mathematics, S17#04-04 Speaker: Vo Ngoc Thieu Title: Some Computational Aspects of Differential-Algebraic Equations Abstracts: Let DAE denote ``Differential-Algebraic Equation''. The main aim of this talk is to introduce our recent results on computational problems related to DAEs, including the effective differential Nullstellensatz, effective differential elimination, and finding general solutions of low-order algebraic ODEs. The effective differential Nullstellensatz involves finding a positive integer N for a given DAE system, such that one can check the consistency of the system by performing N differentiations and polynomial eliminations. Differential elimination involves removing independent variables from a DAE system. Differential Nullstellensatz and elimination are two fundamental problems in differential algebra and differential algebraic geometry. Since the number N represents the computational complexity of the effective differential Nullstellensatz and elimination, finding an upper bound for N is crucial. We will present our recent investigations into the problem of determining an upper bound for N. In addition, our results on the problem of determining algebraic/rational general solutions of first-order algebraic ODEs, as well as their connection with the Poincare problem, will also be presented. URL:

KGRC talk August 16

Kurt Godel Research Center
KGRC/Institute of Mathematics invites you to the following talk: Set Theory Seminar Kolingasse 14--16, 1090, 1st floor, SR 10, Friday, August 16, 1:00pm--2:00pm, hybrid mode "Inaccessible cardinals and weak compactness in ZF" H. Duncan (U of Leeds, GB) Symmetric extensions are a generalisation of forcing used to extend models of ZF. We will give an introduction to the technique of symmetric extensions and use them to prove results in ZF. Specifically, we will show that $\omega_1$ can be inaccessible in ZF. We will finally examine weak compactness in ZF, as many weak compactness results which are equivalent in ZFC are not equivalent in ZF. These non equivalences can be shown explicitly at $\omega_1$. Zoom info: If you have not received the Zoom data by the day before the talk, please contact Please direct any questions about this talk to * * * Updates at

Logic Seminar 7 August 2024 17:00 hrs at NUS by Zhang Jing

NUS Logic Seminar
Invitation to the Logic Seminar at the National University of Singapore Date: Wednesday, 7 August 2024, 17:00 hrs Place: NUS, Department of Mathematics, S17#04-04 Speaker: Zhang Jing Title: Higher dimensional combinatorics URL: We expose an organizing framework to study higher dimensional infinitary combinatorics based on Cech cohomology, originating from works by Barry Mitchell, Barbara Osofsky and others. Key combinatorial notions include n-coherence and n-triviality for sequences of functions. We will use some recent vanishing and non-vanishing results to demonstrate "aleph_n is incompact for (n+1)-dimensional combinatorics" and "aleph_{omega+1} can be compact for n-dimensional combinatorics for all n". Time permitting, we will also discuss the possibility of generalizing classical 2-dimensional properties like being special or being Suslin to higher dimensions. The talk will be purely combinatorial. This is joint work with Jeffrey Bergfalk and Chris Lambie-Hanson.

Logic Seminar 31 July 2024 17:00 hrs at NUS by George Barmpalias, CAS

NUS Logic Seminar
Invitation to the Logic Seminar at the National University of Singapore Date: Wednesday, 31 July 2023, 17:00 hrs Place: NUS, Department of Mathematics, S17#04-05 Speaker: George Barmpalias, Institute of Software, Chinese Academy of Sciences Title: Questions and progress in Algorithmic Randomness Abstract: I will discuss current challenges and progress in algorithmic randomness, focusing on Chaitin's halting probability, almost everywhere domination and measures of relative randomness. I will offer conjectures, partial results and benchmark problems toward solving the main questions. URL:

Kyoto University RIMS Set Theory Workshop, October 9-11, 2024

Kyoto University RIMS Set Theory Workshop 2024 Announcement / Call for Contributions Kyoto University RIMS Workshop: Recent Developments in Axiomatic Set Theory Hybrid workshop Date: Wednesday October 9th to Friday October 11th, 2024 Organizer: Masahiro Shioya (University of Tsukuba) Overview: RIMS Set Theory Workshop is held annually at the Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Kyoto University, Japan. It aims to bring together researchers in Set Theory from Japan and abroad and to foster research exchange. We encourage both young researchers and experts to contribute with talks. Any topics in Set Theory and relevant areas, as well as both in-person talks at RIMS and online talks via Zoom, are welcome. Invited Lectures: Monroe Eskew (University of Vienna): Dense ideals Gabriel Goldberg (UC Berkeley): The Ultrapower Axiom Registration through the website Registration deadlines: Contributed talks: August 31st, 2024 Attendance in person: August 31st, 2024 Attendance via Zoom: October 7th, 2024
Link to more info

Wednesday seminar

Prague Set Theory Seminar
Dear all, The seminar meets on Wednesday July 3rd at 11:00 in the Institute of Mathematics CAS, Zitna 25, blue lecture hall, ground floor, rear building. NOTE THE UNUSUAL LOCATION! Program: Jindrich Zapletal -- A convenient axiomatization of the Solovay model I provide a simple forcing-free axiomatization of the choiceless Solovay model, which proves many of its features and features of its generic extensions. It is unlikely that there will be more Wednesday seminars during the rest of July. Seminars in August are uncertain. You might be interested in the Midsummer Combinatorial Workshop which will take place during July 29--August 2nd at Mala Strana, there will be a number of interesting visitors. Best, David

Set theory and topology seminar 25.06.2024 everybody

Wrocław Set Theory Seminar

I am happy to announce that the last seminar this semester in Set Theory and Topology (on Thuesday 25.06.2024 at 17:15) will take place in 

"Forma Płynna Beach Bar"

Plaża miejska, Wybrzeże Wyspiańskiego.

Every participant is the speaker.

Feel free to spread this information among Your colleagues.

I'm looking forward to seeing You
Szymon Żeberski

(on behalf of the organizers, i.e. Piotr Borodulin-Nadzieja, Paweł Krupski, Aleksandra Kwiatkowska, Grzegorz Plebanek, Robert Rałowski  and myself)

Wednesday seminar

Prague Set Theory Seminar
Dear all, The seminar meets on Wednesday June 26th at 11:00 in the Institute of Mathematics CAS, Zitna 25, seminar room, 3rd floor, front building. Program: Tristan Bice -- Constructing Compacta from Posets Trees are commonly used to construct topological spaces from their branches. However, the resulting spaces are usually quite special, e.g. having lots of clopen sets. Our goal is to construct more general (e.g. connected) spaces in a similar way from posets that are still quite 'tree-like'. This leads to a simple construction allowing us to build any second countable compact T_1 space (e.g. any metrisable compactum) from a countable graded poset with finite levels. In particular, this can be used to construct spaces like the pseudoarc and Lelek fan as Fraïssé limits in appropriate categories of graphs with relational morphisms. Continuous maps can also be encoded by certain relations between the posets with potential applications to finding dense and comeagre conjugacy classes of homeomorphisms, again in a simple Fraïssé theoretic way (joint work with Adam Bartoš, Maciej Malicki and Alessandro Vignati). Best, David

Set theory and topology seminar 18.06.2024 Aleksander Cieślak

Wrocław Set Theory Seminar
I am happy to announce that at the seminar in set theory and topology (on Tuesday 18.06.2024 at 17:15 in room A.4.1 C-19  (Wrocław University of Science and Technology) the lecture:
"The splitting ideal"
will be presented by

Aleksander Cieślak

We will investigate the cardinal invariants and the Katetov position of certain ideal on \omega. As a result we will obtain a new upper boundary of the covering number of the density zero ideal.

Feel free to spread this information among Your colleagues.

I'm looking forward to seeing You
Szymon Żeberski

(on behalf of the organizers, i.e. Piotr Borodulin-Nadzieja, Paweł Krupski, Aleksandra Kwiatkowska, Grzegorz Plebanek, Robert Rałowski  and myself)

About 15 minutes before the seminar we invite you for coffee and a chat to social room A.4.1.A in C-19. 


Our webpages:

Wednesday seminar

Prague Set Theory Seminar
Dear all, The seminar meets on Wednesday June 19th at 11:00 in the Institute of Mathematics CAS, Zitna 25, seminar room, 3rd floor, front building. Program: Katerina Fukova -- Structure of semiartinian rings For (von Neumann) regular semiartinian rings with primitive factors artinian there is an invariant called dimension sequence (Theorem 2.1 in [1]) formed by slices of socle chain of the ring. The necessary conditions on this invariant were studied for example in [2]. We will focus on how much the dimension sequence determines the ring. I will discuss some specific case of commutative rings for which the ring corresponding to any suitable dimension sequence is (up to isomorphism) given by one construction from the ring of eventually constant sequences. Based on the joint work in progress with Jan Trlifaj. [1] P. Růžička, J. Trlifaj, J. Žemlička: Criteria of Steadiness. Marcel Dekker Abelian Groups, Module Theory, and Topology, 1998. [2] J. Žemlička: On socle chains of semiartinian rings with primitive factors artinian. Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics, Volume 37, 2016, Pages 316-322. Best, David

KGRC talk June 20

Kurt Godel Research Center
KGRC/Institute of Mathematics invites you to the following talk: Set Theory Seminar Kolingasse 14--16, 1090, 1st floor, SR 10, Thursday, June 20, 11:30am--1:00pm, hybrid mode "Dense ideals (3/3) M. Eskew (U Wien) This is part of a three talk series. The first installment was on June 6, the second one on June 13 In the third and final lecture of this series, we will finish outlining the proof of the consistency result that all $\aleph_n$ can simultaneously carry dense ideals.  This will involve a "uniformization" forcing that follows the Shioya collapse, several strategic closure arguments, and lifting an almost-huge embedding.  We will focus on the arguments for getting the result on $\aleph_1$ and $\aleph_2$, and briefly describe how to modify the uniformization forcing to go further. Zoom info: If you have not received the zoom data by the day before the talk, please contact Please direct any questions about this talk to * * * * * * * * * Video recordings available so far of the Set Theory Seminar: June 11: L. Notaro (U Turin, IT), "Computable vs. Descriptive Combinatorics of Local Problems" June 13: M. Eskew (U Wien), "Dense ideals (2/3)" Video recordings available so far of the Logic Colloquium: June 13: P. Speissegger (McMaster U, Hamilton, CA), "How can model theory help understand Hilbert's 16th problem?" * * * * * * * * * Updates at -- Institute of Mathematics (Kurt Goedel Research Center, Logic) University of Vienna Kolingasse 14-16, #7.48 1090 Vienna, Austria Phone: +43/ (0)1 4277-50501

56th Nankai Logic Colloquium

Nankai Logic Colloquium

Hello everyone,

This week our weekly Nankai Logic Colloquium will be in the afternoon.

Our speaker this week will be Lionel Nguyen Van The from Aix-Marseille University. This talk will take place this Friday,  June 14th,  from 4pm to 5pm (UTC+8, Beijing time). 

Title: Ramsey theory in the context of Fraisse classes.

Structural Ramsey theory appeared naturally as a branch of Ramsey theory in the seventies, and is concerned with partition properties of combinatorial objects that are equipped with some structure (typically, in the sense of first order logic). While several seminal results were proved in those years, the subject was offered an unexpected revival thirty years later, whose consequences are still being felt today. This talk will be an attempt to describe the main lines of thought behind this story, starting from the pioneering work of Graham, Leeb, Nesetril, Rödl, Rothschild, Spencer and Voigt, continuing with that of Kechris, Pestov and Todorcevic, and finishing with that of Dobrinen. 


This is going to be an online event. Follow the link below to join the Zoom meeting. Please use your real name to join the meeting.

Title :The 56th Nankai Logic Colloquium-- Lionel Nguyen Van The
Time :16:00pm, Jun. 14, 2024(Beijing Time)
Zoom Number : 436 658 8683
Passcode :477893
Link :

Best wishes,

Ming Xiao

Set theory and topology seminar 11.06.2024 Jadwiga Świerczyńska

Wrocław Set Theory Seminar
I am happy to announce that at the seminar in set theory and topology (on Tuesday 11.06.2024 at 17:15 in room A.4.1 C-19  (Wrocław University of Science and Technology) the lecture:
"On Q- and selective measures"
will be presented by

Jadwiga Świerczyńska

We will present some generalizations of well-known definitions of types of ultrafilters to the realm of finitely additive measures on $\omega$. We will show a few results similar to the ones for ultrafilters: measure is selective if and only if it is a P-measure and a Q-measure, and that selective measures (Q-measures, respectively) are minimal in the Rudin-Keisler (Rudin-Blass) ordering. We will also show an example of a selective non-atomic measure. The second part will be focused on the integration: we will briefly describe Lebesgue integral with respect to finitely additive measures on $\omega$ and prove that it is a generalization of an ultralimit. Finally, we will present an idea of further generalizations of these definitions for functionals on $\ell^{\infty}$.

Feel free to spread this information among Your colleagues.

I'm looking forward to seeing You
Szymon Żeberski

(on behalf of the organizers, i.e. Piotr Borodulin-Nadzieja, Paweł Krupski, Aleksandra Kwiatkowska, Grzegorz Plebanek, Robert Rałowski  and myself)

About 15 minutes before the seminar we invite you for coffee and a chat to social room A.4.1.A in C-19. 


Our webpages:

KGRC talks June 11 -13

Kurt Godel Research Center
KGRC/Institute of Mathematics invites you to the following talks: (updates at Set Theory Seminar Kolingasse 14--16, 1090, 1st floor, SR 10, Tuesday, June 11, 3:00pm--4:30pm, hybrid mode "Does $\mathsf{DC}$ imply $\mathsf{AC_\omega}$, uniformly?" L. Notaro (U Turin, IT) The axiom of dependent choice $\mathsf{DC}$ and the axiom of countable choice $\mathsf{AC_\omega}$ are two weak forms of the axiom of choice that can be stated for a specific set: $\mathsf{DC}(X)$ assets that any total binary relation on $X$ has an infinite chain; $\mathsf{AC_\omega}(X)$ assets that any countable family of nonempty subsets of $X$ has a choice function. It is well-known that $\mathsf{DC}$ implies $\mathsf{AC_\omega}$. We discuss and sketch the proof of the following theorem: it is consistent with $\mathsf{ZF}$ that there is a set $A\subseteq \mathbb{R}$ such that $\mathsf{DC}(A)$ holds but $\mathsf{AC_\omega}(A)$ fails. This is joint work with Alessandro Andretta. Zoom info: If you have not received the Zoom data by the day before the talk, please contact Please direct any questions about this talk * * * * * * * * * Set Theory Seminar Kolingasse 14--16, 1090, 1st floor, SR 10, Thursday, June 13, 11:30am--1:00pm, hybrid mode "Dense ideals (2/3) M. Eskew (U Wien) This is part of a three talk series. The first installment was on June 6 In the second lecture, we will begin the consistency proof that all $\omega_n$ can carry dense ideals simultaneously.  We start with preliminaries on complete $\kappa$-closure, continuous projections, and inverse limits.  Then we introduce our main forcing, the Dual Shioya collapse, and establish its key properties. Zoom info: If you have not received the Zoom data by the day before the talk, please contact Please direct any questions about this talk to * * * * * * * * * Video recordings available so far of the Set Theory Seminar: June 6: M. Eskew (U Wien) "Dense ideals (1/3)" -- Institute of Mathematics (Kurt Goedel Research Center, Logic) University of Vienna Kolingasse 14-16, #7.48 1090 Vienna, Austria Phone: +43/ (0)1 4277-50501

55th Nankai Logic Colloquium

Nankai Logic Colloquium

Hello everyone,

This week our weekly Nankai Logic Colloquium will be in the afternoon.

Our speaker this week will be Rizos Sklinos from the Chinese Academy of Sciences. This talk will take place this Friday,  June 7th,  from 4pm to 5pm (UTC+8, Beijing time). 

Title: First-order sentences in random groups 

Abstract: Gromov in his seminal paper introducing hyperbolic groups claimed that a “typical” finitely presented group is hyperbolic. His statement can be made rigorous in various natural ways. The model of randomness that is preferentially focused on is Gromov's density model, as it allows a fair amount of flexibility. In this model a random group is hyperbolic with overwhelming probability. In a different line of thought, Tarski asked whether all non-abelian free groups share the same first-order theory (in the language of groups). This question proved very hard to tackle and only after more than 50 years Sela and Kharlampovich-Myasnikov answered the question positively. Combining the two, J. Knight conjectured that a first-order sentence holds with overwhelming probability in a random group if and only if it is true in a no abelian free group. In joint work with O. Kharlampovich we answer the question positively for universal-existential sentences.

This is going to be an online/offline hybrid event. Follow the link below to join the Zoom meeting. Please use your real name to join the meeting.

Title :The 55th Nankai Logic Colloquium-- Rizos Sklinos

Time :16:00pm, Jun. 7, 2024(Beijing Time)

Zoom Number : 436 658 8683

Passcode :477893


Best wishes,

Ming Xiao

Wednesday seminar

Prague Set Theory Seminar
Dear all, The seminar meets on Wednesday June 12th at 11:00 in the Institute of Mathematics CAS, Zitna 25, seminar room, 3rd floor, front building. Program: Bryant Rosado Silva -- Generically hereditarily equivalent Peano continua We say that a continuum $X$ is hereditarily equivalent if every nondegenerate subcontinuum of it is homeomorphic to X. This concept is one of the main motivations behind the construction of the pseudo-arc. If considered in the hyperspace of continua of X, denoted by Cont(X), it means that Cont(X) \ Fin(X) = { K in Cont(X) : \ K ~ X }. This is an open and dense set, hence comeager, thus we can say that the generic subcontinua of X is homeomorphic to X. Therefore, it is natural to ask if there exist other spaces that satisfy this property of having such collection of homeomorphic sets comeager in the hyperspace. We call these spaces generically hereditarily equivalent continua and show that the generalized Wazewski dendrites W_M for M subset { 3,4,..., infinity } are examples. Moreover, in the hyperspace of maximal order arcs of W_M, the chains having every nondegenerate element homeomorphic to W_M make a comeager subset of the maximal order arcs. Finally, we show that it is possible to find a comeager collection of chains with even more specific properties. This is a joint work with Benjamin Vejnar (Charles University). Best, David

Cross-Alps Logic Seminar (speaker: Lorenz Halbeisen)

Cross-Alps Logic Seminar
On Friday 07.06.2024 at 16.00 CEST
Lorenz Halbeisen (ETH Zürich)
will give a talk on 
The Graph Embedding Property and its relation to the Prime Ideal
Please refer to the usual webpage of our LogicGroup for more details and the abstract of the talk.

The seminar will be held remotely through Webex. Please write to vincenzo.dimonte [at] uniud [dot] it for the link to the event.

The Cross-Alps Logic Seminar is co-organized by the logic groups of Genoa, Lausanne, Turin and Udine as part of our collaboration in the project PRIN 2022 'Models, Sets and Classifications'.

All the best,

Wednesday seminar

Prague Set Theory Seminar
Dear all, No seminar this Wednesday June 5th as many of the regular participants are not available. Best, David

Set theory and topology seminar 4.06.2024 Andres Uribe-Zapata (TU Wien)

Wrocław Set Theory Seminar
I am happy to announce that at the seminar in set theory and topology (on Tuesday 4.06.2024 at 17:15 in room A.4.1 C-19  (Wrocław University of Science and Technology) the lecture:
"Finitely additive measures on Boolean algebras: freeness and integration"
will be presented by

Andres Uribe-Zapata (TU Wien)


In this talk, we present an integration theory with respect to finitely additive measures on a field of sets $\mathcal{B} \subseteq \mathcal(X)$ for some non-empty set $X$. For this, we start by reviewing some fundamental properties of finitely additive measures on Boolean algebras. Later, we present a definition of the integral in this context and some basic properties of the integral and the integrability. We also study integration over subsets of $X$ to introduce the Jordan algebra and compare the integration on this new algebra with the integration on $\mathcal{B}$. Finally, we say that a finitely additive measure on $\mathcal{B}$ is \emph{free} if $\mathcal{B}$ contains any finite subset of $X$ and its measure is zero. We close the talk by providing some characterizations of free finitely additive measures.  

This is a joint work with Miguel A. Cardona and Diego A. Mejía.


[CMU] Miguel A. Cardona, Diego A. Mejía and Andrés F. Uribe-Zapata. Finitely additive measures on Boolean algebras. In Preparation. 

[UZ23] Andrés Uribe-Zapata. Iterated forcing with finitely additive measures: applications of probability to forcing theory. Master’s thesis, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, sede Medellín, 2023.

Feel free to spread this information among Your colleagues.

I'm looking forward to seeing You
Szymon Żeberski

(on behalf of the organizers, i.e. Piotr Borodulin-Nadzieja, Paweł Krupski, Aleksandra Kwiatkowska, Grzegorz Plebanek, Robert Rałowski  and myself)

About 15 minutes before the seminar we invite you for coffee and a chat to social room A.4.1.A in C-19. 


Our webpages:

KGRC Talk - June 6

Kurt Godel Research Center
KGRC/Institute of Mathematics invites you to the following talk: Set Theory Seminar Kolingasse 14--16, 1090, 1st floor, SR 10, Thursday, June 6, 11:30am--1:00pm, hybrid mode  "Dense ideals (1/3)" M. Eskew (U Wien) In this three-part lecture series, I will present my recent result with Yair Hayut that it is consistent for all successors of regular cardinals to carry dense ideals. We will start a bit out of order with applications, beginning with Woodin’s "transfer theorem" that shows that if we have diamonds and a normal ideal $J$ on $\kappa^+$ such that $\mathcal{P}(\kappa^+)/J$ is equivalent to $\mathrm{Col}(\kappa$, \kappa^+$), then there is a uniform $\kappa$-complete ideal $K$ on $\kappa^+$ such that $\mathcal{P}(\kappa^+)/K$ is isomorphic to $\mathcal{P}(\kappa)/\mathrm{bounded}$. From this we can derive several combinatorial consequences that address some questions from graph theory and recent work on homological algebra on the ordinals. In the second and third lecture, we will outline the consistency proof. Zoom info: If you have not received the Zoom data by the day before the talk, please contact Please direct any questions about this talk to * * * * * * * * * May, 23: V. Haberl (TU Wien); "Concentrated sets and γ-sets in the Miller model" Video recordings available so far of the Logic Colloquium: May, 23: P. Szewczak (Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński U, Warsaw, PL); "Centenary of the Menger Conjecture" * * * * * * * * * Updates at -- Institute of Mathematics (Kurt Goedel Research Center, Logic) University of Vienna Kolingasse 14-16, #7.48 1090 Vienna, Austria Phone: +43/ (0)1 4277-50501

54th Nankai Logic Colloquium

Nankai Logic Colloquium

Hello everyone,

This week our weekly Nankai Logic Colloquium is going to be in the afternoon.

Our speaker this week will be Andre Nies from the University of Auckland. This talk is going to take place this Friday,  May 31,  from 4pm to 5pm (UTC+8, Beijing time). 

Title: Borel classes of closed subgroups of Sym(N) 

Abstract: Closed subgroups of the permutation group Sym(N) are interesting,  being the automorphism groups of models M with domain the natural numbers.   We study various conjugation-invariant Borel classes from a logician’s point of view. The locally Roelcke precompact groups form the largest class considered. Interesting subclasses include the totally disconnected locally compact (t.d.l.c.)  groups, and the oligomorphic group (when M is omega-categorical). 

We establish for each class a Borel duality with a class of countable structures that are based on Roelcke precompact open cosets.  This is used for an upper bound on the Borel complexity of topological isomorphism relations (with Schlicht and Tent), and for an algorithmic theory in the t.d.l.c. case (with Melnikov).

A lower bound on the complexity of topological isomorphism remains open for the oligomorphic groups. Paolini and Shelah obtained smoothness under the additional hypothesis that each open subgroup has the pointwise stabiliser of a finite set as a subgroup of finite index. Work in progress with Paolini establishes such an upper bound for several other subclasses, such as the case when the model M has no algebraicity.

This is going to be an online event. Follow the link below to join the Zoom meeting. Please use your real name to join the meeting.

Title :The 54th Nankai Logic Colloquium-- Andre Nies

Time :16:00pm, May. 31, 2024(Beijing Time)

Zoom Number : 436 658 8683

Passcode :477893

Link :


Best wishes,

Ming Xiao

Cross-Alps Logic Seminar (speaker: Mirna Džamonja)

Cross-Alps Logic Seminar
On Friday 31.05.2024 at 16.00 CEST
Mirna Džamonja (CNRS-Université de Paris / IHPST)
will give a talk on 
Transfer principles in logic
Please refer to the usual webpage of our LogicGroup for more details and the abstract of the talk.

The seminar will be held remotely through Webex. Please write to vincenzo.dimonte [at] uniud [dot] it for the link to the event.

The Cross-Alps Logic Seminar is co-organized by the logic groups of Genoa, Lausanne, Turin and Udine as part of our collaboration in the project PRIN 2022 'Models, Sets and Classifications'.

All the best,

Wednesday seminar

Prague Set Theory Seminar
Dear all, The seminar meets on Wednesday May 29th at 11:00 in the Institute of Mathematics CAS, Zitna 25, seminar room, 3rd floor, front building. Program: Jonathan Cancino Manriquez -- Ultrafilters and large continuum The exact content of the talk has not yet been determined. However, for sure it will involve ultrafilters on the natural numbers, forcing and continuum bigger than omega_2. Best, David

This Week in Logic at CUNY

This Week in Logic at CUNY
This Week in Logic at CUNY:

- - - - Monday, May 20, 2024 - - - -

- - - - Tuesday, May 21, 2024 - - - -

- - - - Wednesday, May 22, 2024 - - - -

The New York City Category Theory Seminar
Department of Computer Science
Department of Mathematics
The Graduate Center of The City University of New York

Speaker:     Emilio Minichiello , The CUNY Graduate Center.

Date and Time:     Wednesday May 22, 2024, 7:00 - 8:30 PM. IN PERSON TALK!

Title:     Presenting Profunctors.

Abstract: In categorical database theory, profunctors are ubiquitous. For example, they are used to define schemas in the algebraic data model. However, they can also be used to query and migrate data. In this talk, we will discuss an interesting phenomenon that arises when trying to model profunctors in a computer. We will introduce two notions of profunctor presentations: the UnCurried and Curried presentations. They are modeled on thinking of profunctors as functors P: C^op x D -> Set and as functors P: C^op -> Set^D, respectively. Semantically of course, these are equivalent, but their syntactic properties are quite different. The UnCurried presentations are more intuitive and easier to work with, but they carry a fatal flaw: there does not exist a semantics-preserving composition operation of UnCurried presentations that also preserves finiteness. Therefore we introduce the Curried presentations and show that they remedy this flaw. In the process, we characterize which UnCurried Presentations can be made Curried, and discuss some applications. This talk will be based off of this recent preprint which is joint work with Gabriel Goren Roig and Joshua Meyers.

- - - - Thursday, May 23, 2024 - - - -

- - - - Friday, May 24, 2024 - - - -

Next Week in Logic at CUNY:

- - - - Monday, May 27, 2024 - - - -

- - - - Tuesday, May 28, 2024 - - - -

- - - - Wednesday, May 29, 2024 - - - -

- - - - Thursday, May 30, 2024 - - - -

- - - - Friday, May 31, 2024 - - - -

- - - - Other Logic News - - - -

- - - - Web Site - - - -

Find us on the web at:
(site designed, built & maintained by Victoria Gitman)

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KGRC Talks - May 24

Kurt Godel Research Center
KGRC/Institute of Mathematics invites you to the following talks: Set Theory Seminar Kolingasse 14--16, 1090, 1st floor, SR 10, Thursday, May 23, 11:30am--1:00pm, hybrid mode  "Concentrated sets and $\gamma$-sets in the Miller model" V. Haberl (TU Wien) Bartoszyński and Halbeisen conjectured that  in the Miller model there exists a concentrated set of reals of size $\mathfrak{c} = \omega_2$. Let us recall that a set $X\subseteq 2^\omega$ is concentrated if there exists a countable $Q\subseteq X$ such that $|X\setminus U|\leq \omega$ for every open set $U \subseteq 2^\omega$ with $Q\subseteq U$. In our talk we shall present the main ideas of the proof that this conjecture is false. Concentrated sets are canonical examples of Rothberger spaces of reals. We want to analyse the possible cardinalities of sets of reals satisfying selection principles in the Miller model. To avoid triviality we are interested in the totally imperfect cases, i.e. spaces that do not contain a copy of the Cantor space. Note that since $\mathfrak{d}$-concentrated sets are totally imperfect Menger spaces, there are such spaces of size continuum (since $\mathfrak{d} = \mathfrak{c}$). We shall sketch the proof that for the strongest selection principle, the $\gamma$-set  property, only cardinality atmost $\omega_1$ is possible. We hope that the tools of our results can be used as a prototype for the non-existence of Rothberger sets of reals with cardinality $\mathfrak{c}$. The goal would be to prove the same for Hurewicz totally imperfect sets of reals, the latter being a weaker property than Rothberger in the Miller model. The talk will be based on a recent joint work  with Piotr Szewczak and Lyubomyr Zdomskyy. Zoom info: If you have not received the Zoom data by the day before the talk, please contact Please direct any questions about this talk to * * * * * * * * * Logic Colloquium Oskar-Morgenstern-Platz 1, 1090, 2nd floor, HS 11, Thursday, May 23, 3:00pm--3:50pm, hybrid mode "Centenary of the Menger Conjecture" P. Szewczak (Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University, Warsaw, PL) In 1924, Menger observed that any metric space $X$ which is \emph{$\sigma$-compact} (i.e., it is a countable union of its compact subsets) has such a property that for any basis $\mathcal{B}$ of $X$, there are sets $B_0,B_1,\ldots\in\mathcal{B}$, such that $\mathrm{lim}_{n\to\infty}\mathrm{diam}(B_n)=0$ and $X=\bigcup_{n\in \omega }B_n$. Menger conjectured that the above property  characterizes $\sigma$-compactness in the class of metric spaces. Soon thereafter Hurewicz reformulated the  Menger property without using a metric: for any sequence $\mathcal{U}_0,\mathcal{U}_1,\ldots$ of open covers of a given topological space, there are finite sets $\mathcal{F}_1\subseteq\mathcal{U}_0, \mathcal{F}_1\subseteq\mathcal{U}_1,\ldots$ such that the family $\bigcup_{n\in\omega}\mathcal{F}_n$ is an open cover of the space.In that way, the definition of the Menger property was extended on all topological spaces. By the results of Fremlin--Miller and Bartoszyński--Tsaban, there is in ZFC a subspace of the real line which is Menger but no $\sigma$-compact. The aim of the talk is to present an overview of the Menger property which is one of the most influential property in the topological selections theory and it has many connections to topology, set-theory and function spaces. Zoom info: If you have not received the Zoom data by the day before the talk, please contact Please direct any questions about this talk to * * * * * * * * * Video recordings available so far of the Set Theory Seminar: May, 14:  O. Zindulka (Czech Technical U, Prague, CZ) "Combinatorics of Uniform Covers" May, 16: C.B. Switzer (U Wien) "Baumgartner's Axiom and Cardinal Characteristics: A Sparse Look at Dense Sets of Reals III" Video recordings available so far of the Logic Colloquium: May, 16: R. Sklinos (Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, CN) "First-order sentences in random groups" * * * * * * * * * Updates at -- Institute of Mathematics (Kurt Goedel Research Center, Logic) University of Vienna Kolingasse 14-16, #7.48 1090 Vienna, Austria Phone: +43/ (0)1 4277-50501

Wednesday seminar

Prague Set Theory Seminar
Dear all, The seminar meets on Wednesday May 22nd at 11:00 in the Institute of Mathematics CAS, Zitna 25, seminar room, 3rd floor, front building. Next week there will also be an extra session of the Set Theory and Analysis seminar on Friday May 24th at 14:00, talk delivered by John Truss. (As well as an interesting talk on Tuesday morning.) See here: Program (Wednesday): Jindřich Zapletal -- Partition properties of omega one without choice I will show that certain natural partition properties of omega one which follow from the axiom of determinacy still hold in balanced extensions of the Solovay model, making them consistent with such objects as Vitali sets or ultrafilters. Best, David

53rd Nankai Logic Colloquium

Nankai Logic Colloquium

Hello everyone,

This week our weekly Nankai Logic Colloquium is going to be in the afternoon, but at an irregular time, as we have two speakers this week.

Our speakers this week will be Yang Zheng and Ruiwen Li, both from Nankai University. This talk is going to take place this Friday,  May 17th,  from 2:30 pm to 5 pm (UTC+8, Beijing time). The first talk is starting at 2:30pm, and the second talk is starting at 4pm. Both talks are offline/online hybrid. 

Yang Zheng:
Title: On equivalence relations induced by Polish groups
Abstract: In this talk, we introduce Borel orbit equivalence relations, denoted by E(G), which can well-describe the structures and properties of a Polish group G from the perspective of Borel reduction.

Given a Polish group G, let E(G) be the right coset equivalence relation $G^\omega/c(G)$, where c(G) is the group of all convergent sequences in G. We shall present the following results: for a non-trivial Polish group G, we have that: (1) G is a countable group iff $E(G)\sim_B E_0$; (2) G is TSI non-archimedean uncountable iff $E(G)\sim_B E^\omega_0$; and (3) G is non-archimedean iff $E(G)\leq_B =^+$. In particular, $E(S_\infty)\sim_B =^+$ holds. Moreover, we will provide some Rigid Theorems and a Pre-rigid Theorem on TSI Polish groups, which can transform the existence problem of Borel reduction between E(G) equivalence relations, into the existence problem of well-behaved continuous homomorphisms between Polish groups. This is a joint work with Longyun Ding.

Ruiwen Li:
Title: Topological Type and Conjugacy Relation on Minimal Systems
Abstract: The complexity of conjugacy relation on minimal systems under Borel reducibility is a well-known question in descriptive set theory. In this talk, by analyzing the conjugacy relation on Oxtoby systems, I'll define an equivalence relation named topological type, this relation gives a lower bound of conjugacy complexity of minimal systems and shows that the conjugacy relation on minimal systems cannot be classified by countable structures. Moreover, when considering the  isomorphism relation of pointed minimal systems, the topological type relation describes its exact complexity.

This is going to be an offline/online hybrid event. Follow the link below to join the Zoom meeting. Please use your real name to join the meeting.

Title :The 53th Nankai Logic Colloquium 
Time :14:30pm, May. 17, 2024(Beijing Time)
Zoom Number : 371 037 9317
Passcode :477893
Link :


The records of past talks can be accessed at

Best wishes,

Ming Xiao

UPDATE: This Week in Logic at CUNY

This Week in Logic at CUNY

Hi everyone,

Note the addition of two talks in the NYC Category Theory Seminar, May 15 and May 22.


This Week in Logic at CUNY:

- - - - Monday, May 13, 2024 - - - -

- - - - Tuesday, May 14, 2024 - - - -

Computational Logic Seminar
Spring 2024 (online)
Tuesday, May 14, Time 2:00 - 4:00 PM (EDT)
zoom link: ask Sergei Artemov
SpeakerHans van Ditmarsch, CNRS, IRIT, University of Toulouse, France
Title: Epistemic logic and simplicial complexes

Abstract: All my working life as a logician epistemic logic came with Kripke models, in particular the kind for multiple agents with equivalence relations to interpret knowledge. Sure enough, I knew about enriched Kripke models, like subset spaces, or with topologies. But at some level of abstraction you get back your standard Kripke model. Imagine my surprise, around 2018, that there is an entirely dual sort of structure on which the epistemic logical language can be interpreted and that results in the same S5 logic: simplicial complexes. Instead of points that are worlds and links labeled with agents, we now have points that are agents and links labeled with worlds. Or, instead of edges (links), triangles, tetrahedrons, etcetera, that represent worlds. Simplicial complexes are well-known within combinatorial topology and have wide usage in distributed systems to model (a)synchronous computation. The link with epistemic modal logic is recent, spreading out from Mexico City and Paris to other parts of the world, like Vienna and Bern. Other logics are relevant too, for example KB4, in order to encode crashed processes/agents. Other epistemics are relevant too, and in particular distributed knowledge, which facilitates further generalizations from simplicial complexes to simplicial sets. It will be my pleasure to present my infatuation with this novel development connecting epistemic logic and distributed computing. Suggested introductory reading is:
Knowledge and Simplicial Complexes
Hans van Ditmarsch, Eric Goubault, Jeremy Ledent, Sergio Rajsbaum
Epistemic and Topological Reasoning in Distributed Systems (Dagstuhl Seminar 23272)
Armando Castañeda, Hans van Ditmarsch, Roman Kuznets, Yoram Moses, Ulrich Schmid
Section 4.3 Representing Epistemic Attitudes via Simplicial Complexes

- - - - Wednesday, May 15, 2024 - - - -

The New York City Category Theory Seminar
Department of Computer Science
Department of Mathematics
The Graduate Center of The City University of New York

Speaker:     Raymond Puzio.

Date and Time:     Wednesday May 15, 2024, 7:00 - 8:30 PM. IN-PERSON!

Title:     Uniqueness of Classical Retrodiction.

Abstract: In previous talks at this Category seminar and at the Topology, Geometry and Physics seminar, Arthur Parzygnat showed how Bayesian inversion and its generalization to quantum mechanics may be interpreted as a functor on a suitable category of states which satisfies certain axioms. Such a functor is called a retrodiction and Parzygnat and collaborators conjectured that retrodiction is unique. In this talk, I will present a proof of this conjecture for the special case of classical probability theory on finite state spaces.

In this special case, the category in question has non-degenerate probability distributions on finite sets as its objects and stochastic matrices as its morphisms. After preliminary definitions and lemmas, the proof proceeds in three main steps.

In the first step, we focus on certain groups of automorphisms of certain objects. As a consequence of the axioms, it follows that these groups are preserved under any retrodiction functor and that the restriction of the functor to such a group is a certain kind of group automorphism. Since this group is isomorphic to a Lie group, it is easy to prove that the restriction of a retrodiction to such a group must equal Bayesian inversion if we assume continuity. If we do not make that assumption, we need to work harder and derive continuity "from scratch" starting from the positivity condition in the definition of stochastic matrix.

In the second step, we broaden our attention to the full automorphism groups of objects of our category corresponding to uniform distributions. We show that these groups are generated by the union of the subgroup consisting of permutation matrices and the subgroup considered in the first step. From this fact, it follows that the restriction of a retrodiction to this larger group must equal Bayesian inversion.

In the third step, we finally consider all the objects and morphisms of our category. As a consequence of what we have shown in the first two steps and some preliminary lemmas, it follows that retrodiction is given by matrix conjugation. Furthermore, Bayesian inversion is the special case where the conjugating matrices are diagonal matrices. Because the hom sets of our category are convex polytopes and a retrodiction functor is a continuous bijection of such sets, a retodiction must map polytope faces to faces. By an algebraic argument, this fact implies that the conjugating matrices are diagonal, answering the conjecture in the affirmative.


- - - - Thursday, May 16, 2024 - - - -


- - - - Friday, May 17, 2024 - - - -

Next Week in Logic at CUNY:

- - - - Monday, May 20, 2024 - - - -

- - - - Tuesday, May 21, 2024 - - - -

- - - - Wednesday, May 22, 2024 - - - -

The New York City Category Theory Seminar
Department of Computer Science
Department of Mathematics
The Graduate Center of The City University of New York

Speaker:     Emilio Minichiello , The CUNY Graduate Center.

Date and Time:     Wednesday May 22, 2024, 7:00 - 8:30 PM. IN PERSON TALK!

Title:     Presenting Profunctors.

Abstract: In categorical database theory, profunctors are ubiquitous. For example, they are used to define schemas in the algebraic data model. However, they can also be used to query and migrate data. In this talk, we will discuss an interesting phenomenon that arises when trying to model profunctors in a computer. We will introduce two notions of profunctor presentations: the UnCurried and Curried presentations. They are modeled on thinking of profunctors as functors P: C^op x D -> Set and as functors P: C^op -> Set^D, respectively. Semantically of course, these are equivalent, but their syntactic properties are quite different. The UnCurried presentations are more intuitive and easier to work with, but they carry a fatal flaw: there does not exist a semantics-preserving composition operation of UnCurried presentations that also preserves finiteness. Therefore we introduce the Curried presentations and show that they remedy this flaw. In the process, we characterize which UnCurried Presentations can be made Curried, and discuss some applications. This talk will be based off of this recent preprint which is joint work with Gabriel Goren Roig and Joshua Meyers.

- - - - Thursday, May 23, 2024 - - - -

- - - - Friday, May 24, 2024 - - - -

- - - - Other Logic News - - - -

- - - - Web Site - - - -

Find us on the web at:
(site designed, built & maintained by Victoria Gitman)

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This Week in Logic at CUNY

This Week in Logic at CUNY
Hi everyone,

This will be our last edition of "This Week in Logic at CUNY" for the Spring 2024  semester -- regular mailings will resume in late August.  Special updates may be sent for events that arise in the meantime.

Wishing you a happy and productive summer!
All the best,

This Week in Logic at CUNY:

- - - - Monday, May 13, 2024 - - - -

- - - - Tuesday, May 14, 2024 - - - -

Computational Logic Seminar
Spring 2024 (online)
Tuesday, May 14, Time 2:00 - 4:00 PM (EDT)
zoom link: ask Sergei Artemov
SpeakerHans van Ditmarsch, CNRS, IRIT, University of Toulouse, France
Title: Epistemic logic and simplicial complexes

Abstract: All my working life as a logician epistemic logic came with Kripke models, in particular the kind for multiple agents with equivalence relations to interpret knowledge. Sure enough, I knew about enriched Kripke models, like subset spaces, or with topologies. But at some level of abstraction you get back your standard Kripke model. Imagine my surprise, around 2018, that there is an entirely dual sort of structure on which the epistemic logical language can be interpreted and that results in the same S5 logic: simplicial complexes. Instead of points that are worlds and links labeled with agents, we now have points that are agents and links labeled with worlds. Or, instead of edges (links), triangles, tetrahedrons, etcetera, that represent worlds. Simplicial complexes are well-known within combinatorial topology and have wide usage in distributed systems to model (a)synchronous computation. The link with epistemic modal logic is recent, spreading out from Mexico City and Paris to other parts of the world, like Vienna and Bern. Other logics are relevant too, for example KB4, in order to encode crashed processes/agents. Other epistemics are relevant too, and in particular distributed knowledge, which facilitates further generalizations from simplicial complexes to simplicial sets. It will be my pleasure to present my infatuation with this novel development connecting epistemic logic and distributed computing. Suggested introductory reading is:
Knowledge and Simplicial Complexes
Hans van Ditmarsch, Eric Goubault, Jeremy Ledent, Sergio Rajsbaum
Epistemic and Topological Reasoning in Distributed Systems (Dagstuhl Seminar 23272)
Armando Castañeda, Hans van Ditmarsch, Roman Kuznets, Yoram Moses, Ulrich Schmid
Section 4.3 Representing Epistemic Attitudes via Simplicial Complexes

- - - - Wednesday, May 15, 2024 - - - -

- - - - Thursday, May 16, 2024 - - - -


- - - - Friday, May 17, 2024 - - - -

Next Week in Logic at CUNY:

- - - - Monday, May 20, 2024 - - - -

- - - - Tuesday, May 21, 2024 - - - -

- - - - Wednesday, May 22, 2024 - - - -

- - - - Thursday, May 23, 2024 - - - -

- - - - Friday, May 24, 2024 - - - -

- - - - Other Logic News - - - -

- - - - Web Site - - - -

Find us on the web at:
(site designed, built & maintained by Victoria Gitman)

--------  ADMINISTRIVIA  --------

To subscribe/unsubscribe to this list, please email your request to

If you have a logic-related event that you would like included in future mailings, please email

120 Years of Choice, Leeds, 8–12 July 2024

120 Years of Choice, 8–12 July, 2024 This is a reminder for our conference 120 Years of Choice that will take place at the University of Leeds from 8th to 12th of July. For those that are still undecided, the scope of the conference is not limited to the Axiom of Choice and we will have a wide variety of speakers coming from different areas. The same of course also applies to poster submissions. Registration is still open until June 20th (20/06/2024), but we would like to ask all participants to register at their earliest convenience, so that we can plan accordingly. We have now extended the submission deadline for posters to May 31st (31/05/2024). Let us reiterate that we may be able to offer some financial support to those presenting a poster. We encourage any early career researchers to apply. For registration see more details at or email us at
Link to more info

Set Theory in the United Kingdom, Oxford, 16 May 2024

STUK 13 ("Set Theory in the United Kingdom") will take place at the Mathematical Institute of the University of Oxford on Thursday, 16 May 2024. We have already secured István Juhász and Thilo Weinert as invited speakers who both plan to be there in person. The schedule will be roughly as for the past meetings: we start in the late morning, have one talk before lunch, then lunch, then two more talks, and then ample time for "informal presentations" where everyone can and should speak to present themselves, their open questions, their research project, or their results.
Link to more info

Wednesday seminar

Prague Set Theory Seminar
Dear all, The seminar meets on Wednesday May 15th at 11:00 in the Institute of Mathematics CAS, Zitna 25, seminar room, 3rd floor, front building. Program: Jonathan Cancino Manriquez -- Basically generated ultrafilters This is a continuation of the last talk. We will recall and extend some facts that were already presented. Then we will prove some results on the existence of basically generated ultrafilters. Best, David

KGRC Set Theory Talks - May 12-17

Kurt Godel Research Center
KGRC/Institute of Mathematics invites you to the following talks: SetTheory Seminar Kolingasse 14–16, 1090, 1st floor, SR 10, hybrid mode TUESDAY, May 14, 3:00pm–4:30pm ”Combinatorics of Uniform Covers” O. Zindulka (Czech Technological University, Prague, CZ) We look at diagonalization properties for sequences of various flavors of uniform covers of separable metric spaces and we describe them with game-theoretic and Ramsey-like partition properties. Applications include strong measure zero, null-additive and meager-additive sets in Polish groups, Menger-bounded spaces etc. Some highlights: a link to fractal measures and how it can help with calculation of cardinal invariants; Galvin-Mycielski-Solovay Theorem in various contexts;a solution to a Scheepers problem regarding products of strong measure zero spaces. Zoom info: If you have not received the Zoom data by the day before the talk, please contact Please direct any questions about this talk to * * * * * * * * * Set Theory Seminar Kolingasse 14--16, 1090, 1st floor, SR 10, Thursday, May 16, 11:30am--1:00pm, hybrid mode "Baumgartner's Axiom and Cardinal Characteristics: A Sparse Look at Dense Sets of Reals III" C. B. Switzer (U Wien) Mini-course (25.04.2024-16.05.2024, 3 lectures) - 3rd lecture: Given a cardinal $\kappa$, a set of reals $A\subseteq \mathbb R$ is $\kappa$-dense if its intersection with any open interval has size $\kappa$. Baumgartner's axiom (BA)---proved consistent by Baumgartner in 1973---states that all $\aleph_1$-dense sets of reals are order isomorphic with the induced linear order from $\mathbb R$. This is the most straightforward generalization to the uncountable of Cantor's proof that all countable dense linear orders without endpoints are order isomorphic. BA has variations to other topological spaces---given a topological space $X$, a subset $A \subseteq X$ is $\kappa$-dense if its intersection with each non-empty open subset has size $\kappa$. The axiom BA($X$) states that given any two $\aleph_1$-dense subsets of $X$, say $A$ and $B$, there is an autohomeomorphism of $X$ mapping $A$ onto $B$. In this parlance BA is equivalent to BA ($\mathbb R$). Surprisingly BA is not equivalent to BA ($\mathbb R^n$) for any finite $1< n < \omega$. In fact BA does not follow from Martin's Axiom (Abraham-Rubin-Shelah) though BA($\mathbb R^n$) does (in fact from $\mathfrak{p} > \aleph_1$) for each $n > 1$ (Steprāns-Watson). In these three lectures I will discuss these ideas and some related ones including the question of when BA($X$) implies BA($Y$) for Polish spaces $X$ and $Y$. Central to these questions are the role of cardinal characteristics including the celebrated theorem of Todorčević that BA implies $\mathfrak b > \aleph_1$ as well as a recent, higher dimensional analogue of this result that for any $n < \omega$ BA($\mathbb R^n$) implies $\mathfrak b > \aleph_1$ (S.-Steprāns). There are many beautiful open problems in this area and I plan to make discussing them a focal point of the talks. The talks will start slowly and should be accessible to students. Time permitting, the final talk will include some new results. If and when these results are presented, they are joint work with Juris Steprāns. Zoom info: If you have not received the Zoom data by the day before the talk, please contact Please direct any questions about this talk to * * * * * * * * * Video recordings available of the Set Theory Workshop ”Compactness and Cardinal Invariants, Vienna, May 3, 2024: C. Agostini (TU Wien), "On Nagata-Smirnov spaces and metrizability-like properties" S. Bardyla (U Wien), "Bohr compactification of discrete groups and Schur ultrafilters" J. Cancino (Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague, CZ), "Some results on Tukey types of ultrafilters on the natural numbers" M. Iannella (TU Wien), "Descriptive consequences of rank-into-rank axioms" Ch. Lambie-Hanson (Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague, CZ), "Hajnal-Máté graphs and club guessing" A. Medini (TU Wien), "A complete classification of the zero-dimensional homogeneous spaces under determinacy" J.M. Millhouse (U Wien), "Projectively definable mad families of multiple sizes" Š. Stejskalová (Charles U, Prague, CZ), "Forcing over a free Suslin tree" C.B. Switzer (U Wien), "Baumgartner’s axiom and its higher dimensional versions" T. van der Vlugt (TU Wien), "The horizontal direction" * * * * * * * * * Updates at -- Institute of Mathematics (Kurt Goedel Research Center, Logic) University of Vienna Kolingasse 14-16, #7.48 1090 Vienna, Austria Phone: +43/ (0)1 4277-50501

This Week in Logic at CUNY

This Week in Logic at CUNY
This Week in Logic at CUNY:

- - - - Monday, May 6, 2024 - - - -

Logic and Metaphysics Workshop
Date: Monday, May 6, 4.15-6.15pm (NY time)
Room: Graduate Center Room 7395
Lorenzo Rossi (Turin)
Title: Alethic pluralism and Kripkean truth

Abstract: According to alethic pluralism, there is more than one way of being true: truth is not unique, in that there is a plurality of truth properties each of which pertains to a specific domain of discourse. This paper shows how such a plurality can be represented in a coherent formal framework by means of a Kripke-style construction that yields intuitively correct extensions for distinct truth predicates. The theory of truth it develops can handle at least three crucial problems that have been raised in connection with alethic pluralism: mixed compounds, mixed inferences, and semantic paradoxes.

Note: This is joint work with Andrea Iacona (Turin) and Stefano Romeo (Turin).

- - - - Tuesday, May 7, 2024 - - - -

MOPA (Models of Peano Arithmetic)
CUNY Graduate Center
Virtual (email Victoria Gitman  ( for meeting id)
Tuesday, May 7, 1pm

Ali Enayat, University of Gothenburg
Tarski's undefinability of truth theorem strikes again

Tarski's undefinability of truth theorem has two versions, the first one deals with truth itself, takes some effort to prove, and is a descendant of the Epimenides (liar) paradox. The second one deals with the related concept of satisfaction, has a one-line proof, and is a descendent of Russell's paradox. This talk is about the first one, which appeared in the 1953 monograph 'Undecidable Theories' by Tarski, Mostowski, and Robinson; it was employed there to show the essential undecidability of consistent theories that can represent all recursive functions (a strong form of the Gödel-Rosser incompleteness theorem). I will present Tarski's original 1953 formulation (which differs from the common formulation in modern expositions) and will explain how it was used in my recent work with Albert Visser to show that no consistent completion of a sequential theory whose signature is finite is axiomatizable by a collection of sentences of bounded quantifier-alternation-depth. A variant of this result was proved independently by Emil Jeřábek, as I will explain. Our proof method has a pedagogical dividend since it allows one to replace the cryptic Gödel-Carnap fixed point lemma with the perspicuous undefinability of truth theorem in the proof of the Gödel-Rosser incompleteness theorem.

Computational Logic Seminar
Spring 2024 (online)
Tuesday, May 7, Time 2:00 - 4:00 PM (EDT)
zoom link: ask Sergei Artemov
Title: Formal Argumentation Theory and Argumentation Logics.

Abstract: Deductive Logic is monotonic, in that when the set of premises grows, the set of conclusions grows as well. Since the 1980s, Non-monotonic Logics, where this does not hold, have been studied to model commonsense reasoning, especially in the field of artificial intelligence. In this talk, we will be looking at argument-based nonmonotonic logics, which formalize the notion of attack and defeat in the field of argumentation theory. We will consider briefly abstract argumentation frameworks and the various semantic notions proposed by P.M. Dung in 1995, followed by logic-based structured argumentation frameworks `a la John Pollock, and the more recent ASPIC framework. Various notions of argument attack/defeat fundamental to argumentation, such as rebuttal, undercutting, and undermining, will be discussed. We will then introduce and discuss the idea of reasoning about argumentation using Justification logic, by introducing priority orderings over formulas and justification terms.

- - - - Wednesday, May 8, 2024 - - - -

The New York City Category Theory Seminar
Department of Computer Science
Department of Mathematics
The Graduate Center of The City University of New York

Speaker:     Juan Orendain, Case Western Univeristy.

Date and Time:     Wednesday May 8, 2024, 7:00 - 8:30 PM. ZOOM TALK.

Title:     Canonical squares in fully faithful and absolutely dense equipments.

Abstract: Equipments are categorical structures of dimension 2 having two separate types of 1-arrows -vertical and horizontal- and supporting restriction and extension of horizontal arrows along vertical ones. Equipments were defined by Wood in [W] as 2-functors satisfying certain conditions, but can also be understood as double categories satisfying a fibrancy condition as in [Sh]. In the zoo of 2-dimensional categorical structures, equipments nicely fit in between 2-categories and double categories, and are generally considered as the 2-dimensional categorical structures where synthetic category theory is done, and in some cases, where monoidal bicategories are more naturally defined.

In a previous talk in the seminar, I discussed the problem of lifting a 2-category into a double category along a given category of vertical arrows, and how this problem allows us to define a notion of length on double categories. The length of a double category is a number that roughly measures the amount of work one needs to do to reconstruct the double category from a bicategory along its set of vertical arrows.

In this talk I will review the length of double categories, and I will discuss two recent developments in the theory: In the paper [OM] a method for constructing different double categories from a given bicategory is presented. I will explain how this construction works. One of the main ingredients of the construction are so-called canonical squares. In the preprint [O] it is proven that in certain classes of equipments -fully faithful and absolutely dense- every square that can be canonical is indeed canonical. I will explain how from this, it can be concluded that fully faithful and absolutely dense equipments are of length 1, and so they can be 'easily' reconstructed from their horizontal bicategories.

[O] Length of fully faithful framed bicategories. arXiv:2402.16296.
[OM] J. Orendain, R. Maldonado-Herrera, Internalizations of decorated bicategories via π-indexings. To appear in Applied Categorical Structures. arXiv:2310.18673.
[W] R. K. Wood, Abstract Proarrows I, Cahiers de topologie et géométrie différentielle 23 3 (1982) 279-290.
[Sh] M. Shulman, Framed bicategories and monoidal fibrations. Theory and Applications of Categories, Vol. 20, No. 18, 2008, pp. 650–738.

- - - - Thursday, May 9, 2024 - - - -

- - - - Friday, May 10, 2024 - - - -

Model Theory Seminar
CUNY Graduate Center
Friday May 10, 12:30pm NY time, Room: 6495

Alf Dolich, CUNY
The decidability of the rings Z/mZ

In this expository talk I will discuss recent work of Derakhshan and Macintyre on the decidability of the common theory of the rings Z/mZ as m varies through the natural numbers m>1.

Logic Workshop
CUNY Graduate Center
Friday May 10, 2:00pm-3:30pm, Room 5417

Roman Kossak, CUNY
The lattice problem for models of arithmetic

The lattice problem for models of PA is to determine which lattices can be represented either as lattices of elementary substructures of a model of PA or, more generally, which can be represented as lattices of elementary substructures of a model N that contain a given elementary substructure M of N.

Since the 1970's, the problem generated much research with highly nontrivial results with proofs combining specific methods in the model theory of arithmetic with lattice theory and various combinatorial theorems. The problem has a definite answer in the case of distributive lattices, and, despite much effort, there are still many open questions in the nondistributive case. I will briefly survey some early results and present a few proofs that illustrate the difference between the distributive and nondistributive cases.

Next Week in Logic at CUNY:

- - - - Monday, May 13, 2024 - - - -

- - - - Tuesday, May 14, 2024 - - - -

- - - - Wednesday, May 15, 2024 - - - -

- - - - Thursday, May 16, 2024 - - - -


- - - - Friday, May 17, 2024 - - - -

- - - - Other Logic News - - - -

- - - - Web Site - - - -

Find us on the web at:
(site designed, built & maintained by Victoria Gitman)

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To subscribe/unsubscribe to this list, please email your request to

If you have a logic-related event that you would like included in future mailings, please email

Logic Seminar 8 May 2024 17:00 hrs at NUS

NUS Logic Seminar
Invitation to the Logic Seminar at the National University of Singapore Date: Wednesday, 08 May 2024, 17:00 hrs Place: NUS, Department of Mathematics, S17#04-04 Speaker: Vittorio Cipriano Title: Characterizing different notions of learnability of structures URL: In this talk, we combine computable structure theory and inductive inference to study learning of families of structures. All the structures we consider are relational and countable and all the families of structures we consider are at most countable. The framework we use was defined in a series of papers by Bazhenov, Fokina, Koetzing and San Mauro. In a nutshell, the framework models the scenario in which, given a family of structures K, a learner receives more and more information about the atomic diagram of a copy of some A in K and, at each stage, is required to output a conjecture about the isomorphism type of such a structure. In this context, a natural criterion to consider is Ex-learning in which we require the learner to stabilize to the correct conjecture after finitely many steps. Together with Bazhenov and San Mauro we gave a descriptive set-theoretic characterization of Ex-learning. Namely, we showed that a family of structures is Ex-learnable if and only if the corresponding isomorphism problem continuously reduces to E_0, the equivalence relation of eventual agreement on infinite binary sequences. Replacing E_0 with other equivalence relations, one obtains a hierarchy to rank such isomorphism problems. That is, a family of structures K is E-learnable, for an equivalence relation E, if there is a continuous reduction from the isomorphism problem associated with K to E. We aim to obtain model-theoretic characterization of E-learning for different equivalence relations E. Some characterizations are already present in the literature: here we show that a family of structures K such that for any A_i, A_j in K there is a Sigma_n^{inf} formula satisfied by A_i but not by A_j is E-learnable if and only if E is the (iteration of the) Friedman-Stanely jump of the identity either on natural numbers or on Cantor space. We also show that other learning criteria coming from the classical setting of inductive inference of formal languages or recursive functions have a nice model-theoretic characterization. This talk collects joint works with Bazhenov, Jain, Marcone, San Mauro and Stephan.

Fwd: 9 FMP: przestrzenie Banacha: geometria i operatory

Wrocław Set Theory Seminar

---------- Forwarded message ---------
Od: Grzegorz Plebanek <>
Date: wt., 30 kwi 2024 o 22:47
Subject: Fwd: 9 FMP: przestrzenie Banacha: geometria i operatory
To: Szymon Żeberski <>
Cc: <>, Piotr Borodulin-Nadzieja <>

Szymonie, rozeslij to, proszę do wszystkich z seminarium. To Jest wiadomość od Tomka Kanii (który prosi o informowanie wszystkich zainteresowanych) w sprawie sesji Przestrzenie Banacha, ale na liście konferencji jest też sesja Teoria Mnogości. Pozdrawiam, G

---------- Forwarded message ---------
Od: Tomasz Kania <>
Date: wt., 30 kwi 2024 o 21:10
Subject: 9 FMP: przestrzenie Banacha: geometria i operatory

okazuje się, że sesja z przestrzeni Banacha się odbędzie (nie jest jednak jeszcze jasne, którego dnia konferencji); jeżeli nadal wyrażasz zainteresowanie przyjazdem, bardzo proszę o przesłanie abstraktu na:

Abstrakty - 9. Forum Matematyków Polskich (

(oraz idealnie potwierdzenie emailowe do mnie, że udało Ci się posłać).


Set Theory Workshop "Compactness and Cardinal Invariants" Vienna, May 2, 2024

Set Theory Workshop at OMP and Kolingasse Together with our Czech research partners we invite you to this Workshop. Time and location: Morning session 9:00-12:00, Oskar-Morgenstern-Platz 1, SR 6, 1st fl. Afternoon session 14:00-17:55, Kolingasse 14-16, SR 1, 1st fl. Zoom info: Please contact Program: 09 : 00 − 9 : 30 Andrea Medini 09 : 35 − 10 : 05 Šárka Stejskalová 10 : 05 − 10 : 40 COFFEE 10 : 40 − 11 : 10 Corey Switzer 11 : 15 − 11 : 45 Serhii Bardyla 12 : 00 − 14 : 00 LUNCH 14 : 00 − 14 : 30 Chris Lambie-Hanson 14 : 35 − 15 : 05 Jonathan Cancino 15 : 05 − 15 : 40 COFFEE 15 : 40 − 16 : 10 Julia Millhouse 16 : 15 − 16 : 45 Tristan van der Vlugt 16 : 50 − 17 : 20 Martina Iannella 17 : 25 − 17 : 55 Claudio Agostini Organizer: Vera Fischer (U Wien) Radek Honzik (Charles University, Prague, CZ) If you have any questions, please write to the organizers. For more information see the program.
Link to more info

UPDATE: This Week in Logic at CUNY

This Week in Logic at CUNY
Hi everyone,

Note the addition of a talk by Benjamin Prudhomme in the Computational Logic Seminar on Tuesday 4/30.

All best,

This Week in Logic at CUNY:


- - - - Monday, Apr 29, 2024 - - - -

Rutgers Logic Seminar
Monday Apr 29, 3:30pm Hill Center, Hill 705
Gabe Goldberg, Berkeley
Generalizations of the Ultrapower Axiom

Logic and Metaphysics Workshop
Date: Monday, April 29, 4.15-6.15pm (NY time)
Room: Graduate Center Room 7395
Anandi Hattiangadi (Stockholm).
Title: Physicalism, intentionality and normativity: The essential explanatory gap

Abstract: In this paper, I present an explanatory gap argument against the view that the semantic facts are fully grounded in the physical facts. Unlike traditional explanatory gap arguments, which stem from the failure of analytic reductive explanation, the explanatory gap I point to stems from the failure of metaphysical explanation. I argue for the following theses. (i) Physicalist grounding claims are metaphysically necessary, if true. (ii) To be explanatorily adequate, these grounding claims must be deducible from facts about essence. (iii) Semantico-physical grounding claims are possibly false, not (only) because they are conceivably false, but because they cannot be deduced from facts about essence. (iv) Semantic properties are essentially weakly normative: it lies in their natures to have correctness conditions and subjectively rationalize—rather than merely cause—behaviour. This gives rise to an explanatory gap that indicates that the semantic facts are not fully grounded in the physical facts.

- - - - Tuesday, Apr 30, 2024 - - - -

Computational Logic Seminar  
Spring 2024 (online)
Tuesday, April 30  
Time 2:00 - 4:00 PM (EDT)
zoom link: ask Sergei Artemov
Speaker: Benjamin PrudHomme, Graduate Center CUNY
Title: On Game Theory and Epistemic Logic

Abstract: Review of basic game theory and epistemic game theory concepts, including strictly competitive games, pure and mixed strategy Nash equilibria, rationalizability, models of knowledge, distinction between mutual and common knowledge. Review of proofs of when a game has a Nash equilibrium, Nash's Theorem, Muddy Children Problem. Discussions of current and potential future efforts to utilize logic in developing a more comprehensive theory of pure strategy solutions.

- - - - Wednesday, May 1, 2024 - - - -

- - - - Thursday, May 2, 2024 - - - -

- - - - Friday, May 3, 2024 - - - -

Model Theory Seminar
CUNY Graduate Center
Friday May 3, 12:30pm NY time, Room: 6495
Athar Abdul-Quader, Purchase College
Genericity in models of arithmetic

In this talk, I plan to explore a few notions of 'genericity' in the context of models of arithmetic. I will recall the notion of genericity borrowed from set-theory, used by Simpson to prove that every countable model of PA has an expansion to a pointwise definable model of PA*. I will then explore other notions of genericity inspired by more model-theoretic contexts. One such notion is 'neutrality': in a model M, we say an undefinable set X is neutral if the definable closure relation in (M, X) is the same as in M. Another notion, inspired by work done on model-theoretic genericity by Chatzidakis and Pillay, is called CP-genericity. I will explore these notions and outline some results, including: (1) every model of PA has a neutral set which is not CP-generic, (2) every countable model of PA has a CP-generic which is not neutral (and in fact, fails neutrality spectacularly: ie, we can find a CP-generic where the expansion is pointwise definable), and (3) every countable model of PA has a neutral CP-generic. This talk touches on work contained in two papers, one of which was joint work with Roman Kossak, and the other was joint work with James Schmerl.

Set Theory Seminar
CUNY Graduate Center
Friday, May 3, 12:30pm NY time
Virtual: Please email Victoria Gitman ( for meeting id.

Spencer Unger, University of Toronto
Iterated ultrapower methods in analysis of Prikry type forcing

We survey some old and new results in singular cardinal combinatorics whose proofs can be phrased in terms of iterated ultrapowers and ask a few questions.

Logic Workshop
CUNY Graduate Center
Friday May 3, 2:00pm-3:30pm, Room 5417

Christian Wolf, CUNY
Computability of entropy and pressure on compact symbolic spaces beyond finite type

In this talk we discuss the computability of the entropy  and topological pressure  on compact shift spaces  and continuous potentials . This question has recently been studied for subshifts of finite type (SFTs) and their factors (Sofic shifts). We develop a framework to address the computability of the entropy pressure on general shift spaces and apply this framework to coded shifts. In particular, we prove the computability of the topological pressure for all continuous potentials on S-gap shifts, generalized gap shifts, and Beta shifts. We also construct shift spaces which, depending on the potential, exhibit computability and non-computability of the topological pressure. We further show that the generalized pressure function  is not computable for a large set of shift spaces  and potentials . Along the way of developing these computability results, we derive several ergodic-theoretical properties of coded shifts which are of independent interest beyond the realm of computability. The topic of the talk is joint work with Michael Burr (Clemson U.), Shuddho Das (Texas Tech) and Yun Yang (Virginia Tech).

Next Week in Logic at CUNY:

- - - - Monday, May 6, 2024 - - - -

Logic and Metaphysics Workshop
Date: Monday, May 6, 4.15-6.15pm (NY time)
Room: Graduate Center Room 7395
Lorenzo Rossi (Turin)
Title: Alethic pluralism and Kripkean truth

Abstract: According to alethic pluralism, there is more than one way of being true: truth is not unique, in that there is a plurality of truth properties each of which pertains to a specific domain of discourse. This paper shows how such a plurality can be represented in a coherent formal framework by means of a Kripke-style construction that yields intuitively correct extensions for distinct truth predicates. The theory of truth it develops can handle at least three crucial problems that have been raised in connection with alethic pluralism: mixed compounds, mixed inferences, and semantic paradoxes.

Note: This is joint work with Andrea Iacona (Turin) and Stefano Romeo (Turin).

- - - - Tuesday, May 7, 2024 - - - -

- - - - Wednesday, May 8, 2024 - - - -

The New York City Category Theory Seminar
Department of Computer Science
Department of Mathematics
The Graduate Center of The City University of New York

Speaker:     Juan Orendain, Case Western Univeristy.

Date and Time:     Wednesday May 8, 2024, 7:00 - 8:30 PM. ZOOM TALK.

Title:     Canonical squares in regularly framed bicategories.

- - - - Thursday, May 9, 2024 - - - -

- - - - Friday, May 10, 2024 - - - -

Logic Workshop
CUNY Graduate Center
Friday May 10, 2:00pm-3:30pm, Room 5417

Roman Kossak, CUNY
The lattice problem for models of arithmetic

The lattice problem for models of PA is to determine which lattices can be represented either as lattices of elementary substructures of a model of PA or, more generally, which can be represented as lattices of elementary substructures of a model N that contain a given elementary substructure M of N.

Since the 1970's, the problem generated much research with highly nontrivial results with proofs combining specific methods in the model theory of arithmetic with lattice theory and various combinatorial theorems. The problem has a definite answer in the case of distributive lattices, and, despite much effort, there are still many open questions in the nondistributive case. I will briefly survey some early results and present a few proofs that illustrate the difference between the distributive and nondistributive cases.

- - - - Other Logic News - - - -

Northeast Model Theory Day
We are pleased to announce that Wesleyan University in Middletown, CT will be hosting a Northeast Model Theory Day on Saturday May 4, 2024. This one-day meeting is the first in what we hope will become an annual series, bringing together those interested in model theory from across the region.

Paul Baginski (Fairfield)
Artem Chernikov (Maryland)
Alf Dolich (CUNY)
Alexei Kolesnikov (Towson)

All are welcome, but please register by Monday, April 22nd. Limited travel support is available. For more information and registration, please visit

NEMTD 2024 sponsored by the Mid-Atlantic Mathematical Logic Seminar (NSF grant #DMS-1834219) and the Wesleyan Department of Mathematics and Computer Science.
Organizers: Alex Kruckman, Rehana Patel, Alex Van Abel. Contact with any questions.

- - - - Web Site - - - -

Find us on the web at:
(site designed, built & maintained by Victoria Gitman)

--------  ADMINISTRIVIA  --------

To subscribe/unsubscribe to this list, please email your request to

If you have a logic-related event that you would like included in future mailings, please email

Cross-Alps Logic Seminar (speaker: Spencer Unger)

Cross-Alps Logic Seminar
On Friday 03.05.2024 at 16.00 CEST
Spencer Unger (University of Toronto)
will give a talk on
Iterated ultrapower methods
Please refer to the usual webpage of our LogicGroup for more details and the abstract of the talk.

The seminar will be held remotely through Webex. Please write to vincenzo.dimonte [at] uniud [dot] it for the link to the event.

The Cross-Alps Logic Seminar is co-organized by the logic groups of Genoa, Lausanne, Turin and Udine as part of our collaboration in the project PRIN 2022 'Models, Sets and Classifications'.

All the best,

This Week in Logic at CUNY

This Week in Logic at CUNY
This Week in Logic at CUNY:


- - - - Monday, Apr 29, 2024 - - - -

Rutgers Logic Seminar
Monday Apr 29, 3:30pm Hill Center, Hill 705
Gabe Goldberg, Berkeley
Generalizations of the Ultrapower Axiom

Logic and Metaphysics Workshop
Date: Monday, April 29, 4.15-6.15pm (NY time)
Room: Graduate Center Room 7395
Anandi Hattiangadi (Stockholm).
Title: Physicalism, intentionality and normativity: The essential explanatory gap

Abstract: In this paper, I present an explanatory gap argument against the view that the semantic facts are fully grounded in the physical facts. Unlike traditional explanatory gap arguments, which stem from the failure of analytic reductive explanation, the explanatory gap I point to stems from the failure of metaphysical explanation. I argue for the following theses. (i) Physicalist grounding claims are metaphysically necessary, if true. (ii) To be explanatorily adequate, these grounding claims must be deducible from facts about essence. (iii) Semantico-physical grounding claims are possibly false, not (only) because they are conceivably false, but because they cannot be deduced from facts about essence. (iv) Semantic properties are essentially weakly normative: it lies in their natures to have correctness conditions and subjectively rationalize—rather than merely cause—behaviour. This gives rise to an explanatory gap that indicates that the semantic facts are not fully grounded in the physical facts.

- - - - Tuesday, Apr 30, 2024 - - - -

- - - - Wednesday, May 1, 2024 - - - -

- - - - Thursday, May 2, 2024 - - - -

- - - - Friday, May 3, 2024 - - - -

Model Theory Seminar
CUNY Graduate Center
Friday May 3, 12:30pm NY time, Room: 6495
Athar Abdul-Quader, Purchase College
Genericity in models of arithmetic

In this talk, I plan to explore a few notions of 'genericity' in the context of models of arithmetic. I will recall the notion of genericity borrowed from set-theory, used by Simpson to prove that every countable model of PA has an expansion to a pointwise definable model of PA*. I will then explore other notions of genericity inspired by more model-theoretic contexts. One such notion is 'neutrality': in a model M, we say an undefinable set X is neutral if the definable closure relation in (M, X) is the same as in M. Another notion, inspired by work done on model-theoretic genericity by Chatzidakis and Pillay, is called CP-genericity. I will explore these notions and outline some results, including: (1) every model of PA has a neutral set which is not CP-generic, (2) every countable model of PA has a CP-generic which is not neutral (and in fact, fails neutrality spectacularly: ie, we can find a CP-generic where the expansion is pointwise definable), and (3) every countable model of PA has a neutral CP-generic. This talk touches on work contained in two papers, one of which was joint work with Roman Kossak, and the other was joint work with James Schmerl.

Set Theory Seminar
CUNY Graduate Center
Friday, May 3, 12:30pm NY time
Virtual: Please email Victoria Gitman ( for meeting id.

Spencer Unger, University of Toronto
Iterated ultrapower methods in analysis of Prikry type forcing

We survey some old and new results in singular cardinal combinatorics whose proofs can be phrased in terms of iterated ultrapowers and ask a few questions.

Logic Workshop
CUNY Graduate Center
Friday May 3, 2:00pm-3:30pm, Room 5417

Christian Wolf, CUNY
Computability of entropy and pressure on compact symbolic spaces beyond finite type

In this talk we discuss the computability of the entropy  and topological pressure  on compact shift spaces  and continuous potentials . This question has recently been studied for subshifts of finite type (SFTs) and their factors (Sofic shifts). We develop a framework to address the computability of the entropy pressure on general shift spaces and apply this framework to coded shifts. In particular, we prove the computability of the topological pressure for all continuous potentials on S-gap shifts, generalized gap shifts, and Beta shifts. We also construct shift spaces which, depending on the potential, exhibit computability and non-computability of the topological pressure. We further show that the generalized pressure function  is not computable for a large set of shift spaces  and potentials . Along the way of developing these computability results, we derive several ergodic-theoretical properties of coded shifts which are of independent interest beyond the realm of computability. The topic of the talk is joint work with Michael Burr (Clemson U.), Shuddho Das (Texas Tech) and Yun Yang (Virginia Tech).

Next Week in Logic at CUNY:

- - - - Monday, May 6, 2024 - - - -

Logic and Metaphysics Workshop
Date: Monday, May 6, 4.15-6.15pm (NY time)
Room: Graduate Center Room 7395
Lorenzo Rossi (Turin)
Title: Alethic pluralism and Kripkean truth

Abstract: According to alethic pluralism, there is more than one way of being true: truth is not unique, in that there is a plurality of truth properties each of which pertains to a specific domain of discourse. This paper shows how such a plurality can be represented in a coherent formal framework by means of a Kripke-style construction that yields intuitively correct extensions for distinct truth predicates. The theory of truth it develops can handle at least three crucial problems that have been raised in connection with alethic pluralism: mixed compounds, mixed inferences, and semantic paradoxes.

Note: This is joint work with Andrea Iacona (Turin) and Stefano Romeo (Turin).

- - - - Tuesday, May 7, 2024 - - - -

- - - - Wednesday, May 8, 2024 - - - -

The New York City Category Theory Seminar
Department of Computer Science
Department of Mathematics
The Graduate Center of The City University of New York

Speaker:     Juan Orendain, Case Western Univeristy.

Date and Time:     Wednesday May 8, 2024, 7:00 - 8:30 PM. ZOOM TALK.

Title:     Canonical squares in regularly framed bicategories.

- - - - Thursday, May 9, 2024 - - - -

- - - - Friday, May 10, 2024 - - - -

Logic Workshop
CUNY Graduate Center
Friday May 10, 2:00pm-3:30pm, Room 5417

Roman Kossak, CUNY
The lattice problem for models of arithmetic

The lattice problem for models of PA is to determine which lattices can be represented either as lattices of elementary substructures of a model of PA or, more generally, which can be represented as lattices of elementary substructures of a model N that contain a given elementary substructure M of N.

Since the 1970's, the problem generated much research with highly nontrivial results with proofs combining specific methods in the model theory of arithmetic with lattice theory and various combinatorial theorems. The problem has a definite answer in the case of distributive lattices, and, despite much effort, there are still many open questions in the nondistributive case. I will briefly survey some early results and present a few proofs that illustrate the difference between the distributive and nondistributive cases.

- - - - Other Logic News - - - -

Northeast Model Theory Day
We are pleased to announce that Wesleyan University in Middletown, CT will be hosting a Northeast Model Theory Day on Saturday May 4, 2024. This one-day meeting is the first in what we hope will become an annual series, bringing together those interested in model theory from across the region.

Paul Baginski (Fairfield)
Artem Chernikov (Maryland)
Alf Dolich (CUNY)
Alexei Kolesnikov (Towson)

All are welcome, but please register by Monday, April 22nd. Limited travel support is available. For more information and registration, please visit

NEMTD 2024 sponsored by the Mid-Atlantic Mathematical Logic Seminar (NSF grant #DMS-1834219) and the Wesleyan Department of Mathematics and Computer Science.
Organizers: Alex Kruckman, Rehana Patel, Alex Van Abel. Contact with any questions.

- - - - Web Site - - - -

Find us on the web at:
(site designed, built & maintained by Victoria Gitman)

--------  ADMINISTRIVIA  --------

To subscribe/unsubscribe to this list, please email your request to

If you have a logic-related event that you would like included in future mailings, please email

KGRC Set Theory Talk - May 2

Kurt Godel Research Center
KGRC/Institute of Mathematics invites you to the following Set Theory Seminar talk: "Baumgartner's Axiom and Cardinal Characteristics: A Sparse Look at Dense Sets of Reals II" C. B. Switzer (U Wien) Kolingasse 14–16, 1090, 1st floor, SR 10, Thursday, May 2, 11:30am–1:00pm, hybrid mode Mini-course (25.04.2024-16.05.2024, 3 lectures) - 2nd lecture: Given a cardinal $\kappa$, a set of reals $A\subseteq \mathbb R$ is $\kappa$-dense if its intersection with any open interval has size $\kappa$. Baumgartner's axiom (BA)---proved consistent by Baumgartner in 1973---states that all $\aleph_1$-dense sets of reals are order isomorphic with the induced linear order from $\mathbb R$. This is the most straightforward generalization to the uncountable of Cantor's proof that all countable dense linear orders without endpoints are order isomorphic. BA has variations to other topological spaces---given a topological space $X$, a subset $A \subseteq X$ is $\kappa$-dense if its intersection with each non-empty open subset has size $\kappa$. The axiom BA($X$) states that given any two $\aleph_1$-dense subsets of $X$, say $A$ and $B$, there is an autohomeomorphism of $X$ mapping $A$ onto $B$. In this parlance BA is equivalent to BA ($\mathbb R$). Surprisingly BA is not equivalent to BA ($\mathbb R^n$) for any finite $1< n < \omega$. In fact BA does not follow from Martin's Axiom (Abraham-Rubin-Shelah) though BA($\mathbb R^n$) does (in fact from $\mathfrak{p} > \aleph_1$) for each $n > 1$ (Steprāns-Watson). In these three lectures I will discuss these ideas and some related ones including the question of when BA($X$) implies BA($Y$) for Polish spaces $X$ and $Y$. Central to these questions are the role of cardinal characteristics including the celebrated theorem of Todorčević that BA implies $\mathfrak b > \aleph_1$ as well as a recent, higher dimensional analogue of this result that for any $n < \omega$ BA($\mathbb R^n$) implies $\mathfrak b > \aleph_1$ (S.-Steprāns). There are many beautiful open problems in this area and I plan to make discussing them a focal point of the talks. The talks will start slowly and should be accessible to students. Time permitting, the final talk will include some new results. If and when these results are presented, they are joint work with Juris Steprāns. Zoom info: If you have not received the Zoom data by the day before the talk, please contact Please direct any questions about this talk to * * * * * * * * * Video recordings available so far of the Set Theory Seminar: April, 25: C.B. Switzer (U Wien), "Baumgartner's Axiom and Cardinal Characteristics: A Sparse Look at Dense Sets of Reals I". Video recordings available so far of the Logic Colloquium: April, 25: J. Lopez-Abad (UNED, Barcelona, ES), "Banach spaces as metric model-theoretical structures". * * * * * * * * * Updates at -- Institute of Mathematics (Kurt Goedel Research Center, Logic) University of Vienna Kolingasse 14-16, #7.48 1090 Vienna, Austria Phone: +43/ (0)1 4277-50501

Wednesday seminar

Prague Set Theory Seminar
Dear all, There will be no Wednesday seminar the following two weeks, May 1st and May 8th (public holidays). The seminar should resume on Wednesday May 15th, Jonathan Cancino Manriquez will be presenting his results on basically generated and Tukey-top ultrafilters. Sean Cox will be visiting Prague starting next week, he will give seminar talks on Monday May 6th at the Algebra seminar in Karlin and on Tuesday May 7th at the Set Theory and Analysis seminar in the Institute Best, David

51st Nankai Logic Colloquium

Nankai Logic Colloquium

Hello everyone,

This week our weekly Nankai Logic Colloquium is going to be in the afternoon.

Our speaker this week will be Jiachen Yuan from the University of Leeds. This talk is going to take place this Friday,  Apr 26,  from 4pm to 5pm(UTC+8, Beijing time). 

Title: What happens at the limit of a sequence of models of ZFC

Abstract: The technique of taking the tail model is an understudied object in the study of Mathematical logic. With Assaf Rinot and Zhixing You, we find it is a useful tool for constructing interesting ultrafilters. In this talk, I'll illustrate how we use it to answer a question about $\delta$-complete ultrafilters and to extend some results in infinitary combinatorics.

This is going to be an online event. Follow the link below to join the Zoom meeting. Please use your real name to join the meeting.

Title :The 51st Nankai Logic Colloquium -- Jiachen Yuan 

Time :16:00pm, Apr. 26, 2024(Beijing Time)

Zoom Number : 734 242 5443

Passcode :477893

Link :


Best wishes,

Ming Xiao

This Week in Logic at CUNY

This Week in Logic at CUNY
Hi everyone,

CUNY is on Spring Break through April 30th - however, there are still some logic events happening in and around New York City, at CUNY and beyond.

Hope all is well,

This Week in Logic at CUNY:


- - - - Monday, Apr 22, 2024 - - - -

Rutgers Logic Seminar
Monday Apr 22, 3:30pm Hill Center, Hill 705
Dave Marker, University of Illinois at Chicago
Rigid real closed fields

- - - - Tuesday, Apr 23, 2024 - - - -

Computational Logic Seminar  
Spring 2024 (online)
Tuesday, April 23, Time 2:00 - 4:00 PM (EDT)
zoom link: ask Sergei Artemov (
Speaker: Thomas Schlögl, Technische Universität Wien
Title:  Epistemic Modeling of Truly Private Updates and a Glance at
a New Epistemic Model Checking and Visualization Tool

Abstract: Epistemic logic has been successfully applied to the modeling of epistemic and doxastic attitudes of agents in distributed systems. Dynamic Epistemic Logic (DEL) adds communication via model transforming updates. Since agents in distributed systems often exchange information without other agents knowing, however, the commonly known model updates in DEL are generally not adequate for describing fully private communication. In this talk, I will present a novel update mechanism for solving the fully private consistent update synthesis task: designing a model update that makes a given goal formula true while maintaining the consistency of the agents’ beliefs.

In addition, I will provide a first glimpse of the alpha version of a performant epistemic model checking and visualization tool I am currently working on. Model-checking allows us to verify whether a finite-state model (typically represented as a Kripke structure) satisfies a given specification. Many model-checking tools exist for a variety of logical languages, including epistemic logic. To effectively support foundational theoretical research like developing sound and efficient fully private model updates, however, a tool is needed that simultaneously provides:
.) a flexible and intuitive user interface,
.) powerful visualization capabilities for large models (>10,000 states),
.) a performant model-checking algorithm that also provides explanations/proofs/counter-examples
.) easy extendability w.r.t. logical language features and model generation/updates

- - - - Wednesday, Apr 24, 2024 - - - -

- - - - Thursday, Apr 25, 2024 - - - -

- - - - Friday, Apr 26, 2024 - - - -

Next Week in Logic at CUNY:


- - - - Monday, Apr 29, 2024 - - - -

Logic and Metaphysics Workshop
Date: Monday, April 29, 4.15-6.15pm (NY time)
Room: Graduate Center Room 7395
Anandi Hattiangadi (Stockholm).
Title: Physicalism, intentionality and normativity: The essential explanatory gap

Abstract: In this paper, I present an explanatory gap argument against the view that the semantic facts are fully grounded in the physical facts. Unlike traditional explanatory gap arguments, which stem from the failure of analytic reductive explanation, the explanatory gap I point to stems from the failure of metaphysical explanation. I argue for the following theses. (i) Physicalist grounding claims are metaphysically necessary, if true. (ii) To be explanatorily adequate, these grounding claims must be deducible from facts about essence. (iii) Semantico-physical grounding claims are possibly false, not (only) because they are conceivably false, but because they cannot be deduced from facts about essence. (iv) Semantic properties are essentially weakly normative: it lies in their natures to have correctness conditions and subjectively rationalize—rather than merely cause—behaviour. This gives rise to an explanatory gap that indicates that the semantic facts are not fully grounded in the physical facts.

- - - - Tuesday, Apr 30, 2024 - - - -

- - - - Wednesday, May 1, 2024 - - - -

- - - - Thursday, May 2, 2024 - - - -

- - - - Friday, May 3, 2024 - - - -

Set Theory Seminar
CUNY Graduate Center
Friday, May 3, 12:30pm NY time
Virtual: Please email Victoria Gitman ( for meeting id.

Spencer Unger, University of Toronto
Iterated ultrapower methods in analysis of Prikry type forcing

We survey some old and new results in singular cardinal combinatorics whose proofs can be phrased in terms of iterated ultrapowers and ask a few questions.

Logic Workshop
CUNY Graduate Center
Friday May 3, 2:00pm-3:30pm, Room 5417

Christian Wolf, CUNY
Computability of entropy and pressure on compact symbolic spaces beyond finite type

In this talk we discuss the computability of the entropy  and topological pressure  on compact shift spaces  and continuous potentials . This question has recently been studied for subshifts of finite type (SFTs) and their factors (Sofic shifts). We develop a framework to address the computability of the entropy pressure on general shift spaces and apply this framework to coded shifts. In particular, we prove the computability of the topological pressure for all continuous potentials on S-gap shifts, generalized gap shifts, and Beta shifts. We also construct shift spaces which, depending on the potential, exhibit computability and non-computability of the topological pressure. We further show that the generalized pressure function  is not computable for a large set of shift spaces  and potentials . Along the way of developing these computability results, we derive several ergodic-theoretical properties of coded shifts which are of independent interest beyond the realm of computability. The topic of the talk is joint work with Michael Burr (Clemson U.), Shuddho Das (Texas Tech) and Yun Yang (Virginia Tech).

- - - - Other Logic News - - - -

Northeast Model Theory Day
We are pleased to announce that Wesleyan University in Middletown, CT will be hosting a Northeast Model Theory Day on Saturday May 4, 2024. This one-day meeting is the first in what we hope will become an annual series, bringing together those interested in model theory from across the region.

Paul Baginski (Fairfield)
Artem Chernikov (Maryland)
Alf Dolich (CUNY)
Alexei Kolesnikov (Towson)

All are welcome, but please register by Monday, April 22nd. Limited travel support is available. For more information and registration, please visit

NEMTD 2024 sponsored by the Mid-Atlantic Mathematical Logic Seminar (NSF grant #DMS-1834219) and the Wesleyan Department of Mathematics and Computer Science.
Organizers: Alex Kruckman, Rehana Patel, Alex Van Abel. Contact with any questions.

- - - - Web Site - - - -

Find us on the web at:
(site designed, built & maintained by Victoria Gitman)

--------  ADMINISTRIVIA  --------

To subscribe/unsubscribe to this list, please email your request to

If you have a logic-related event that you would like included in future mailings, please email

Wednesday seminar

Prague Set Theory Seminar
Dear all, The seminar meets on Wednesday April 24th at 11:00 in the Institute of Mathematics CAS, Zitna 25, seminar room, 3rd floor, front building. Program: Jonathan has some major results and he will give a couple of talks on these new things. Jonathan Cancino Manriquez -- Introduction to Tukey types of ultrafilters on the natural numbers This will be an introductory talk to the Tukey types of ultrafilters on the natural numbers. We will review some of the classical facts related to Tukey top ultrafilters and basically generated ultrafilters. The talks will be mostly based on the papers "Tukey classes of ultrafilters on ω" (D. Millovich), and "Tukey types of ultrafilters" (N. Dobrinen and S. Todorcevic). Best, David

Set theory and topology seminar 23.04.2024 Tomasz Żuchowski

Wrocław Set Theory Seminar
I am happy to announce that at the seminar in set theory and topology (on Tuesday 23.04.2024 at 17:15 in room A.4.1 C-19  (Wrocław University of Science and Technology) the lecture:
"The Nikodym property and filters on $\omega$. Part II"
will be presented by

Tomasz Żuchowski

In this talk we will continue studying the family $\mathcal{AN}$ of ideals on $\omega$ presented in the Part I. Recall that $\mathcal{I}\in\mathcal{AN}$ iff there exists a density submeasure $\varphi$ on $\omega$ such that $\varphi(\omega)=\infty$ and $\mathcal{I}\subseteq Exh(\varphi)$. 
We will present several conditions for a density ideal $\mathcal{I}$ equivalent to the fact that $\mathcal{I}\in\mathcal{AN}$. Next, we will make an analysis of the cofinal structure of the family $\mathcal{AN}$  ordered by the Katetov order $\leq_K$. We will prove that there is a family of size $\mathfrak{d}$ which is $\leq_K$-dominating in $\mathcal{AN}$, but there are no $\leq_K$-maximal elements in $\mathcal{AN}$.

Feel free to spread this information among Your colleagues.

I'm looking forward to seeing You
Szymon Żeberski

(on behalf of the organizers, i.e. Piotr Borodulin-Nadzieja, Paweł Krupski, Aleksandra Kwiatkowska, Grzegorz Plebanek, Robert Rałowski  and myself)

About 15 minutes before the seminar we invite you for coffee and a chat to social room A.4.1.A in C-19. 


Our webpages:

KGRC Talks - April 25

Kurt Godel Research Center
KGRC/Institute of Mathematics invites you to the following talks: Set Theory Seminar Kolingasse 14--16, 1090, 1st floor, SR 10, Thursday, April 25, 11:30am--1:00pm, hybrid mode "Baumgartner's Axiom and Cardinal Characteristics: A Sparse Look at Dense Sets of Reals" C. B. Switzer (U Wien) Mini-course (25.04.2024-16.05.2024, 3 lectures) - 1st lecture: Given a cardinal $\kappa$, a set of reals $A\subseteq \mathbb R$ is $\kappa$-dense if its intersection with any open interval has size $\kappa$. Baumgartner's axiom (BA)---proved consistent by Baumgartner in 1973---states that all $\aleph_1$-dense sets of reals are order isomorphic with the induced linear order from $\mathbb R$. This is the most straightforward generalization to the uncountable of Cantor's proof that all countable dense linear orders without endpoints are order isomorphic. BA has variations to other topological spaces---given a topological space $X$, a subset $A \subseteq X$ is $\kappa$-dense if its intersection with each non-empty open subset has size $\kappa$. The axiom BA($X$) states that given any two $\aleph_1$-dense subsets of $X$, say $A$ and $B$, there is an autohomeomorphism of $X$ mapping $A$ onto $B$. In this parlance BA is equivalent to BA ($\mathbb R$). Surprisingly BA is not equivalent to BA ($\mathbb R^n$) for any finite $1< n < \omega$. In fact BA does not follow from Martin's Axiom (Abraham-Rubin-Shelah) though BA($\mathbb R^n$) does (in fact from $\mathfrak{p} > \aleph_1$) for each $n > 1$ (Steprāns-Watson). In these three lectures I will discuss these ideas and some related ones including the question of when BA($X$) implies BA($Y$) for Polish spaces $X$ and $Y$. Central to these questions are the role of cardinal characteristics including the celebrated theorem of Todorčević that BA implies $\mathfrak b > \aleph_1$ as well as a recent, higher dimensional analogue of this result that for any $n < \omega$ BA($\mathbb R^n$) implies $\mathfrak b > \aleph_1$ (S.-Steprāns). There are many beautiful open problems in this area and I plan to make discussing them a focal point of the talks. The talks will start slowly and should be accessible to students. Time permitting, the final talk will include some new results. If and when these results are presented, they are joint work with Juris Steprāns. Zoom info: If you have not received the Zoom data by the day before the talk, please contact Please direct any questions about this talk to * * * * * * * * * Logic Colloquium Oskar-Morgenstern-Platz 1, 1090, 2nd floor, HS 11, Thursday, April 25, 3:00pm--3:50pm, hybrid mode "Banach spaces as metric model-theoretical structures" J. López Abad, UNED, Barcelona, ES Banach spaces are a reach family of metric model structures. We will discuss this in particular focussing on omega-categoricity, ultrahomogeneity and extreme amenability, where also combinatorics plays a crucial role. Zoom info: If you have not received the Zoom data by the day before the talk, please contact Please direct any questions about this talk to * * * * * * * * * Video recordings available so far of the Set Theory Seminar: April, 18: R. Sullivan (U Münser, DE), "Generic embeddings into Fraïssé structures": Video recordings available so far of the Logic Colloquium: April, 18: C. Agostini (TU Wien), "Countable spaces and realcompactness": * * * * * * * * * Updates at

50th Nankai Logic Colloquium

Nankai Logic Colloquium

Hello everyone,

This week our weekly Nankai Logic Colloquium is going to be in the afternoon, but at an irregular time, as we have two speakers this week.

Our speakers this week will be Stevo Todorcevic from the University of Toronto and Dilip Raghavan from the National University of Singapore. This talk is going to take place this Friday,  April 19,  from 2:30 pm to 5 pm (UTC+8, Beijing time). The first talk is offline/online hybrid starting at 2:30pm, and the second talk is online starting at 4pm.

Stevo Todorcevic: 
Title: Ultrafilters in L(R)[U]
Abstract: We give analysis of the inner model L(R)[U] under the assumptions that L(R) is a Solovay model and U is a selective ultrafilter on N. A survey of known results and open problems will be given.

Dilip Raghavan:
Title: Stable ordered-union ultrafilters
Abstract: Stable ordered-union ultrafilters were introduced by Blass in 1987. They stand in the same relation to the Milliken-Taylor theorem as selective ultrafilters do to Ramsey's theorem. In this talk, I will survey some results and problems about stable ordered-union ultrafilters.


This is going to be an online event. Follow the link below to join the Zoom meeting. Please use your real name to join the meeting.

Title :The 50th Nankai Logic Colloquium

Time(Stevo Todorcevic) :14:30pm, Apr. 19, 2024(Beijing Time)

Time(Dilip Raghavan) :16:00pm, Apr. 19, 2024(Beijing Time)

Zoom Number : 734 242 5443

Passcode :477893

Link :


The records of past talks can be accessed at

Best wishes,

Ming Xiao

This Week in Logic at CUNY

This Week in Logic at CUNY
This Week in Logic at CUNY:

- - - - Monday, Apr 15, 2024 - - - -

Rutgers Logic Seminar
Monday Apr 15, 3:30pm Hill Center, Hill 705
Mark Poor, Cornell
Shelah groups in ZFC

Logic and Metaphysics Workshop
Date: Monday, April 15, 4.15-6.15pm (NY time)
Room: Graduate Center Room 7395
Jessica Collins (Columbia)
Title: Imaging is Alpha + Aizerman

Abstract: I give a non-probabilistic account of the imaging revision process. Most familiar in its various probabilistic forms, imaging was introduced by David Lewis (1976) as the form of belief revision appropriate for supposing subjunctively that a hypothesis be true. It has played a central role in the semantics of subjunctive conditionals, in causal decision theory, and, less well known to philosophers, in the computational theory of information retrieval. In the economics literature, non-probabilistic imaging functions have been called “pseudo-rationalizable choice functions”. I show that the imaging functions are precisely those which satisfy both Sen’s Alpha Principle (aka “Chernoff’s Axiom”) and the Aizerman Axiom. This result allows us to see very clearly the formal relationship between non-probabilistic imaging and AGM revision (which is Alpha + Beta).

- - - - Tuesday, Apr 16, 2024 - - - -

Computational Logic Seminar  
Spring 2024 (online)
Tuesday, April 16, Time 2:00 - 4:00 PM
zoom link: contact Sergei Artemov (
Speaker: Lukas Zenger, University of Bern
Title: Intuitionistic modal logic with the master modality

Abstract: I present a cyclic sequent calculus for intuitionistic modal logic with the master modality. Formulas of the logic are evaluated over bi-relational Kripke models with three different frame conditions: functional frames, `triangle' confluent frames, and arbitrary frames. It is shown that the calculus is sound and complete for all three classes of models. This, in particular, proves that intuitionistic modal logic with the master modality cannot distinguish between arbitrary models and functional models. Soundness is established by a standard argument while completeness is proven via a detour to non-wellfounded proofs, using a proof-search argument that draws on analyticity of the calculus. The framework is robust in the sense that it can be naturally adapted to account for various frame conditions, such as serial models, reflexive models or S4-models, as well as for a polymodal extension that can be interpreted as intuitionistic common knowledge. This is joint work with Lide Grotenhuis, Bahareh Afshari and Graham Leigh.

- - - - Wednesday, Apr 17, 2024 - - - -

- - - - Thursday, Apr 18, 2024 - - - -

- - - - Friday, Apr 19, 2024 - - - -

Logic Workshop
CUNY Graduate Center
Friday April 19, 2:00pm-3:30pm, Room 5417
Philip Scowcroft, Wesleyan University
Some applications of model theory to lattice-ordered groups

When does a hyperarchimedean lattice-ordered group embed into a hyperarchimedean lattice-ordered group with strong unit? After explaining the meaning of this question, I will describe some partial answers obtained via model theory.

Next Week in Logic at CUNY:

- - - - Monday, Apr 22, 2024 - - - -


- - - - Tuesday, Apr 23, 2024 - - - -


- - - - Wednesday, Apr 24, 2024 - - - -


- - - - Thursday, Apr 25, 2024 - - - -


- - - - Friday, Apr 26, 2024 - - - -


- - - - Other Logic News - - - -

Northeast Model Theory Day
We are pleased to announce that Wesleyan University in Middletown, CT will be hosting a Northeast Model Theory Day on Saturday May 4, 2024. This one-day meeting is the first in what we hope will become an annual series, bringing together those interested in model theory from across the region.

Paul Baginski (Fairfield)
Artem Chernikov (Maryland)
Alf Dolich (CUNY)
Alexei Kolesnikov (Towson)

All are welcome, but please register by Monday, April 22nd. Limited travel support is available. For more information and registration, please visit

NEMTD 2024 sponsored by the Mid-Atlantic Mathematical Logic Seminar (NSF grant #DMS-1834219) and the Wesleyan Department of Mathematics and Computer Science.
Organizers: Alex Kruckman, Rehana Patel, Alex Van Abel. Contact with any questions.

- - - - Web Site - - - -

Find us on the web at:
(site designed, built & maintained by Victoria Gitman)

--------  ADMINISTRIVIA  --------

To subscribe/unsubscribe to this list, please email your request to

If you have a logic-related event that you would like included in future mailings, please email


KGRC Talks - April 18

Kurt Godel Research Center
KGRC/Institute of Mathematics invites you to the following talks: Set Theory Seminar Kolingasse 14–16, 1090, 1st floor, SR 10, Thursday, April 18, 11:30am–1:00pm, hybrid mode "Generic embeddings into Fraïssé structures" R. Sullivan (U Münster, DE) This project, in the writing-up stage, is work with A. Codenotti (Münster), A. Panagiotopoulos (Vienna) and J. Winkel. Let M be a Fraïssé structure (eg the random graph), and let A be a countably infinite structure which is embeddable in M. If M has free amalgamation, then there exists a Katetov embedding of A into M: an embedding such that each automorphism of A extends to an automorphism of M. Is this embedding "common" or "uncommon"? To answer this, we investigate generic embeddings of A into M. An embedding of A into M is said to be generic if it lies in a comeagre set inside the Polish space Emb(A, M). We will answer the following three questions: - When are two embeddings of A into M generically isomorphic via an automorphism of M? - When is A generically corigid (i.e. Aut(M/A) trivial)? - Let g lie in Aut(A). When is g generically extensible to an automorphism of M? We will also discuss a wide range of examples in the context of these three questions. Zoom info: If you have not received the Zoom data by the day before the talk, please contact Please direct any questions about this talk to * * * * * * * * * Logic Colloquium Oskar-Morgenstern-Platz 1, 1090, 2nd floor, HS 11, Thursday, April 18, 3:00pm--3:50pm, hybrid mode "Countable spaces and realcompactness" C. Agostini (TU Wien) In this talk, we analyze the realcompactness number of countable spaces. We will show that, for every cardinal $\kappa$, there exists a countable crowded space $X$ such that $\mathsf{Exp}(X)=\kappa$ if and only if $\mathfrak{p}\leq\kappa\leq\mathfrak{c}$. On the other hand, we show that a scattered space of weight $\kappa$ has pseudocharacter at most $\kappa$ in any compactification. will allow us to calculate $\mathsf{Exp}(X)$ for an arbitrary (that is, not necessarily crowded) countable space. This is a joint work with Andrea Medini and Lyubomyr Zdomskyy. Zoom info: If you have not received the Zoom data by the day before the talk, please contact Please direct any questions about this talk to * * * * * * * * * Video recordings available so far of the Set Theory Seminar: April, 11: J. M. Millhouse (U Wien), "Definable well-orderings of a large continuum". Updates at -- Mag. Petra Czarnecki de Czarnce-Chalupa Institute of Mathematics (Kurt Goedel Research Center, Logic) University of Vienna Kolingasse 14-16, #7.48 1090 Vienna, Austria Phone: +43/ (0)1 4277-50501

Set theory and toplogy seminar 16.04.2024 Krzysztof Zakrzewski (UW)

Wrocław Set Theory Seminar
I am happy to announce that at the seminar in set theory and topology (on Tuesday 16.04.2024 at 17:15 in room A.4.1 C-19  (Wrocław University of Science and Technology) the lecture:
"Function spaces on Corson-like compacta"
will be presented by

Krzysztof Zakrzewski (MIM UW)

Recall that a compact space is Eberlein compact if it is homeomorphic to a subspace of some Banach space equipped with the weak topology. A compact space is \omega-Corson compact if it embeds into a \sigma-product of real lines, that is a subspace of the product R^{\Gamma} consisting of sequences with finitely many nonzero coordinates for some set \Gamma. 
Every  \omega-Corson compact space is Eberlein compact. For a Tichonoff space X, let Cp(X) denote the space of real continuous functions on X endowed with the pointwise convergence topology.
During the talk we will show that the class \omega-Corson compact spaces K is invariant under linear homeomorphism of function spaces Cp(K) and other related results.

Feel free to spread this information among Your colleagues.

I'm looking forward to seeing You
Szymon Żeberski

Wednesday seminar

Prague Set Theory Seminar
Dear all, There will be no seminar tomorrow, Wednesday April 10th due to the expected lack of speakers. (Apologies for the late notice.) The seminar will again next week, Wednesday April 17th at 11:00 in the Institute of Mathematics CAS, Zitna 25, seminar room, 3rd floor, front building. Program: Ziemowit Kostana -- Diamond on Kurepa trees I will discuss a restricted variant of Jensen's Diamond, that is guessing only cofinal branches of a given Kurepa tree. It turns out to be a very weak guessing principle, in particular does not imply CH, and follows from Club. Nevertheless, this weak variant may still consistently fail. This is joint work with Assaf Rinot and Saharon Shelah. Best, David

Two Related Seminars in Geometry and Topology by Shlpak Banerjee and in Logic by Philipp Kunde on Wednesday 17 April 2024

NUS Logic Seminar
On 17 April 2024 there will be two related lectures in two seminar series at the NUS. At 15:30 hrs, Dr. Shilpak Banerjee will give talk at Geometry&Topology seminar with title "(Anti-)classification results in Dynamical Systems and Ergodic Theory" in S17-05-12, (Abstract_talk1). At 17:00 hrs, Dr. Philipp Kunde will present at logic seminar in S17-04-05 with title Non-classifiability of ergodic flows up to time change, (Abstract_talk2). Best regards, Frank and Yue for Logic Seminar, Daren for Geometry and Topology Seminar; all of us at Department of Mathematics, NUS.

This Week in Logic at CUNY

This Week in Logic at CUNY
This Week in Logic at CUNY:

- - - - Monday, Apr 8, 2024 - - - -

Rutgers Logic Seminar
Monday Apr 8, Hill Center, Hill 705, SPECIAL TIME: 4:00pm
Jing Zhang, Toronto
Squares, ultrafilters and forcing axioms

Logic and Metaphysics Workshop
Date: Monday, April 8, 4.15-6.15pm (NY time)
Room: Graduate Center Room 7395
Asya Passinsky (CEU)
Title: Social construction and meta-ground

Abstract: The notion of social construction plays an important role in many areas of social philosophy, including the philosophy of gender, the philosophy of race, and social ontology. But it is far from clear how this notion (or cluster of notions) is to be understood. One promising proposal, which has been championed in recent years by Aaron Griffith (2017, 2018) and Jonathan Schaffer (2017), is that the notion of constitutive social construction may be analyzed in terms of the notion of metaphysical grounding. In this paper, I argue that a simple ground-theoretic analysis of social construction is subject to two sorts of problem cases and that existing ground-theoretic accounts do not avoid these problems. I then develop a novel ground-theoretic account of social construction in terms of meta-ground, and I argue that it avoids the problems. The core idea of the account is that in cases of social construction, the meta-ground of the relevant grounding fact includes a suitable connective social fact.

- - - - Tuesday, Apr 9, 2024 - - - -

MOPA (Models of Peano Arithmetic)
CUNY Graduate Center
Virtual (email Victoria Gitman for meeting id)
Tuesday, April 9, 1pm
Athar Abdul-Quader, Purchase College
Representations of lattices

Following up on the series of talks on the history of the problem, in this talk we will discuss the main technique for realizing finite lattices as interstructure lattices, due to Schmerl in 1986. We will motivate this technique by studying an example: the Boolean algebra B2. We will see how we can modify the technique to produce elementary extensions realizing specific ranked lattices to ensure that such extensions are end, cofinal, or mixed extensions.

- - - - Wednesday, Apr 10, 2024 - - - -

The New York City Category Theory Seminar
Department of Computer Science
Department of Mathematics
The Graduate Center of The City University of New York
Speaker:     Ellis D. Cooper.
Date and Time:     Wednesday April 10, 2024, 7:00 - 8:30 PM. IN-PERSON
Title:     Pulse Diagrams and Category Theory.

Abstract: ``Pulse diagrams'' are motivated by the ubiquity of pulsation in biology, from action potentials, to heartbeat, to respiration, and at longer time-scales to circadian rhythms and even to human behavior. The syntax of the diagrams is simple, and the semantics are easy to define and simulate with Python code. They express behaviors of parts and wholes as in categorical mereology, but are missing a compositional framework, like string diagrams. Examples to discuss include cellular automata, leaky-integrate-and-fire neurons, harmonic frequency generation, Gillespie algorithm for the chemical master equation, piecewise-linear genetic regulatory networks, Lotka-Volterra systems, and if time permits, aspects of the adaptive immune system. The talk is more about questions than about answers.

- - - - Thursday, Apr 11, 2024 - - - -

- - - - Friday, Apr 12, 2024 - - - -

Set Theory Seminar
CUNY Graduate Center
Friday, April 12, 12:30pm NY time
Virtual: Please email Victoria Gitman ( for meeting id.
Boban Velickovic University of Paris

Logic Workshop
CUNY Graduate Center
Friday April 12, 2:00pm-3:30pm, Room 5417

Hans Schoutens, CUNY
Geometric tools for the decidability of the existential theory of 

I will give a brief survey how tools from algebraic geometry can be used in finding solutions to Diophantine equations over  and similar rings. These tools include Artin approximation, arc spaces, motives and resolution of singularities. This approach yields the definability of the existential theory of  (in the ring language with a constant for ) contingent upon the validity of resolution of singularities (Denef-Schoutens). Anscombe-Fehm proved a weaker result using model-theoretic tools and together with Dittmann, they gave a proof assuming only the weaker 'local uniformization conjecture.'

Next Week in Logic at CUNY:

- - - - Monday, Apr 15, 2024 - - - -

Rutgers Logic Seminar
Monday Apr 15, 3:30pm Hill Center, Hill 705
Mark Poor, Cornell

Logic and Metaphysics Workshop
Date: Monday, April 15, 4.15-6.15pm (NY time)
Room: Graduate Center Room 7395
Jessica Collins (Columbia)
Title: Imaging is Alpha + Aizerman

Abstract: I give a non-probabilistic account of the imaging revision process. Most familiar in its various probabilistic forms, imaging was introduced by David Lewis (1976) as the form of belief revision appropriate for supposing subjunctively that a hypothesis be true. It has played a central role in the semantics of subjunctive conditionals, in causal decision theory, and, less well known to philosophers, in the computational theory of information retrieval. In the economics literature, non-probabilistic imaging functions have been called “pseudo-rationalizable choice functions”. I show that the imaging functions are precisely those which satisfy both Sen’s Alpha Principle (aka “Chernoff’s Axiom”) and the Aizerman Axiom. This result allows us to see very clearly the formal relationship between non-probabilistic imaging and AGM revision (which is Alpha + Beta).

- - - - Tuesday, Apr 16, 2024 - - - -

- - - - Wednesday, Apr 17, 2024 - - - -

- - - - Thursday, Apr 18, 2024 - - - -

- - - - Friday, Apr 19, 2024 - - - -

Logic Workshop
CUNY Graduate Center
Friday April 19, 2:00pm-3:30pm, Room 5417
Philip Scowcroft, Wesleyan University
Some applications of model theory to lattice-ordered groups

When does a hyperarchimedean lattice-ordered group embed into a hyperarchimedean lattice-ordered group with strong unit? After explaining the meaning of this question, I will describe some partial answers obtained via model theory.

- - - - Other Logic News - - - -

Northeast Model Theory Day
We are pleased to announce that Wesleyan University in Middletown, CT will be hosting a Northeast Model Theory Day on Saturday May 4, 2024. This one-day meeting is the first in what we hope will become an annual series, bringing together those interested in model theory from across the region.

Paul Baginski (Fairfield)
Artem Chernikov (Maryland)
Alf Dolich (CUNY)
Alexei Kolesnikov (Towson)

All are welcome, but please register by Monday, April 22nd. Limited travel support is available. For more information and registration, please visit

NEMTD 2024 sponsored by the Mid-Atlantic Mathematical Logic Seminar (NSF grant #DMS-1834219) and the Wesleyan Department of Mathematics and Computer Science.
Organizers: Alex Kruckman, Rehana Patel, Alex Van Abel. Contact with any questions.


Logic Seminar Tuesday 9 April 2023 by Piotr Kowalski

NUS Logic Seminar
Invitation to the Logic Seminar at the National University of Singapore Date: Tuesday, 9 April 2023, 17:00 hrs Place: NUS, Department of Mathematics, S17#05-11 Speaker: Piotr Kowalski Title: Model Completeness and Matrix Groups Abstract: I plan to discuss the notions of model companion and model completeness focusing on algebraic and geometric examples. For instance, I will mention recent joint work with Daniel Max Hoffmann, Chieu-Minh Tran and Jinhe Ye, where we consider model completeness of certain matrix groups. URL:

KGRC Talk - April 11

Kurt Godel Research Center
KGRC/Institute of Mathematics invites you to the following Set Theory Seminar talk: ”Definable well-orderings of a large continuum” J. M. Millhouse (U Wien) Kolingasse 14–16, 1090, 1st floor, SR 10, Thursday, April 11, 11:30am–1:00pm, hybrid mode This is the first in a series of talks where I will be going over the history and the more recent advancements in forcing techniques used to produce models of set theory where the continuum is strictly greater than \(\aleph_1\), a projective well-order of the reals. In the first talk we will establish preliminaries, understand the motivation for obtaining such models, and go over L. Harrington's initial 1977 construction. Subsequent talks will focus on some more recent results, including applications of the techniques to the theory of cardinal characteristics and the definability of various combinatorial sets of reals. Zoom info: If you have not received the Zoom data by the day before the talk, please contact Please direct any questions about this talk to * * * * * * * * * Video recordings available so far of the Set Theory Seminar: March, 21: M. Iannela (TU Wien), "(Piecewise) convex embeddability on linear orders" * * * * * * * * * Updates at -- Mag. Petra Czarnecki de Czarnce-Chalupa Institute of Mathematics (Kurt Goedel Research Center, Logic) University of Vienna Kolingasse 14-16, #7.48 1090 Vienna, Austria Phone: +43/ (0)1 4277-50501

Nankai Logic Colloquium paused for two weeks

Nankai Logic Colloquium
Hello Everyone,

Our Nankai Logic Colloquium is going to pause for these two weeks (April 5th and April 12th) for The 4th International Conference on Topological Algebras and Their Applications, which is currently being held at Nankai University.

The Nankai Logic Colloquium is going to be resumed after two weeks (April 19th). On that day we are going to have two talks: one given by Stevo Todorcevic and one given by Dilip Raghavan.

See you online in two weeks!

Best wishes,
Ming Xiao

Set theory and topology seminar 9.04.2024 Jakub Rondos

Wrocław Set Theory Seminar
I am happy to announce that at the seminar in set theory and topology (on Tuesday 9.04.2024 at 17:15 in room A.4.1 C-19  (Wrocław University of Science and Technology) the lecture:
"Topological properties of compact spaces K that are preserved by isomorphisms of C(K)"
will be presented by

Jakub Rondos (University of Vienna)

In the talk, we present some newly discovered properties of compact Hausdorff spaces that are preserved by isomorphisms of their Banach spaces of continuous functions. 

Feel free to spread this information among Your colleagues.

I'm looking forward to seeing You
Szymon Żeberski

(on behalf of the organizers, i.e. Piotr Borodulin-Nadzieja, Paweł Krupski, Aleksandra Kwiatkowska, Grzegorz Plebanek, Robert Rałowski  and myself)

About 15 minutes before the seminar we invite you for coffee and a chat to social room A.4.1.A in C-19. 


Our webpages:

Cross-Alps Logic Seminar (speaker: Luca Motto Ros)

Cross-Alps Logic Seminar
On Friday 05.04.2024 at 16.00 CEST
Luca Motto Ros (University of Torino)
will give a talk on 
Borel complexity of graph homomorphism

Please refer to the usual webpage of our LogicGroup for more details and the abstract of the talk.

The seminar will be held remotely through Webex. Please write to vincenzo.dimonte [at] uniud [dot] it for the link to the event.

The Cross-Alps Logic Seminar is co-organized by the logic groups of Genoa, Lausanne, Turin and Udine as part of our collaboration in the project PRIN 2022 'Models, Sets and Classifications'.

All the best,

This Week in Logic at CUNY

This Week in Logic at CUNY
This Week in Logic at CUNY:

- - - - Monday, Apr 1, 2024 - - - -

Logic and Metaphysics Workshop
Date: Monday, April 1, 4.15-6.15pm (NY time)
Room: Graduate Center Room 7395
Andrew Tedder (Vienna).
Title: Relevant logics as topical logics

Abstract: There is a simple way of reading a structure of topics into the matrix models of a given logic, namely by taking the topics of a given matrix model to be represented by subalgebras of the algebra reduct of the matrix, and then considering assignments of subalgebras to formulas. The resulting topic-enriched matrix models bear suggestive similarities to the two-component frame models developed by Berto et. al. in Topics of Thought. In this talk I’ll show how this reading of topics can be applied to the relevant logic R, and its algebraic characterisation in terms of De Morgan monoids, and indicate how we can, using this machinery and the fact that R satisfies the variable sharing property, read R as a topic-sensitive logic. I’ll then suggest how this approach to modeling topics can be applied to a broader range of logics/classes of matrices, and gesture at some avenues of research.

- - - - Tuesday, Apr 2, 2024 - - - -

MOPA (Models of Peano Arithmetic)
CUNY Graduate Center
Virtual (email Victoria Gitman for meeting id)
Tuesday, April 2, 1pm

Athar Abdul-Quader, Purchase College
Representations of lattices

Following up on the series of talks on the history of the problem, in this talk we will discuss the main technique for realizing finite lattices as interstructure lattices, due to Schmerl in 1986. We will motivate this technique by studying an example: the Boolean algebra . We will see how we can modify the technique to produce elementary extensions realizing specific ranked lattices to ensure that such extensions are end, cofinal, or mixed extensions.

Computational Logic Seminar  
Spring 2024 
Tuesday, April 2, Time 2:00 - 4:00 PM 
zoom link: ask Sergei Artemov
Speaker: Sonja J.L. Smets, The University of Amsterdam 
Title: Reasoning about Epistemic Superiority and Data Exchange

Abstract: In this presentation I focus on a framework that generalizes dynamic epistemic logic in order to model a wider range of scenarios including those in which agents read or communicate (or somehow gain access to) all the information stored at specific sources, or possessed by some other agents (including information of a non-propositional nature, such as data, passwords, secrets etc). The resulting framework allows one to reason about the state of affairs in which one agent (or group of agents) has ‘epistemic superiority’ over another agent (or group). I will present different examples of epistemic superiority and I will draw a connection to the logic of functional dependence by A. Baltag and J. van Benthem. At the level of group attitudes, I will further introduce the new concept of 'common distributed knowledge', which combines features of both common knowledge and distributed knowledge. This presentation is based on joint work with A. Baltag in [1].  

[1] A. Baltag and S. Smets, Learning what others know, in L. Kovacs and E. Albert (eds.), LPAR23 proceedings of the International Conference on Logic for Programming, AI and Reasoning, EPiC Series in Computing, 73:90-110, 2020.

- - - - Wednesday, Apr 3, 2024 - - - -

- - - - Thursday, Apr 4, 2024 - - - -

- - - - Friday, Apr 5, 2024 - - - -

Philog Seminar
The Graduate Center of The City University of New York
April 5, Friday, 10 AM
Zoom meeting, please contact Rohit Parikh for zoom link
Gilberto Gomes, Northern Rio de Janeiro State University
The Implicative Conditional

This talk will present and discuss the paper The implicative conditional, by Eric Raidl and myself, recently published in Journal of Philosophical Logic (with free access). The paper presents a proposal for a strong conditional, that is, one that really expresses that the consequent is a consequence of the antecedent, or that the antecedent is a sufficient reason for believing the consequent, in a given context. We claim that the implicative conditional describes the logical behavior of an empirically defined class of natural language conditionals, also named implicative conditionals, which excludes concessive and some other conditionals. The logical properties of this conditional in a reflexive normal Kripke semantics will be discussed. Its axiomatic system, which was proved sound and complete, will be presented. The implicative conditional avoids the paradoxes of the material and strict conditionals, presents connexive properties, and assures the relevance of the antecedent to the consequent.

Set Theory Seminar
CUNY Graduate Center
Friday, April 5, 12:30pm NY time
Virtual: Please email Victoria Gitman ( for meeting id.
Kameryn Williams Bard College at Simon's Rock

Logic Workshop
CUNY Graduate Center
Friday April 5, 2:00pm-3:30pm, Room 5417
Meng-Che 'Turbo' Ho, California State University at Northridge
Decision problem for groups as equivalence relations

In 1911, Dehn proposed three decision problems for finitely presented groups: the word problem, the conjugacy problem, and the isomorphism problem. These problems have been central to both group theory and logic, and were each proven to be undecidable in the 50's. There is much current research studying the decidability of these problems in certain classes of groups.

Classically, when a decision problem is undecidable, its complexity is measured using Turing reducibility. However, Dehn's problems can also be naturally thought of as computably enumerable equivalence relations (ceers). We take this point of view and measure their complexity using computable reductions. This yields behaviors different from the classical context: for instance, every Turing degree contains a word problem, but not every ceer degree does. This leads us to study the structure of ceer degrees containing a word problem and other related questions.

Next Week in Logic at CUNY:

- - - - Monday, Apr 8, 2024 - - - -

Rutgers Logic Seminar
Monday Apr 8, 3:30pm, Hill Center, Hill 705
Jing Zhang

Logic and Metaphysics Workshop
Date: Monday, April 8, 4.15-6.15pm (NY time)
Room: Graduate Center Room 7395
Asya Passinsky (CEU)
Title: Social construction and meta-ground

Abstract: The notion of social construction plays an important role in many areas of social philosophy, including the philosophy of gender, the philosophy of race, and social ontology. But it is far from clear how this notion (or cluster of notions) is to be understood. One promising proposal, which has been championed in recent years by Aaron Griffith (2017, 2018) and Jonathan Schaffer (2017), is that the notion of constitutive social construction may be analyzed in terms of the notion of metaphysical grounding. In this paper, I argue that a simple ground-theoretic analysis of social construction is subject to two sorts of problem cases and that existing ground-theoretic accounts do not avoid these problems. I then develop a novel ground-theoretic account of social construction in terms of meta-ground, and I argue that it avoids the problems. The core idea of the account is that in cases of social construction, the meta-ground of the relevant grounding fact includes a suitable connective social fact.

- - - - Tuesday, Apr 9, 2024 - - - -

- - - - Wednesday, Apr 10, 2024 - - - -

- - - - Thursday, Apr 11, 2024 - - - -

- - - - Friday, Apr 12, 2024 - - - -

Set Theory Seminar
CUNY Graduate Center
Friday, April 12, 12:30pm NY time
Virtual: Please email Victoria Gitman ( for meeting id.
Boban Velickovic University of Paris

Logic Workshop
CUNY Graduate Center
Friday April 12, 2:00pm-3:30pm, Room 5417

Hans Schoutens, CUNY
Geometric tools for the decidability of the existential theory of 

I will give a brief survey how tools from algebraic geometry can be used in finding solutions to Diophantine equations over  and similar rings. These tools include Artin approximation, arc spaces, motives and resolution of singularities. This approach yields the definability of the existential theory of  (in the ring language with a constant for ) contingent upon the validity of resolution of singularities (Denef-Schoutens). Anscombe-Fehm proved a weaker result using model-theoretic tools and together with Dittmann, they gave a proof assuming only the weaker 'local uniformization conjecture.'

- - - - Other Logic News - - - -

Northeast Model Theory Day
We are pleased to announce that Wesleyan University in Middletown, CT will be hosting a Northeast Model Theory Day on Saturday May 4, 2024. This one-day meeting is the first in what we hope will become an annual series, bringing together those interested in model theory from across the region.

Paul Baginski (Fairfield)
Artem Chernikov (Maryland)
Alf Dolich (CUNY)
Alexei Kolesnikov (Towson)

All are welcome, but please register by Monday, April 22nd. Limited travel support is available. For more information and registration, please visit

NEMTD 2024 sponsored by the Mid-Atlantic Mathematical Logic Seminar (NSF grant #DMS-1834219) and the Wesleyan Department of Mathematics and Computer Science.
Organizers: Alex Kruckman, Rehana Patel, Alex Van Abel. Contact with any questions.


- - - - Web Site - - - -

Find us on the web at:
(site designed, built & maintained by Victoria Gitman)

Wednesday seminar

Prague Set Theory Seminar
Dear all, The seminar meets on Wednesday April 3rd at 11:00 in the Institute of Mathematics CAS, Zitna 25, seminar room, 3rd floor, front building. Program: Sam Braunfeld -- S_infinity-invariance in random expansions and Keisler measures We will be concerned with randomly expanding an omega-categorical structure M to a larger language in an Aut(M)-invariant manner. We show that under certain conditions, such an expansion is not just Aut(M)-invariant but fully S_infinity-invariant, which allows us to classify such expansions. We show that the problem of classifying Aut(M)-invariant Keisler measures on M-definable subsets may be seen as a special case of this problem. The resulting classifications of Aut(M)-invariant Keisler measures yield natural examples of (simple) theories where there are non-forking formulas that are universally measure zero. This is joint work-in-progress with Colin Jahel and Paolo Marimon. Best, David

49th Nankai Logic Colloquium

Nankai Logic Colloquium

Hello everyone,

This week our weekly Nankai Logic Colloquium is going to be in the afternoon.

Our speaker this week will be Aristotelis Panagiotopoulos from the Kurt Gödel Research Center. This talk is going to take place this Friday,  Mar 29,  from 4pm to 5pm(UTC+8, Beijing time). 

Title. Strong ergodicity phenomena for Bernoulli shifts of bounded algebraic dimension

Abstract. For every Polish permutation group $P\leq \mathrm{Sym}(\mathbb{N})$ let  $A\mapsto [A]_{P}$ be the assignment which maps every $A\subseteq \mathbb{N}$ to the set of all  $k\in \mathbb{N}$ whose orbit under the action of the stabilizer $P_F$ of some finite $F\subseteq A$ is finite. Then $A\mapsto [A]_{P}$ is a closure operator and hence it endows $P$ with a natural notion of dimension $\mathrm{dim}(P)$. This notion of dimension has been extensively studied in model theory when  $A\mapsto [A]_{P}$  satisfies additionally the \emph{exchange principle}; that is, when $A\mapsto [A]_{P}$  forms a pregeometry. However, under the exchange principle every Polish permutation group $P$ with $\mathrm{dim}(P)<\infty$ is locally compact and therefore unable to generate any ``wild" dynamics.

 In this talk we will discuss the relationship between  $\mathrm{dim}(P)$ and certain strong ergodicity phenomena in the absence of the exchange principle. In particular, for every $n\in\mathbb{N}$ we will provide a Polish permutation group $P$, with $\mathrm{dim}(P)=n$, whose  Bernoulli shift $P\curvearrowright \mathbb{R}^{\mathbb{N}}$ is generically ergodic relative to the injective part of the Bernoulli shift of any permutation group $Q$ with $\mathrm{dim}(Q)<n$. We will use this to exhibit an equivalence relation of pinned cardinal $\aleph_1^{+}$ which strongly resembles Zapletal's counterexample to a question of Kechris, but which does not Borel reduce to the latter.  Our proofs rely on the theory of  symmetric models of choiceless set-theory and in the process we establish that a vast collection of  symmetric models admit a theory of supports similar to the basic Cohen model. This is joint work with Assaf Shani.

This is going to be an online event. Follow the link below to join the Zoom meeting. Please use your real name to join the meeting.

Title :The 49th Nankai Logic Colloquium -- Aristotelis Panagiotopoulos 

Time :16:00pm, Mar. 29, 2024(Beijing Time)

Zoom Number : 734 242 5443

Passcode :477893


The records of past talks can be accessed at

Best wishes,

Ming Xiao

Logic Seminar Talks 27 March 2024 and 3 April 2024 at NUS

NUS Logic Seminar
Invitation to the Logic Seminar at the National University of Singapore for the following subsequent two talks, see also the webpage (a) Date: Wednesday, 27 March 2023, 17:00 hrs Place: NUS, Department of Mathematics, S17#04-05 Speaker: Kyle Gannon Title: Model Theoretic Events Abstract: This talk is motivated by the following two soft questions: How do we sample an infinite sequence from a first order structure? What model theoretic properties might hold on almost all sampled sequences? We advance a plausible framework in an attempt to answer these kinds of questions. The central object of this talk is a proability space. The underlying set of our space is a standard model theoretic object, namely the space of types in countably many variables over a monster model. Our probability measure is an iterated Morley product of a fixed Borel-definable Keisler measure. Choosing a point randomly in this space with respect to our distribution yields a random generic type in infinitely many variables. We are interested in which model theoretic events hold for almost all random generic types. Two different kinds of events will be discussed: (1) The event that the induced structure on a random generic type is isomorphic to a fixed structure; (2) the event that a random generic type witnesses a dividing line. This work is joint with James Hanson. (b) Date: Wednesday 3 April 2023, 17:00 hrs Place: NUS, Department of Mathematics, S17#04-05 Speaker: Frank Stephan Title: Fuzzy Logic and Completeness Abstract: Fuzzy Logic allows either finitely many truth values of the form 0,1/k,2/k,...,k/k or an infinite number of truth values which is dense in the real interval from 0 to 1 and which includes the two end-points 0 and 1. The specific properties depend on the formulas chosen for calculating logical connectives; for this talk, the following are chosen: NOT q is 1-q; p OR q is max{p,q}; p AND q is min{p,q}; p EOR q is min{p+q,2-p-q}; p IMPLIES q is min{1,1+q-p}; p EQUIV q is min{1+p-q,1+q-p}. An interesting question is when is the Fuzzy Logic with these truth-values complete in the following sense, for Propositional Logic: One says that S logically implies alpha iff for all truth-assignments for the atoms which make all formulas in S have the truth value 1 it also holds that alpha has the truth value 1. The question is now whether there is a set of axioms for the Propositional Fuzzy Logic which allows to prove alpha from S and these axioms. Vilem Novak has proven in 1980 that this is the case when there are only finitely many truth-values 0,1/k,2/k,...,k/k; furthermore, this talk will provide a countable set S of propositional formulas which logically imply one atoms B such that, whenever there is an infinite set of truth-values, no finite subset T of S logically implies B. Hence one can for infinitely many truth-values not expect completeness, independently of what axioms one allows. Furthermore, the set of axioms must depend on the number of truth-values k+1 in the case of finitely many values. This is joint work with Neo Wei Qing and Wong Tin Lok.

UPDATE: This Week in Logic at CUNY

This Week in Logic at CUNY
Please note the addition of a talk in the MOPA seminar this Tuesday, 3/26 (tomorrow) by Roman Kossak.


This Week in Logic at CUNY:

- - - - Monday, Mar 25, 2024 - - - -

Rutgers Logic Seminar
Monday Mar 25, 3:30pm, Hill Center, Hill 705
Arthur Apter, CUNY
A Choiceless Answer to a Question of Woodin

Logic and Metaphysics Workshop
Date: Monday, March 25, 4.15-6.15pm (NY time)
Room: Graduate Center Room 7395
Dan Marshall (Lingnan)
Title: A moderate theory of overall resemblance

Abstract: This paper defends the moderate theory of overall resemblance stated by: A) y is at least as similar to x as z is iff: i) every resemblance property shared by x and z is also shared by x and y, and ii) for any resemblance family of properties F, y is at least as similar to x as z is with respect to F. In this account, a resemblance property is a property that corresponds to a genuine respect in which two things can resemble each other, whereas a resemblance family is a set of properties with respect to which things can be more or less similar to each other. An example of a resemblance property is being cubical, an example of a non-resemblance property is being either a gold cube or a silver sphere, and an example of a resemblance family is the set of specific mass properties.

- - - - Tuesday, Mar 26, 2024 - - - -

MOPA (Models of Peano Arithmetic)
CUNY Graduate Center
Virtual (email Victoria Gitman for meeting id)
Tuesday, March 26, 1pm

Roman Kossak, CUNY
The lattice problem for models of PA: Part ii

The lattice problem for models of PA is to determine which lattices can be represented either as lattices of elementary substructures of a model of PA or, more generally, which can be represented as lattices of elementary substructures of a model N that contain a given elementary substructure M of N. I will talk about the history of the problem, from the seminal paper of Haim Gaifman from 1976 and other early results to some recent work of Jim Schmerl. There is much to talk about.

Computational Logic Seminar  
Spring 2024 (online)
Tuesday, March 26 Time 2:00 - 4:00 PM
zoom link:  contact Sergei Artemov (
Speaker: Thomas Studer, University of Bern
Title: Simplicial Complexes for Epistemic Logic

Abstract: In formal epistemology, group knowledge is often modeled as the knowledge that the group would have if the agents shared all their individual knowledge. However, this interpretation does not account for relations between agents. In this talk, we propose the notion of synergistic knowledge, which makes it possible to model different relationships between agents, e.g., groups of agents having access to shared objects. As an example, we model the problem of dining cryptographers.

- - - - Wednesday, Mar 27, 2024 - - - -

- - - - Thursday, Mar 28, 2024 - - - -

- - - - Friday, Mar 29, 2024 - - - -


Next Week in Logic at CUNY:

- - - - Monday, Apr 1, 2024 - - - -

Logic and Metaphysics Workshop
Date: Monday, April 1, 4.15-6.15pm (NY time)
Room: Graduate Center Room 7395
Andrew Tedder (Vienna).
Title: Relevant logics as topical logics

Abstract: There is a simple way of reading a structure of topics into the matrix models of a given logic, namely by taking the topics of a given matrix model to be represented by subalgebras of the algebra reduct of the matrix, and then considering assignments of subalgebras to formulas. The resulting topic-enriched matrix models bear suggestive similarities to the two-component frame models developed by Berto et. al. in Topics of Thought. In this talk I’ll show how this reading of topics can be applied to the relevant logic R, and its algebraic characterisation in terms of De Morgan monoids, and indicate how we can, using this machinery and the fact that R satisfies the variable sharing property, read R as a topic-sensitive logic. I’ll then suggest how this approach to modeling topics can be applied to a broader range of logics/classes of matrices, and gesture at some avenues of research.

- - - - Tuesday, Apr 2, 2024 - - - -

- - - - Wednesday, Apr 3, 2024 - - - -

- - - - Thursday, Apr 4, 2024 - - - -

- - - - Friday, Apr 5, 2024 - - - -

Set Theory Seminar
CUNY Graduate Center
Friday, April 5, 12:30pm NY time
Virtual: Please email Victoria Gitman ( for meeting id.
Kameryn Williams Bard College at Simon's Rock

Logic Workshop
CUNY Graduate Center
Friday April 5, 2:00pm-3:30pm, Room 5417
Meng-Che 'Turbo' Ho, California State University at Northridge
Decision problem for groups as equivalence relations

In 1911, Dehn proposed three decision problems for finitely presented groups: the word problem, the conjugacy problem, and the isomorphism problem. These problems have been central to both group theory and logic, and were each proven to be undecidable in the 50's. There is much current research studying the decidability of these problems in certain classes of groups.

Classically, when a decision problem is undecidable, its complexity is measured using Turing reducibility. However, Dehn's problems can also be naturally thought of as computably enumerable equivalence relations (ceers). We take this point of view and measure their complexity using computable reductions. This yields behaviors different from the classical context: for instance, every Turing degree contains a word problem, but not every ceer degree does. This leads us to study the structure of ceer degrees containing a word problem and other related questions.

- - - - Other Logic News - - - -

Northeast Model Theory Day
We are pleased to announce that Wesleyan University in Middletown, CT will be hosting a Northeast Model Theory Day on Saturday May 4, 2024. This one-day meeting is the first in what we hope will become an annual series, bringing together those interested in model theory from across the region.

Paul Baginski (Fairfield)
Artem Chernikov (Maryland)
Alf Dolich (CUNY)
Alexei Kolesnikov (Towson)

All are welcome, but please register by Monday, April 22nd. Limited travel support is available. For more information and registration, please visit

NEMTD 2024 sponsored by the Mid-Atlantic Mathematical Logic Seminar (NSF grant #DMS-1834219) and the Wesleyan Department of Mathematics and Computer Science.
Organizers: Alex Kruckman, Rehana Patel, Alex Van Abel. Contact with any questions.


- - - - Web Site - - - -

Find us on the web at:
(site designed, built & maintained by Victoria Gitman)

Set theory and topology seminar 26.03.2024 Tomasz Żuchowski

Wrocław Set Theory Seminar
I am happy to announce that at the seminar in set theory and topology (on Tuesday 26.03.2024 at 17:15 in room A.4.1 C-19  (Wrocław University of Science and Technology) the lecture:
"The Nikodym property and filters on $\omega$. Part I"
will be presented by

Tomasz Żuchowski

For a free filter $F$ on $\omega$, we consider the space $N_F=\omega\cup\{p_F\}$, where every element of $\omega$ is isolated and open neighborhoods of $p_F$ are of the form $A\cup\{p_F\}$ for $A\in F$. 
In this talk we will study the family $\mathcal{AN}$ of such ideals $\mathcal{I}$ on $\omega$ that the space $N_{\mathcal{I}^*}$ carries a sequence $\langle\mu_n\colon n\in\omega\rangle$ of finitely supported signed measures satisfying $\|\mu_n\|\rightarrow\infty$ and $\mu_n(A)\rightarrow 0$ for every $A\in Clopen(N_{\mathcal{I}^*})$. If $\mathcal{I}\in\mathcal{AN}$ and $N_{\mathcal{I}^*}$ is embeddable into the Stone space $St(\mathcal{A})$ of a given Boolean algebra $\mathcal{A}$, then $\mathcal{A}$ does not have the Nikodym property.

Feel free to spread this information among Your colleagues.

I'm looking forward to seeing You
Szymon Żeberski

(on behalf of the organizers, i.e. Piotr Borodulin-Nadzieja, Paweł Krupski, Aleksandra Kwiatkowska, Grzegorz Plebanek, Robert Rałowski  and myself)

About 15 minutes before the seminar we invite you for coffee and a chat to social room A.4.1.A in C-19. 


Our webpages:

This Week in Logic at CUNY

This Week in Logic at CUNY
This Week in Logic at CUNY:

- - - - Monday, Mar 25, 2024 - - - -

Rutgers Logic Seminar
Monday Mar 25, 3:30pm, Hill Center, Hill 705
Arthur Apter, CUNY
A Choiceless Answer to a Question of Woodin

Logic and Metaphysics Workshop
Date: Monday, March 25, 4.15-6.15pm (NY time)
Room: Graduate Center Room 7395
Dan Marshall (Lingnan)
Title: A moderate theory of overall resemblance

Abstract: This paper defends the moderate theory of overall resemblance stated by: A) y is at least as similar to x as z is iff: i) every resemblance property shared by x and z is also shared by x and y, and ii) for any resemblance family of properties F, y is at least as similar to x as z is with respect to F. In this account, a resemblance property is a property that corresponds to a genuine respect in which two things can resemble each other, whereas a resemblance family is a set of properties with respect to which things can be more or less similar to each other. An example of a resemblance property is being cubical, an example of a non-resemblance property is being either a gold cube or a silver sphere, and an example of a resemblance family is the set of specific mass properties.

- - - - Tuesday, Mar 26, 2024 - - - -

Computational Logic Seminar  
Spring 2024 (online)
Tuesday, March 26 Time 2:00 - 4:00 PM
zoom link:  contact Sergei Artemov (
Speaker: Thomas Studer, University of Bern
Title: Simplicial Complexes for Epistemic Logic

Abstract: In formal epistemology, group knowledge is often modeled as the knowledge that the group would have if the agents shared all their individual knowledge. However, this interpretation does not account for relations between agents. In this talk, we propose the notion of synergistic knowledge, which makes it possible to model different relationships between agents, e.g., groups of agents having access to shared objects. As an example, we model the problem of dining cryptographers.

- - - - Wednesday, Mar 27, 2024 - - - -

- - - - Thursday, Mar 28, 2024 - - - -

- - - - Friday, Mar 29, 2024 - - - -


Next Week in Logic at CUNY:

- - - - Monday, Apr 1, 2024 - - - -

Logic and Metaphysics Workshop
Date: Monday, April 1, 4.15-6.15pm (NY time)
Room: Graduate Center Room 7395
Andrew Tedder (Vienna).
Title: Relevant logics as topical logics

Abstract: There is a simple way of reading a structure of topics into the matrix models of a given logic, namely by taking the topics of a given matrix model to be represented by subalgebras of the algebra reduct of the matrix, and then considering assignments of subalgebras to formulas. The resulting topic-enriched matrix models bear suggestive similarities to the two-component frame models developed by Berto et. al. in Topics of Thought. In this talk I’ll show how this reading of topics can be applied to the relevant logic R, and its algebraic characterisation in terms of De Morgan monoids, and indicate how we can, using this machinery and the fact that R satisfies the variable sharing property, read R as a topic-sensitive logic. I’ll then suggest how this approach to modeling topics can be applied to a broader range of logics/classes of matrices, and gesture at some avenues of research.

- - - - Tuesday, Apr 2, 2024 - - - -

- - - - Wednesday, Apr 3, 2024 - - - -

- - - - Thursday, Apr 4, 2024 - - - -

- - - - Friday, Apr 5, 2024 - - - -

Set Theory Seminar
CUNY Graduate Center
Friday, April 5, 12:30pm NY time
Virtual: Please email Victoria Gitman ( for meeting id.
Kameryn Williams Bard College at Simon's Rock

Logic Workshop
CUNY Graduate Center
Friday April 5, 2:00pm-3:30pm, Room 5417
Meng-Che 'Turbo' Ho, California State University at Northridge
Decision problem for groups as equivalence relations

In 1911, Dehn proposed three decision problems for finitely presented groups: the word problem, the conjugacy problem, and the isomorphism problem. These problems have been central to both group theory and logic, and were each proven to be undecidable in the 50's. There is much current research studying the decidability of these problems in certain classes of groups.

Classically, when a decision problem is undecidable, its complexity is measured using Turing reducibility. However, Dehn's problems can also be naturally thought of as computably enumerable equivalence relations (ceers). We take this point of view and measure their complexity using computable reductions. This yields behaviors different from the classical context: for instance, every Turing degree contains a word problem, but not every ceer degree does. This leads us to study the structure of ceer degrees containing a word problem and other related questions.

- - - - Other Logic News - - - -

Northeast Model Theory Day
We are pleased to announce that Wesleyan University in Middletown, CT will be hosting a Northeast Model Theory Day on Saturday May 4, 2024. This one-day meeting is the first in what we hope will become an annual series, bringing together those interested in model theory from across the region.

Paul Baginski (Fairfield)
Artem Chernikov (Maryland)
Alf Dolich (CUNY)
Alexei Kolesnikov (Towson)

All are welcome, but please register by Monday, April 22nd. Limited travel support is available. For more information and registration, please visit

NEMTD 2024 sponsored by the Mid-Atlantic Mathematical Logic Seminar (NSF grant #DMS-1834219) and the Wesleyan Department of Mathematics and Computer Science.
Organizers: Alex Kruckman, Rehana Patel, Alex Van Abel. Contact with any questions.


- - - - Web Site - - - -

Find us on the web at:
(site designed, built & maintained by Victoria Gitman)

Wednesday seminar

Prague Set Theory Seminar
Dear all, The seminar meets on Wednesday March 27th at 11:00 in the Institute of Mathematics CAS, Zitna 25, seminar room, 3rd floor, front building. Program: Egbert Thümmel -- Old questions for young people I will present questions that arose in this seminar in the old days and which we could not solve, but to which the young people in the seminar will know an answer. Best, David

48th Nankai Logic Colloquium

Nankai Logic Colloquium

Hello everyone,

This week our weekly Nankai Logic Colloquium is going to be in the afternoon.

Our speaker this week will be Dominique Lecomte from Sorbonne University. This talk is going to take place this Friday,  Mar 22,  from 4pm to 5pm(UTC+8, Beijing time). 

Title: Descriptive properties of the irrationality type

Abstract. We present a bridge between descriptive set theory and number theory. The number-theoretic function defined by the irrationality type measures how well an irrational number can be approximated by rational numbers. We give and prove descriptive properties of the type function. In particular, it has a universality property. This is joint work with W. Banks and A. Harcharras.


This is going to be an online event. Follow the link below to join the Zoom meeting. Please use your real name to join the meeting.

Title :The 48th Nankai Logic Colloquium -- Dominique Lecomte
Time :16:00pm, Mar. 22, 2024(Beijing Time)
Zoom Number : 734 242 5443
Passcode :477893
Link :


The records of past talks can be accessed at

Best wishes,

Ming Xiao

Logic Seminar 20 March 2024 17:00 hrs by Sun Mengzhou

NUS Logic Seminar
Invitation to the Logic Seminar at the National University of Singapore Date: Wednesday, 20 March 2023, 17:00 hrs Place: NUS, Department of Mathematics, S17#04-05 Speaker: Sun Mengzhou Title: The Kaufmann-Clote question on end extensions of models of arithmetic URL: A general question in the model theory of arithmetic is: For each theories S, T and natural number n, is it true that every countable sufficiently saturated model of S has a proper n-elementary end extension to a model of a T? Efforts over the past four decades have revealed answers to this question for S and T in the induction-collection hierarchy IΣ_n, BΣ_n, except the following instance by Clote and Kaufmann: Is it true that, given any integer n, every countable model of BΣ_n+2 has a proper n-elementary end extension to a model of BΣ_n+1? We present a positive answer to the Kaufmann-Clote question. The proof consists of a second-order ultrapower construction based on a low basis theorem. We also include a survey on the results related to the general question above. This is a joint work with Tin Lok Wong and Yue Yang.

This Week in Logic at CUNY

This Week in Logic at CUNY
This Week in Logic at CUNY:

- - - - Monday, Mar 18, 2024 - - - -

Logic and Metaphysics Workshop
Date: Monday, March 18, 4.15-6.15pm (NY time)
Room: Graduate Center Room 7395
Michał Godziszewski (Warsaw).
Title: Modal quantifiers, potential infinity, and Yablo sequences

Abstract: When properly arithmetized, Yablo’s paradox results in a set of formulas which (with local disquotation in the background) turns out to be consistent, but omega-inconsistent. Adding either uniform disquotation or the omega-rule results in  inconsistency. Since the paradox involves an infinite sequence of sentences, one might think that it doesn’t arise in finitary contexts. We study whether it does. It turns out that the issue depends on how the finitistic approach is formalized. On one of them, proposed by Marcin Mostowski, all the paradoxical sentences simply fail to hold. This happens at a price: the underlying finitistic arithmetic itself is omega-inconsistent. Finally, when studied in the context of a finitistic approach which preserves the truth of standard arithmetic, the paradox strikes back — it does so with double force, for now the inconsistency can be obtained without the use of uniform disquotation or the omega-rule.

Note: This is joint work with Rafał Urbaniak (Gdańsk).

- - - - Tuesday, Mar 19, 2024 - - - -

MOPA (Models of Peano Arithmetic)
CUNY Graduate Center
Virtual (email Victoria Gitman for meeting id)
Tuesday, March 19, 1pm

Roman Kossak, CUNY
The lattice problem for models of PA

The lattice problem for models of PA is to determine which lattices can be represented either as lattices of elementary substructures of a model of PA or, more generally, which can be represented as lattices of elementary substructures of a model N that contain a given elementary substructure M of N. I will talk about the history of the problem, from the seminal paper of Haim Gaifman from 1976 and other early results to some recent work of Jim Schmerl. There is much to talk about.

Computational Logic Seminar  
Spring 2024 
Tuesday, March 19, Time 2:00 - 4:00 PM 
zoom link: contact Sergei Artremov
SpeakerTudor ProtopopescuCUNY
Title: Logics of Intuitionistic Knowledge and Verification

Abstract: We present intuitionistic epistemic systems IEL-, IEL and IEL+, systems of verification based belief, knowledge and strict knowledge. The intuitionistic epistemic language captures basic reasoning about intuitionistic knowledge and belief, but its language has expressive limitations. Following Gödel's explication of IPC as a fragment of the more expressive system of classical modal logic S4, we present a faithful embedding of the intuitionistic systems into S4 extended with a verification modality. These systems in turn have explicit counterparts in the Logic of Proofs extended with a verification modality.

- - - - Wednesday, Mar 20, 2024 - - - -

The New York City Category Theory Seminar
Department of Computer Science
Department of Mathematics
The Graduate Center of The City University of New York

Speaker:     Sina Hazratpour, Johns Hopkins University.

Date and Time:     Wednesday March 20, 2024, 7:00 - 8:30 PM.

Title:     Fibred Categories in Lean.

Abstract: Fibred categories are one of the most important and useful concepts in category theory and its application in categorical logic. In this talk I present my recent formalization of fibred categories in the interactive theorem prover Lean 4. I begin by highlighting certain technical challenges associated with handling the equality of objects and functors within the extensional dependent type system of Lean, and how they can be overcome. In this direction, I will demonstrate how we can take advantage of dependent coercion, instance synthesis, and automation tactics from the Lean toolbox. Finally I will discuss a formalization of Homotopy Type Theory in Lean 4 using a fired categorical framework.

- - - - Thursday, Mar 21, 2024 - - - -

- - - - Friday, Mar 22, 2024 - - - -

Set Theory Seminar
CUNY Graduate Center
Friday, March 22, 12:30pm NY time
Virtual: Please email Victoria Gitman ( for meeting id.

Arthur Apter, CUNY
A choiceless answer to a question of Woodin

In a lecture presented in July 2023, Moti Gitik discussed the following question from the 1980s due to Woodin, as well as approaches to its solution and why it is so difficult to solve:

Question: Assuming there is no inner model of ZFC with a strong cardinal, is it possible to have a model  of ZFC such that ' and  for every ', together with the existence of an inner model  of ZFC such that for the  so that  and  ' is measurable and '?

I will discuss how to find answers to this question, if we drop the requirement that  satisfies the Axiom of Choice. I will also briefly discuss the phenomenon that on occasion, when the Axiom of Choice is removed from consideration, a technically challenging question or problem becomes more tractable. One may, however, end up with models satisfying conclusions that are impossible in ZFC.

Reference: A. Apter, 'A Note on a Question of Woodin', Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences (Mathematics), volume 71(2), 2023, 115--121.

Logic Workshop
CUNY Graduate Center
Friday Mar 22, 2:00pm-3:30pm, Room 5417
Kameryn Williams, Bard College at Simon's Rock

Mediate cardinals

In the late 1910s Bertrand Russell was occupied with two things: getting into political trouble for his pacifism and trying to understand the foundations of mathematics. His students were hard at work with him on this second occupation. One of those students was Dorothy Wrinch. In 1923 she gave a characterization of the axiom of choice in terms of a generalization of the notion of a Dedekind-finite infinite set. Unfortunately, her career turned toward mathematical biology and her logical work was forgotten by history.

This talk is part of a project of revisiting Wrinch's work from a modern perspective. I will present the main result of her 1923 paper, that AC is equivalent to the non-existence of what she termed mediate cardinals. I will also talk about some new independence results. The two main results are: (1) the smallest  for which a -mediate cardinal exists can consistently be any regular  and (2) the collection of regular  for which exact -mediate cardinals exist can consistently be any class.

Next Week in Logic at CUNY:

- - - - Monday, Mar 25, 2024 - - - -

Logic and Metaphysics Workshop
Date: Monday, March 25, 4.15-6.15pm (NY time)
Room: Graduate Center Room 7395
Dan Marshall (Lingnan)
Title: A moderate theory of overall resemblance

Abstract: This paper defends the moderate theory of overall resemblance stated by: A) y is at least as similar to x as z is iff: i) every resemblance property shared by x and z is also shared by x and y, and ii) for any resemblance family of properties F, y is at least as similar to x as z is with respect to F. In this account, a resemblance property is a property that corresponds to a genuine respect in which two things can resemble each other, whereas a resemblance family is a set of properties with respect to which things can be more or less similar to each other. An example of a resemblance property is being cubical, an example of a non-resemblance property is being either a gold cube or a silver sphere, and an example of a resemblance family is the set of specific mass properties.

- - - - Tuesday, Mar 26, 2024 - - - -

- - - - Wednesday, Mar 27, 2024 - - - -

- - - - Thursday, Mar 28, 2024 - - - -

- - - - Friday, Mar 29, 2024 - - - -


- - - - Other Logic News - - - -

Groups, Logic, and Dynamics
This is the second installment of the meeting in Groups, Logic and Dynamics. We will be meeting in New Brunswick at the beginning of the spring season.
WHERE: Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey.
WHEN: Saturday, March 23

- - - - Web Site - - - -

Find us on the web at:
(site designed, built & maintained by Victoria Gitman)

KGRC Talk - March 21

Kurt Godel Research Center
KGRC/Institute of Mathematics invites you to the following Set Theory Seminar talk: ”(Piecewise) convexembeddability on linear orders” M. Iannella (TU Wien) Kolingasse 14–16, 1090, 1st floor, SR 10, Thursday, March 21, 11:30am–1:00pm, hybride mode Given a nonempty set $\mathcal{L}$ of linear orders, we say that the linear order $L$ is $\mathcal{L}$-convex embeddable into the linear order $L'$ if it is possible to partition $L$ into convex sets, indexed by some element of $\mathcal{L}$, which are isomorphic to convex subsets of $L'$ ordered in the same way. This notion generalizes convex embeddability and (finite) piecewise convex embeddability, which arise from the special cases $\mathcal{L}=\{\mathbf{1}\}$ and $\mathcal{L}=\mathsf{Fin}$. In this talk we focus on the behaviour of these relations on the set of countable linear orders, first characterising when they are transitive, and hence a quasi-order. We then look at some combinatorial properties and complexity (with respect to Borel reducibility) of these quasi-orders. Finally, we analyse their extension to uncountable linear orders. The presented results stem from joint work with Alberto Marcone, Luca Motto Ros, and Vadim Weinstein. Zoom info: If you have not received the Zoom data by the day before the talk, please contact Please direct any questions about this talk to ******* Video recordings available so far of the Set Theory Seminar: March, 7: S. Hovath (ETH Zurich, CH, "Magic Sets" March, 7: F. Uribe Zapata (TU Wien), "A general theory of iterated forcing using finitely additive measures" ******* Updates at -- Mag. Petra Czarnecki de Czarnce-Chalupa Institute of Mathematics (Kurt Goedel Research Center, Logic) University of Vienna Kolingasse 14-16, #7.48 1090 Vienna, Austria Phone: +43/ (0)1 4277-50501

Set theory and topology seminar 19.03.2024 Piotr Szewczak

Wrocław Set Theory Seminar
I am happy to announce that at the seminar in set theory and topology (on Tuesday 19.03.2024 at 17:15 in room A.4.1 C-19  (Wrocław University of Science and Technology) the lecture:
"Perfectly meager sets in the transitive sense and the Hurewicz property"
will be presented by

Piotr Szewczak (UKSW)

We work in the Cantor space with the usual group operation +. A set X  is perfectly meager in the transitive sense if for any perfect set P there is an F-sigma set F containing X such that for every point t the intersection of t+F and P is meager in the relative topology of P. A set X is Hurewicz if for any sequence of increasing open covers of X one can select one set from each cover such that the chosen sets formulate a gamma-cover of X, i.e., an infinite cover such that each point from X belongs to all but finitely many sets from the cover. Nowik proved that each Hurewicz set which cannot be mapped continuously onto the Cantor set is perfectly meager in the transitive sense. We answer a question of Nowik and Tsaban, whether of the same assertion holds for each Hurewicz set with no copy of the Cantor set inside. We solve this problem, under CH, in the negative. 
This is a joint work with Tomasz Weiss and Lyubomyr Zdomskyy. 
The research was funded by the National Science Centre, Poland  and the Austrian Science Found under the Weave-UNISONO call in the Weave programme, project: Set-theoretic aspects of topological selections 2021/03/Y/ST1/00122

Feel free to spread this information among Your colleagues.

I'm looking forward to seeing You
Szymon Żeberski

(on behalf of the organizers, i.e. Piotr Borodulin-Nadzieja, Paweł Krupski, Aleksandra Kwiatkowska, Grzegorz Plebanek, Robert Rałowski  and myself)

About 15 minutes before the seminar we invite you for coffee and a chat to social room A.4.1.A in C-19. 


Our webpages:

Wednesday seminar

Prague Set Theory Seminar
Dear all, The seminar meets on Wednesday March 20th at 11:00 in the Institute of Mathematics CAS, Zitna 25, seminar room, 3rd floor, front building. Program: Allen Gehret -- Asymptotic couples and set theory The subject ``asymptotic differential algebra'' has recently gained attention with the tremendous landmark results of Aschenbrenner, van den Dries, and van der Hoeven in the volume ``Asymptotic differential algebra and model theory of transseries''. In this talk I will describe a small piece of this world which I have been investigating, and its connection to set theory. The outline of the talk is as follows: I. 1-variable calculus, a "review" II. Asymptotic couples III. Dividing lines and set-theoretic independence results IV. Current/future work? (joint with Elliot Kaplan, Nigel Pynn-Coates,...) Best, David

47th Nankai Logic Colloquium

Nankai Logic Colloquium

Hello everyone,

This week our weekly Nankai Logic Colloquium is going to be in the morning.

Our speaker this week will be Sumun Iyer from Cornell University. This talk is going to take place this Friday,  Mar 15,  from 9am to 10am(UTC+8, Beijing time). 

Title: Extremely amenable groups of homeomorphisms

Abstract: A topological group is extremely amenable if every continuous action of it on a compact Hausdorff space has a fixed point. We will first survey some known results/ general tools about extreme amenability for homeomorphism groups of connected compact spaces. We discuss a construction due to Uspenskij which gives a condition equivalent to extreme amenability for this setting. We then show a Ramsey-type statement for subsets of simplices that, together with Uspenskij's construction, gives a new proof of a theorem due to Pestov: that the group of orientation-preserving homeomorphisms of the closed unit interval is extremely amenable. This is a joint work with Lukas Michel and Alex Scott.

This is going to be an online event. Follow the link below to join the Zoom meeting. Please use your real name to join the meeting.

Title :The 47th Nankai Logic Colloquium -- Sumun Iyer 

Time :9:00am, Mar. 15, 2024(Beijing Time)

Zoom Number : 734 242 5443

Passcode :477893

Link :


Best wishes,

Ming Xiao

This Week in Logic at CUNY

This Week in Logic at CUNY
This Week in Logic at CUNY:

- - - - Monday, Mar 11, 2024 - - - -

Logic and Metaphysics Workshop
Date: Monday, March 11, 4.15-6.15pm (NY time)
Room: Graduate Center Room 7395
Otávio Bueno (Miami)
Title: Dispensing with the grounds of logical necessity

Abstract: Logical laws are typically conceived as being necessary. But in virtue of what is this the case? That is, what are the grounds of logical necessity? In this paper, I examine four different answers to this question in terms of: truth-conditions, invariance of truth-values under different interpretations, possible worlds, and brute facts. I ultimately find all of them wanting. I conclude that an alternative conception of logic that dispenses altogether with grounds of logical necessity provides a less troublesome alternative. I then indicate some of the central features of this conception.

- - - - Tuesday, Mar 12, 2024 - - - -

MOPA (Models of Peano Arithmetic)
CUNY Graduate Center
Tuesday, March 12, 1pm

Albert Visser, Utrecht University
Restricted completions

This talk reports on research in collaboration with Ali Enayat and Mateusz Łełyk.

Steffen Lempp and Dino Rossegger asked: is there a consistent completion of  that is axiomatised by sentences of bounded quantifier-alternation complexity? We show that there is no such restricted completion. We also show that, if one changes the measure of complexity to being , there is a restricted completion. Specifically, we show that the true theory of the non-negative part of  can be axiomatised by a single sentence plus a set of -sentences.

In our talk we will sketch these two answers. One of our aims is to make clear is that the negative answer for the case of quantifier-alternation complexity simply follows from Rosser's Theorem viewed from a sufficiently abstract standpoint.

- - - - Wednesday, Mar 13, 2024 - - - -

- - - - Thursday, Mar 14, 2024 - - - -

- - - - Friday, Mar 15, 2024 - - - -

Set Theory Seminar
CUNY Graduate Center
Friday, March 15, 12:30pm NY time
Virtual: Please email Victoria Gitman ( for meeting id.
Chris Lambie-Hanson, Czech Academy of Sciences

Squares, ultrafilters and forcing axioms

A uniform ultrafilter  over a cardinal  is called indecomposable if, whenever  and , there is a set  such that  is countable. Indecomposability is a natural weakening of -completeness and has a number of implications for, e.g., the structure of ultraproducts. In the 1980s, Sheard answered a question of Silver by proving the consistency of the existence of an inaccessible but not weakly compact cardinal carrying an indecomposable ultrafilter. Recently, however, Goldberg proved that this situation cannot hold above a strongly compact cardinal: If  is strongly compact and  carries an indecomposable ultrafilter, then  is either measurable or a singular limit of countably many measurable cardinals. We prove that the same conclusion follows from the Proper Forcing Axiom, thus adding to the long list of statements first shown to hold above a strongly compact or supercompact cardinal and later shown also to follow from PFA. Time permitting, we will employ certain indexed square principles to prove that our results are sharp. This is joint work with Assaf Rinot and Jing Zhang.

Logic Workshop
CUNY Graduate Center
Friday Mar 15, 2:00pm-3:30pm, Room 5417
Michał Godziszewski, University of Warsaw

Tennebaum's Theorem for quotient presentations and model-theoretic skepticism

A computable quotient presentation of a mathematical structure  consists of a computable structure on the natural numbers , meaning that the operations and relations of the structure are computable, and an equivalence relation  on , not necessarily computable but which is a congruence with respect to this structure, such that the quotient  is isomorphic to the given structure . Thus, one may consider computable quotient presentations of graphs, groups, orders, rings and so on.
A natural question asked by B. Khoussainov in 2016, is if the Tennenbaum Thoerem extends to the context of computable presentations of nonstandard models of arithmetic. In a joint work with J.D. Hamkins we have proved that no nonstandard model of arithmetic admits a computable quotient presentation by a computably enumerable equivalence relation on the natural numbers.
However, as it happens, there exists a nonstandard model of arithmetic admitting a computable quotient presentation by a co-c.e. equivalence relation. Actually, there are infinitely many of those. The idea of the proof consists is simulating the Henkin construction via finite injury priority argument. What is quite surprising, the construction works (i.e. injury lemma holds) by Hilbert's Basis Theorem. The latter argument is joint work with T. Slaman and L. Harrington.

Next Week in Logic at CUNY:

- - - - Monday, Mar 18, 2024 - - - -

Logic and Metaphysics Workshop
Date: Monday, March 18, 4.15-6.15pm (NY time)
Room: Graduate Center Room 7395
Michał Godziszewski (Warsaw).
Title: Modal quantifiers, potential infinity, and Yablo sequences

Abstract: When properly arithmetized, Yablo’s paradox results in a set of formulas which (with local disquotation in the background) turns out to be consistent, but omega-inconsistent. Adding either uniform disquotation or the omega-rule results in  inconsistency. Since the paradox involves an infinite sequence of sentences, one might think that it doesn’t arise in finitary contexts. We study whether it does. It turns out that the issue depends on how the finitistic approach is formalized. On one of them, proposed by Marcin Mostowski, all the paradoxical sentences simply fail to hold. This happens at a price: the underlying finitistic arithmetic itself is omega-inconsistent. Finally, when studied in the context of a finitistic approach which preserves the truth of standard arithmetic, the paradox strikes back — it does so with double force, for now the inconsistency can be obtained without the use of uniform disquotation or the omega-rule.

Note: This is joint work with Rafał Urbaniak (Gdańsk).

- - - - Tuesday, Mar 19, 2024 - - - -

- - - - Wednesday, Mar 20, 2024 - - - -

The New York City Category Theory Seminar
Department of Computer Science
Department of Mathematics
The Graduate Center of The City University of New York

Speaker:     Sina Hazratpour, Johns Hopkins University.

Date and Time:     Wednesday March 20, 2024, 7:00 - 8:30 PM.

Title:     Fibred Categories in Lean.

Abstract: Fibred categories are one of the most important and useful concepts in category theory and its application in categorical logic. In this talk I present my recent formalization of fibred categories in the interactive theorem prover Lean 4. I begin by highlighting certain technical challenges associated with handling the equality of objects and functors within the extensional dependent type system of Lean, and how they can be overcome. In this direction, I will demonstrate how we can take advantage of dependent coercion, instance synthesis, and automation tactics from the Lean toolbox. Finally I will discuss a formalization of Homotopy Type Theory in Lean 4 using a fired categorical framework.

- - - - Thursday, Mar 21, 2024 - - - -

- - - - Friday, Mar 22, 2024 - - - -

Set Theory Seminar
CUNY Graduate Center
Friday, March 22, 12:30pm NY time
Virtual: Please email Victoria Gitman ( for meeting id.

Arthur Apter, CUNY
A choiceless answer to a question of Woodin

In a lecture presented in July 2023, Moti Gitik discussed the following question from the 1980s due to Woodin, as well as approaches to its solution and why it is so difficult to solve:

Question: Assuming there is no inner model of ZFC with a strong cardinal, is it possible to have a model  of ZFC such that ' and  for every ', together with the existence of an inner model  of ZFC such that for the  so that  and  ' is measurable and '?

I will discuss how to find answers to this question, if we drop the requirement that  satisfies the Axiom of Choice. I will also briefly discuss the phenomenon that on occasion, when the Axiom of Choice is removed from consideration, a technically challenging question or problem becomes more tractable. One may, however, end up with models satisfying conclusions that are impossible in ZFC.

Reference: A. Apter, 'A Note on a Question of Woodin', Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences (Mathematics), volume 71(2), 2023, 115--121.

Logic Workshop
CUNY Graduate Center
Friday Mar 22, 2:00pm-3:30pm, Room 5417
Kameryn Williams Bard College at Simon's Rock

- - - - Other Logic News - - - -

Groups, Logic, and Dynamics
This is the second installment of the meeting in Groups, Logic and Dynamics. We will be meeting in New Brunswick at the beginning of the spring season.
WHERE: Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey.
WHEN: Saturday, March 23

- - - - Web Site - - - -

Find us on the web at:
(site designed, built & maintained by Victoria Gitman)

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If you have a logic-related event that you would like included in future mailings, please email

KGRC Talks - March 11-15

Kurt Godel Research Center
KGRC/Institute of Mathematics invites you to the following talks: (updates at Set Theory Seminar Kolingasse 14–16, 1090, 1st floor, SR 10, Thursday, March 14, 11:30am–1:00pm. ”How economists forgot about multi-player utility and how we remembered” D. Schrittesser (Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, CN) This is all joint work with Ali M. Khan (Johns Hopkins) and Paul Arthur Pedersen (CUNY). Game theory as practiced by economists is often couched in a setting where players pick strategies, and then a utility function tells them who has which pay off (the so-called ”normal form” of a game). For two person games, an important special case is the zero sum game: the case where pay offs always sum to zero. Aumann, the sixties, defined ”strictly competitive games”, two player games in which what is good for one player is bad for the other. Aumann frequently stated that this is the same class as the zero sum games—for an appropriate choice of utility function (and provided the players strategy spaces are closed under mixing). We claim that Aumann must have known this because he knew the multidimensional theory of utility. But then in 2009, Adler, Daskalakis and Papadimitriou gave a non-trivial proof of the fact claimed by Aumann, for finite games, claiming that no such proof exists in the literature. This was generalized in 2023 by Rai- mondo to games where the set of strategies available to each player is an appropriate set of probability measures on [0,1] (or if you’re feeling fancy, on a standard Borel space). In this talk, I shall show what Aumann and others must already have been aware of, but what has apparently been forgotten in the meantime: That these results, and more general ones, follow easily from the theory of mutlidimensional utility developed in the 60ies and early 70ies by Fishburn, Roberts, and others. Zoom info: If you have not received the Zoom data by the day before the talk, please contact Please direct any questions about this talk to * * * * * * * * * Logic Colloquium Oskar-Morgenstern-Platz 1, 1090, 2nd floor, HS 11, Thursday, March 14, 3:00pm–3:50pm, hybrid mode ”Projective Fraisse limits of trees” Aleksandra Kwiatkowska (University of Münster, DE*)* We continue the study of projective Fraisse limits developed by Irwin-Solecki and Panagiotopoulos-Solecki by investigating families of epimorphisms between finite trees and finite rooted trees. We focus on particular classes of epimorphisms such as monotone, confluent or simple confluent, which are adaptations to graphs of monotone or confluent maps from continuum theory. As the topological realizations of the projective Fraisse limits we obtain the dendrite D_3 the Mohler-Nikiel universal dendroid, as well as new, interesting compact connected spaces (continua) for which we do not yet have topological characterizations. The talk is based on joint work with Charatonik, Roe, Yang. Zoom info: If you have not received the Zoom data by the day before the talk, please contact Please direct any questions about this talk to

Set theory and topology seminar 12.03.2024 Grigor Sargsyan

Wrocław Set Theory Seminar
I am happy to announce that at the seminar in set theory and topology (on Tuesday 12.03.2024 at 17:15 in room A.4.1 C-19  (Wrocław University of Science and Technology) the lecture:
"Forcing extensions of models of determinacy"
will be presented by

Grigor Sargsyan (IMPAN)

We will give an overview of what has been recently forced over models of determinacy. In particular,  we will
explain how to obtain combinatorially rich ZFC extensions by forcing over a model of determinacy axioms. Part of this work\
are joint with Paul Larson and Douglas Blue.

Feel free to spread this information among Your colleagues.

I'm looking forward to seeing You
Szymon Żeberski

(on behalf of the organizers, i.e. Piotr Borodulin-Nadzieja, Paweł Krupski, Aleksandra Kwiatkowska, Grzegorz Plebanek, Robert Rałowski  and myself)

About 15 minutes before the seminar we invite you for coffee and a chat to social room A.4.1.A in C-19. 


Our webpages:

Wednesday seminar

Prague Set Theory Seminar
Dear all, The seminar meets on Wednesday March 13th at 11:00 in the Institute of Mathematics CAS, Zitna 25, seminar room, 3rd floor, front building. Program: Stefan Geschke -- Separating Borel chromatic numbers We discuss various graphs on the Cantor space and discuss the question whether their Borel chromatic numbers can consistently be different. Moreover, there will be an extra seminar this week, Friday March 8th, 14:00--15:30, Institute of Mathematics CAS, seminar room Konirna, organized by Wieslaw Kubis. Program: Lionel Nguyen Van The -- Revisiting the Erdös-Rado canonical partition theorem One of the numerous strengthenings of Ramsey's theorem is due to Erdös and Rado, who analyzed what partition properties can be obtained on m-subsets of the naturals when colorings are not necessarily finite. Large monochromatic sets may not appear in that case, but there is a finite list of behaviors, called "canonical", to which every coloring reduces. The purpose of this talk will be to remind certain not so well known analogous theorems of the same flavor that were obtained by Prömel in the eighties for various classes of structures (like graphs or hypergraphs), and to show how such theorems can in fact be deduced in the more general setting of Fraïssé classes. Best, David

KGRC Set Theory Talks - March 4-8

Kurt Godel Research Center
The KGRC welcomes as guests:

Alexi Block Gorman, Ohio State University, Columbus, US (host: Matthias Aschenbrenner) visits March 3–9

Elliot Kaplan, McMaster University, Hamilton, CA, Columbus, US (host: Nigel Pynn-Coates) visits March 3–9

Silvan Horvath, ETH Zurich, CH (host: Vera Fischer) visits March 4–July 31

* * * * * * * * *

KGRC/Institute of Mathematics invites you to the following talks:
(updates at )

Kolingasse 14–16, 1090, 1st floor, SR 10,
Thursday, March 7, 11:30am – 12:00pm, hybrid mode

”Magic Sets”
S. Horvath (ETH Zurich, CH)

A Magic Set is a set M of reals with the property that for all nowhere constant, continuous functions f and
g on the reals it holds that f [M ] ⊆ g[M ] implies f = g.
I will cover some of the basic results on magic sets and introduce magic forcing - a forcing notion that adds
a new magic set to the ground model.

Zoom: If you have not received the Zoom data by the day before the talk, please contact
Meeting ID: 671 1734 6051
Passcode: kgrc
Please direct any questions about this talk to

* * * * * * * * *

Kolingasse 14–16, 1090, 1st floor, SR 10,
Thursday, March 7, 12:00pm – 13:00pm, hybrid mode

”A general theory of iterated forcing using finitely additive measures”
A. F. Uribe Zapata (TU Wien)

Saharon Shelah in 2000 introduced a finite-support iteration using finitely additive measures to prove that,
consistently, the covering of the null ideal may have countable cofinality. In 2019, Jakob Kellner, Saharon
Shelah, and Anda R. T ̆anasie achieved some new results and applications using such iterations.

In this talk, based on the works mentioned above, we present a general theory of iterated forcing using
finitely additive measures, which was developed in the speaker’s master’s thesis. For this purpose, we intro-
duce two new notions: on the one hand, we define a new linkedness property, which we call ”FAM-linked”
and, on the other hand, we generalize the idea of intersection number to forcing notions, which justifies the
limit steps of our iteration theory. Finally, we show a new separation of the left-side of Cicho ́n’s diagram
allowing a singular value.

Zoom info
Zoom: If you have not received the Zoom data by the day before the talk, please contact
Passcode: kgrc
Please direct any questions about this talk to

* * * * * * * * *

VIDEO recordings available so far of the LOGIC COLLOQUIUM:
January 25: Y. Khomskii (Amsterdam U College, NL and U Hamburg, DE) "Trees, Transcendence and Quasi-generic reals"
November 16: D. A. Mejía (Shizuoka U, JP) ”Iterations with ultrafilter-limits and fam-limits”


The LECTURE NOTE for Diego Mejía’s mini-course available so far of the Set Theory Seminar:
January 25: D. A. Mejıa (Shizuoka U, JP) ”Forcing techniques for Cicho ́n’s Maximum”

VIDEO recordings available so far of the SET THEORY SEMINAR:
January 25: D. A. Mejía (Shizuoka U, JP), ”Forcing techniques for Cicho ́n’s Maximum VI” video:
January 18: D. A. Mejía (Shizuoka U, JP), ”Forcing techniques for Cicho ́n’s Maximum V” video:
January 11: D. A. Mejía (Shizuoka U, JP), ”Forcing techniques for Cicho ́n’s Maximum IV”
December 12: "Forcing techniques for Cichoń's Maximum: Preservation theory for cardinal characteristics III" video :
December 7: "Forcing techniques for Cichoń's Maximum: FS iterations II" video:
November 30: "Forcing techniques for Cichoń's Maximum I" video:
Mag. Petra Czarnecki de Czarnce-Chalupa
Institute of Mathematics (Kurt Goedel Research Center, Logic)
University of Vienna
Kolingasse 14-16, #7.48
1090 Vienna, Austria
Phone: +43/ (0)1 4277-50501

NUS Logic Seminar Talk by Rupert Hoelzl on 6 March 2024 17:00 hrs

NUS Logic Seminar
Invitation to the Logic Seminar at the National University of Singapore Date: Wednesday, 6 March 2024, 17:00 hrs Place: NUS, Department of Mathematics, S17#04-05 Speaker: Rupert Hoelzl, Universitaet der Bundeswehr, Munich Title: Benign approximations and non-speedability Abstract: A left-computable number x is called regainingly approximable if there is a computable increasing sequence (x_n)_{n in N} of rational numbers converging to x such that x-x_n < 2^-n. for infinitely many n in N; and it is called nearly computable if there is such an (x_n)_n such that for every computable increasing function s:N -> N the sequence (x_{s(n+1)}-x_{s(n)}){n in N} converges computably to 0. In this talk we study the relationship between both concepts by constructing on the one hand a non-computable number that is both regainingly approximable and nearly computable, and on the other hand a left-computable number that is nearly computable but not regainingly approximable; it then easily follows that the two notions are incomparable with non-trivial intersection. With this relationship clarified, we then hold the keys to answering an open question of Merkle and Titov: they studied speedable numbers, that is, left-computable numbers whose approximations can be sped up in a certain sense, and asked whether, among the left-computable numbers, being Martin-Loef random is equivalent to being non-speedable. As we show that the concepts of speedable and regainingly approximable numbers are equivalent within the nearly computable numbers, our second construction provides a negative answer. This is joint work with Philip Janicki. URL:

Set theory and topology seminar 5.03.2024 Agnieszka Widz

Wrocław Set Theory Seminar
I am happy to announce that at the seminar in set theory and topology (on Tuesday 5.03.2024 at 17:15 in room A.4.1 C-19  (Wrocław University of Science and Technology) the lecture:
"Random Graph"
will be presented by

Agnieszka Widz

The Random Graph can be generated almost surely by connecting vertices with a fixed probability $p\in(0,1)$, independently of other pairs. In my talk, I will recall the construction and explore interesting properties of the Random Graph, investigating the impact of varying probabilities for each edge. Specifically, I will characterize sequences $(p_n)_{n\in\IN}$ for which there exists a bijection $f$  between pairs of vertices in $\IN$, such that if we connect vertices $v$ and $w$ with probability $p_{f(\{v,w\})}$, the Random Graph emerges almost surely.

Feel free to spread this information among Your colleagues.

I'm looking forward to seeing You
Szymon Żeberski

(on behalf of the organizers, i.e. Piotr Borodulin-Nadzieja, Paweł Krupski, Aleksandra Kwiatkowska, Grzegorz Plebanek, Robert Rałowski  and myself)

About 15 minutes before the seminar we invite you for coffee and a chat to social room A.4.1.A in C-19. 


Our webpages:

This Week in Logic at CUNY

This Week in Logic at CUNY
This Week in Logic at CUNY:

- - - - Monday, Mar 4, 2024 - - - -

Rutgers Logic Seminar
Monday, March 4, 3:30pm, Rutgers University, Hill 705
Sean Cox, Virginia Commonwealth
Sparse systems, CH, and Denjoy-Carleman classes

Abstract:  Hardin and Taylor proved that, for any set $S$, a wellordering of ${}^{\mathbb{R}} S$ allows one to build a "predictor" $\mathcal{P}$ for partial functions from $\mathbb{R} \to S$, in the sense that for any total $F \in  {}^{\mathbb{R}} S$, $\mathcal{P}(F \restriction (-\infty,t)) = F(t)$ for almost every $t \in \mathbb{R}$.  They asked:  for which classes $\Gamma \subseteq \text{Homeo}^+(\mathbb{R})$ could one further arrange that $\mathcal{P}$ is invariant with respect to precomposition with members of $\Gamma$?  Subsequent work of Hardin-Taylor,  Bajpai-Velleman, and my joint work with Aldi, Buffkin, Cline, Cody, Elpers, and Lee have made progress on this problem.  This talk will focus on the negative direction:  if $\Gamma$ carries a "sparse system", then there is no $\Gamma$-invariant predictor.  In recent work with Aldi, Buffkin, and Cline, we proved that 1) sparse systems always exist for "non-quasi-analytic" Denjoy-Carleman classes, and 2) CH holds if and only if some--equivalently, every--quasi-analytic Denjoy Carleman class carries a sparse system.  The latter strengthens the previous Cody-Cox-Lee result that CH is equivalent to existence of a sparse analytic system.

Logic and Metaphysics Workshop
Date: Monday, March 4, 4.15-6.15pm (NY time)
Room: Graduate Center Room 7395
Elise Crull (CUNY).
Title: Declaring no dependence

Abstract: Viable fundamental ontologies require at least one suitably stable, generic-yet-toothy metaphysical dependence relation to establish fundamentality. In this talk I argue that recent experiments in quantum physics using Page-Wootters devices to model global vs. local dynamics cast serious doubt on the existence of such metaphysical dependence relations when – and arguably, inevitably within any ontological framework – physical systems serve as the relata.

- - - - Tuesday, Mar 5, 2024 - - - -

MOPA (Models of Peano Arithmetic)
CUNY Graduate Center
Tuesday, March 5, 1pm
Virtual: email Victoria Gitman ( for meeting id
Piotr Gruza University of Warsaw

Tightness and solidity in fragments of Peano Arithmetic

It was shown by Visser that Peano Arithmetic has the property that no two distinct extensions of it (in its language) are bi-interpretable. Enayat proposed to refer to this property of a theory as tightness and to carry out a more systematic study of tightness and its stronger variants, which he called neatness and solidity.

Enayat proved that not only , but also , and  are solid; and on the other hand, that finitely axiomatisable fragments of them are not even tight. Later work by a number of authors showed that many natural proper fragments of these theories are also not tight.

Enayat asked whether there are proper solid subtheories (containing some basic axioms that depend on the theory) of the theories listed above. We answer this question in the case of  by proving that for every  there exists a solid theory strictly between  and . Furthermore, we can require that the theory does not interpret , and that if any true arithmetic sentence is added to it, the theory still does not prove .

Joint work with Leszek Kołodziejczyk and Mateusz Łełyk.

Computational Logic Seminar  
Spring 2024 (online) For a zoom link contact S.Artemov
Tuesday, March 5, Time 2:00 - 4:00 PM
Speaker: Sergei Artemov, Graduate Center
Title: On Tolerance Analysis in Extensive-Form Games.

Abstract: Epistemic assumptions, including rationality of actors, can change during the game, e.g., due to unexpected moves of players. We discuss a body of examples and outline the corresponding logic foundation of belief revision in games.


- - - - Wednesday, Mar 6, 2024 - - - -

The New York City Category Theory Seminar
Department of Computer Science
Department of Mathematics
The Graduate Center of The City University of New York

Speaker:     Jean-Pierre Marquis, Universite de Montreal.

Date and Time:     Wednesday March 6, 2024, 7:00 - 8:30 PM. IN PERSON TALK!

Title:     Hom sweet Hom: a sketch of the history of duality in category theory.

Abstract: Duality, in its various forms and roles, played a surprisingly important part in the development of category theory. In this talk, I will concentrate on the development of these forms and roles that lead to the categorical formulation of Stone-type dualities in the 1970s. I will emphasize the epistemological gain and loss along the way.

- - - - Thursday, Mar 7, 2024 - - - -

- - - - Friday, Mar 8, 2024 - - - -

Set Theory Seminar
CUNY Graduate Center
Friday, March 8, 12:30pm NY time
Virtual: Please email Victoria Gitman ( for meeting id.
Jonathan Osinski University of Hamburg

We consider logics in which the collection of sentences over a set-sized vocabulary can form a proper class. The easiest example of such a logic is , which allows for disjunctions and conjunctions over arbitrarily sized sets of formulas and quantification over strings of variables of any infinite length. Model theory of  is very restricted. For instance, it is inconsistent for it to have nice compactness or Löwenheim-Skolem properties. However, Trevor Wilson recently showed that the existence of a Löwenheim-Skolem-Tarski number of a certain class-sized fragment of  is equivalent to the existence of a supercompact cardinal, and various other related results. We continue this work by considering several appropriate class-sized logics and their relations to large cardinals. This is joint work with Trevor Wilson.

Next Week in Logic at CUNY:

- - - - Monday, Mar 11, 2024 - - - -

Logic and Metaphysics Workshop
Date: Monday, March 11, 4.15-6.15pm (NY time)
Room: Graduate Center Room 7395
Otávio Bueno (Miami)
Title: Dispensing with the grounds of logical necessity

Abstract: Logical laws are typically conceived as being necessary. But in virtue of what is this the case? That is, what are the grounds of logical necessity? In this paper, I examine four different answers to this question in terms of: truth-conditions, invariance of truth-values under different interpretations, possible worlds, and brute facts. I ultimately find all of them wanting. I conclude that an alternative conception of logic that dispenses altogether with grounds of logical necessity provides a less troublesome alternative. I then indicate some of the central features of this conception.

- - - - Tuesday, Mar 12, 2024 - - - -

MOPA (Models of Peano Arithmetic)
CUNY Graduate Center
Tuesday, March 12, 1pm

Albert Visser, Utrecht University
Restricted completions

This talk reports on research in collaboration with Ali Enayat and Mateusz Łełyk.

Steffen Lempp and Dino Rossegger asked: is there a consistent completion of  that is axiomatised by sentences of bounded quantifier-alternation complexity? We show that there is no such restricted completion. We also show that, if one changes the measure of complexity to being , there is a restricted completion. Specifically, we show that the true theory of the non-negative part of  can be axiomatised by a single sentence plus a set of -sentences.

In our talk we will sketch these two answers. One of our aims is to make clear is that the negative answer for the case of quantifier-alternation complexity simply follows from Rosser's Theorem viewed from a sufficiently abstract standpoint.

- - - - Wednesday, Mar 13, 2024 - - - -

- - - - Thursday, Mar 14, 2024 - - - -

- - - - Friday, Mar 15, 2024 - - - -

Set Theory Seminar
CUNY Graduate Center
Friday, March 15, 12:30pm NY time
Virtual: Please email Victoria Gitman ( for meeting id.
Chris Lambie-Hanson, Czech Academy of Sciences

Logic Workshop
CUNY Graduate Center
Friday Mar 15, 2:00pm-3:30pm, Room 5417
Michał Godziszewski, University of Warsaw

- - - - Other Logic News - - - -

Groups, Logic, and Dynamics
This is the second installment of the meeting in Groups, Logic and Dynamics. We will be meeting in New Brunswick at the beginning of the spring season.
WHERE: Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey.
WHEN: Saturday, March 23

- - - - Web Site - - - -

Find us on the web at:
(site designed, built & maintained by Victoria Gitman)

--------  ADMINISTRIVIA  --------

To subscribe/unsubscribe to this list, please email your request to

If you have a logic-related event that you would like included in future mailings, please email

Wednesday seminar

Prague Set Theory Seminar
Dear all, Due to the scheduled water supply outage in the Institute next Wednesday, the seminar is cancelled next week (March 6th). Stefan's talk will take place one week later, Wednesday March 13th. I will send one more regular announcement during week before the seminar. Best, David On 29/02/2024 21:05, David Chodounsky wrote: > Dear all, > > The seminar meets on Wednesday March 6th at 11:00 in the Institute of > Mathematics CAS, Zitna 25, seminar room, 3rd floor, front building. > > > Program: Stefan Geschke -- Separating Borel chromatic numbers > > We discuss various graphs on the Cantor space and discuss the question > whether their Borel chromatic numbers can consistently be different. > > > Best, > David

Wednesday seminar

Prague Set Theory Seminar
Dear all, The seminar meets on Wednesday March 6th at 11:00 in the Institute of Mathematics CAS, Zitna 25, seminar room, 3rd floor, front building. Program: Stefan Geschke -- Separating Borel chromatic numbers We discuss various graphs on the Cantor space and discuss the question whether their Borel chromatic numbers can consistently be different. Best, David

45th Nankai Logic Colloquium

Nankai Logic Colloquium

Hello everyone,

Hello! This week our weekly Nankai Logic Colloquium is going to be in the afternoon.

Our speaker this week will be Takayuki Kihara from Nagoya University. This talk is going to take place this Friday, Mar. 01, from 4pm to 5pm(UTC+8, Beijing time). 

On the Wadge degrees of Borel partitions

In descriptive set theory, there are a lot of semi-well-ordered hierarchies, such as the Borel hierarchy, the projective hierarchy, and the difference hierarchy. Under AD, their ultimate refinement is provided by the Wadge degrees, which is also semi-well-ordered.

Now, the question arises: what exactly gives rise to this semi-well-ordered structure?

Our goal is to reveal the true structure behind this semi-well-order. To achieve this, it is crucial to handle not subsets (two-valued functions) but partitions (k-valued functions). As long as we only observe two-valued functions, all dynamic mechanisms lurking behind collapse, appearing to our eyes only as a semi-well-order. By dealing with partitions, we can expose the ultimate dynamic structure that was concealed. What existed there is not a semi-well-order but rather a better quasi-order, -- a sort of transfinite "matryoshkas" of trees.


Title :The 45th Nankai Logic Colloquium --Takayuki Kihara 
Time :16:00pm, Mar. 1, 2024(Beijing Time)
Zoom Number : 776 677 2207
Passcode :477893

The records of past talks can be accessed at

Best Wishes,

Ming Xiao

Cross-Alps Logic Seminar (speaker: Simon Henry)

Cross-Alps Logic Seminar
On Friday 01.03.2024 at 16.00 CET
Simon Henry (University of Ottawa)
will give a talk on 
Higher categorical language

Please refer to the usual webpage of our LogicGroup for more details and the abstract of the talk.

The seminar will be held remotely through Webex. Please write to vincenzo.dimonte [at] uniud [dot] it for the link to the event.

The Cross-Alps Logic Seminar is co-organized by the logic groups of Genoa, Lausanne, Turin and Udine as part of our collaboration in the project PRIN 2022 'Models, Sets and Classifications'.

All the best,

This Week in Logic at CUNY

This Week in Logic at CUNY
This Week in Logic at CUNY:

- - - - Monday, Feb 26, 2024 - - - -

Logic and Metaphysics Workshop
Date: Monday, Feb 26, 4.15-6.15pm (NY time)
Room: Graduate Center Room 7395
Matteo Plebani (Turin).
Title: Semantic paradoxes as collective tragedies

Abstract: What does it mean to solve a paradox? A common assumption is that to solve a paradox we need to find the wrong step in a certain piece of reasoning. In this talk, I will argue while in the case of some paradoxes such an assumption might be correct, in the case of paradoxes such as the liar and Curry’s paradox it can be questioned.

- - - - Tuesday, Feb 27, 2024 - - - -

CUNY Graduate Center
Tuesday, Feb 27, 1pm
Virtual: email Victoria Gitman ( for meeting id
Elliot Glazer Harvard University

Computational Logic Seminar  
Spring 2024 (online)
Tuesday, February 27, 2:00 - 4:00 PM
For a ZOOM link contact Sergei Artemov (
Speaker: Vincent Peluce, Graduate Center
Title: What is Intuitionistic Arithmetic

Abstract:  L.E.J. Brouwer famously took the subject’s intuition of time to be foundational and from there ventured to build up mathematics. Despite being largely critical of formal methods, Brouwer valued axiomatic systems for their use in both communication and memory. Through the Dutch Mathematical Society, Gerrit Mannoury posed a challenge in 1927 to provide an axiomatization of intuitionistic arithmetic. Arend Heyting’s 1928 axiomatization was chosen as the winner and has since enjoyed the status of being the de facto formalization of intuitionistic arithmetic. We argue that axiomatizations of intuitionistic arithmetic ought to make explicit the role of the subject’s activity in the intuitionistic arithmetical process. While Heyting Arithmetic is useful when we want to contrast constructed objects with platonistic ones, Heyting Arithmetic omits the contribution of the subject and thus falls short as a response to Mannoury’s challenge. We offer our own solution, Doxastic Heyting Arithmetic, or DHA, which we contend axiomatizes Brouwerian intuitionistic arithmetic

- - - - Wednesday, Feb 28, 2024 - - - -

The New York City Category Theory Seminar
Department of Computer Science
Department of Mathematics
The Graduate Center of The City University of New York
Speaker:     Astra Kolomatskaia, Stony Brook.
Date and Time:     Wednesday February 28, 2024, 7:00 - 8:30 PM. IN PERSON TALK! Room 6417
Title:     Displayed Type Theory and Semi-Simplicial Types.

Abstract: One way to think about the language of Homotopy Type Theory [HoTT], is that it enforces that anything you can say is "up to homotopy". In particular, equality proofs are not strict, but rather carry the data of a particular [class of] deformation. In HoTT, all types have the structure of an infinity groupoid, and thus the language allows for conveniently working with certain infinitary structures synthetically. However, one of the most important and long standing open problems in the field is to analytically define infinitary structures such as semi-simplicial types [i.e. semi-simplicial sets "valued in" homotopy types]. The primary difficulty with this has been that as soon as you use the equality symbol in an attempted definition of such a structure, you fall into a pit of higher coherence issues such that infinitely many layers of higher coherences, with each depending on the proofs of all of the prior ones and growing exponentially in complexity, become required. In HoTT, therefore, one comes directly face-to-face with the core problems of homotopy coherent mathematics.

In this talk, we will construct semi-simplicial types in Displayed Type Theory [dTT], a fully semantically general homotopy type theory. Many of our main results are independent of type theory and will say something new and surprising about the homotopy theoretic notion of a classifier for semi-simplicial objects.

This talk is based on joint work with Michael Shulman. Reference:

- - - - Thursday, Feb 29, 2024 - - - -

- - - - Friday, Mar 1, 2024 - - - -

Model Theory Seminar
CUNY Graduate Center
Friday Mar 1, 12:30pm NY time, Room: 6495
Rehana Patel Wesleyan University
I will present a transfer principle in structural Ramsey theory from finite structures to ultraproducts. In joint work with Bartosova, Dzamonja and Scow, we show that under certain mild conditions and assuming CH, when a class of finite structures has finite small Ramsey degrees, the ultraproduct has finite big Ramsey degrees for internal colorings. All Ramsey-theoretic definitions will be provided, and if time permits, I will give a sketch of the proof.

Logic Workshop
CUNY Graduate Center
Friday Mar 1, 2:00pm-3:30pm, Room 5417

Alf Dolich, CUNY
Component Closed Structures on the Reals

A structure, R, expanding  is called component closed if whenever  is definable so are all of 's connected components. Two basic examples of component closed structures are  and . It turns out that these two structures are exemplary of a general phenomenon for component closed structures from a broad class of expansions of : either their definable sets are very 'tame' (as in the case of the real closed field) or they are quite 'wild' (as in the case of the real field expanded by the integers).

Next Week in Logic at CUNY:

- - - - Monday, Mar 4, 2024 - - - -

Rutgers Logic Seminar
Monday, March 4, 3:30pm, Rutgers University, Hill 705
Sean Cox, Virginia Commonwealth

Logic and Metaphysics Workshop
Date: Monday, March 4, 4.15-6.15pm (NY time)
Room: Graduate Center Room 7395
Elise Crull (CUNY).
Title: Declaring no dependence

Abstract: Viable fundamental ontologies require at least one suitably stable, generic-yet-toothy metaphysical dependence relation to establish fundamentality. In this talk I argue that recent experiments in quantum physics using Page-Wootters devices to model global vs. local dynamics cast serious doubt on the existence of such metaphysical dependence relations when – and arguably, inevitably within any ontological framework – physical systems serve as the relata.

- - - - Tuesday, Mar 5, 2024 - - - -

MOPA (Models of Peano Arithmetic)
CUNY Graduate Center
Tuesday, March 5, 1pm
Virtual: email Victoria Gitman ( for meeting id
Piotr Gruza University of Warsaw

- - - - Wednesday, Mar 6, 2024 - - - -

The New York City Category Theory Seminar
Department of Computer Science
Department of Mathematics
The Graduate Center of The City University of New York

Speaker:     Jean-Pierre Marquis, Universite de Montreal.

Date and Time:     Wednesday March 6, 2024, 7:00 - 8:30 PM. IN PERSON TALK!

Title:     Hom sweet Hom: a sketch of the history of duality in category theory.

Abstract: Duality, in its various forms and roles, played a surprisingly important part in the development of category theory. In this talk, I will concentrate on the development of these forms and roles that lead to the categorical formulation of Stone-type dualities in the 1970s. I will emphasize the epistemological gain and loss along the way.

- - - - Thursday, Mar 7, 2024 - - - -

- - - - Friday, Mar 8, 2024 - - - -

Set Theory Seminar
CUNY Graduate Center
Friday, March 8, 12:30pm NY time
Virtual: Please email Victoria Gitman ( for meeting id.
Jonathan Osinski University of Hamburg

- - - - Other Logic News - - - -

Groups, Logic, and Dynamics
This is the second installment of the meeting in Groups, Logic and Dynamics. We will be meeting in New Brunswick at the beginning of the spring season.
WHERE: Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey.
WHEN: Saturday, March 23

- - - - Web Site - - - -

Find us on the web at:
(site designed, built & maintained by Victoria Gitman)

--------  ADMINISTRIVIA  --------

To subscribe/unsubscribe to this list, please email your request to

If you have a logic-related event that you would like included in future mailings, please email

Wednesday seminar

Prague Set Theory Seminar
Dear all, The seminar meets on Wednesday February 28th at 11:00 in the Institute of Mathematics CAS, Zitna 25, seminar room, 3rd floor, front building. Program: Pavel Pudlák -- Colorings of $k$-sets with low discrepancy on small sets Joint result with Vojtech Rodl According to Ramsey theorem, for every $k$ and $n$, if $N$ is sufficiently large, then for every 2-coloring $\psi$ of $k$-element subsets of $[N]$ there exists a monochromatic set $S\sub[N]$ (a set such that all $k$-element subsets of $S$ have the same color given by $\psi$), $|S|=m$. The least such number is denoted by $R_k(m)$. Old results of Erd\H os, Hajnal and Rado (1965) imply that $R_k(m)\leq {\rm tw}_{k}(c m)$, where $\tw_k(x)$ is the tower function defined by ${\rm tw}_1(x)=x$ and ${\rm tw}_{i+1}(x)=2^{{\rm tw}_i(x)}$. On the other hand, these authors also showed that if $N\leq {\rm tw}_{k-1}(c'm^2)$, then there exists a coloring~$\psi$ such that there is no monochromatic $S\sub[N]$, $|S|=m$. We are interested in the question what more one can say when $N$ is smaller than ${\rm tw}_{k-1}(m)$ and $m$ is only slightly larger than $k$. We will show that, for particular values of the parameters $k,m,N$, there are colorings such that on all subsets $S$, $|S|\geq m$, the number of $k$-subsets of one color is close to the number of $k$-subsets of the other color. Best, David

44th Nankai Logic Colloquium

Nankai Logic Colloquium

Hello everyone,

Happy Chinese New Year, Nankai Logic Colloquium is resuming for the new semester!

This week our weekly Nankai Logic Colloquium is going to be in the morning.

Our speaker this week will be Clark Lyons from the University of California, Los Angeles. This talk is going to take place this Friday, Feb 23, from 9am to 10am(UTC+8, Beijing time). 

Title: Baire Measurable Matchings in Non-amenable Graphs

Abstract: Tutte's theorem provides a necessary and sufficient condition 
for a finite graph to have a perfect matching. In this talk I will 
present joint work with Kastner showing that if a locally finite Borel 
graph satisfies a strengthened form of Tutte's condition, then it has a 
perfect matching which is Baire measurable. As a consequence, the 
Schreier graph of a free action of a non-amenable group on a Polish 
space admits a Baire measurable perfect matching. This is analogous to 
the result of Csoka and Lippner on factor of IID perfect matchings for 
non-amenable Cayley graphs.


Title :The 44th Nankai Logic Colloquium --Clark Lyons 
Time :9:00am, Feb. 23, 2024(Beijing Time)
Zoom Number : 776 677 2207
Passcode :477893

The records of past talks can be accessed at

Best Wishes,

Ming Xiao

Set theory and topology seminar 27.02.2024 Grzegorz Plebanek

Wrocław Set Theory Seminar
I am happy to announce that at the seminar in set theory and topology (on Tuesday 27.02.2024 at 17:15 in room A.4.1 C-19  (Wrocław University of Science and Technology) the lecture:
"Aftermath of the Winter School"
will be presented by

Grzegorz Plebanek

We shall discuss two problems on measures on compact spaces posed by Jiri Spurny. 

Feel free to spread this information among Your colleagues.

I'm looking forward to seeing You
Szymon Żeberski

(on behalf of the organizers, i.e. Piotr Borodulin-Nadzieja, Paweł Krupski, Aleksandra Kwiatkowska, Grzegorz Plebanek, Robert Rałowski  and myself)

About 15 minutes before the seminar we invite you for coffee and a chat to social room A.4.1.A in C-19. 


Our webpages:

Wednesday seminar

Prague Set Theory Seminar
Dear all, The seminar meets on Wednesday February 21st at 11:00 in the Institute of Mathematics CAS, Zitna 25, seminar room, 3rd floor, front building. Program: Jonathan Cancino Manriquez -- Preserving independent families We will review some classical facts about the preservation of independent families and facts related to the side by side Sacks model. Best, David

This Week in Logic at CUNY

This Week in Logic at CUNY
This Week in Logic at CUNY:

- - - - Monday, Feb 19, 2024 - - - -

Rutgers Logic Seminar
Monday, Feb 19, 3:30pm, Rutgers University, Hill 705
Artem Chernikov, Maryland
Intersecting sets in probability spaces and Shelah's classification

Abstract: For any fixed n and e > 0, given a sufficiently long sequence of events in a probability space all of measure at least e, some n of them will have a common intersection. This follows from the inclusion-exclusion principle.  A more subtle pattern: for any 0 < p < q < 1, we can't find events A_i and B_i so that the measure of A_i intersected B_j is less that p and of A_j intersected B_i is greater than q for all 1 < i < j < n, assuming n is sufficiently large. This is closely connected to a fundamental model-theoretic property of probability algebras called stability. We will discuss these and more complicated patterns that arise when our events are indexed by multiple indices. In particular, how such results are connected to higher arity generalizations of de Finetti's theorem in probability, structural Ramsey theory, hypergraph regularity in combinatorics, and model theory (no prior knowledge is expected - all of these will be introduced).

- - - - Tuesday, Feb 20, 2024 - - - -

Computational Logic Seminar  
Spring 2024 
Tuesday, February 20  

SpeakerMatteo Plebani, The University of Turin
Title: Counterpossibles in relative computability theory: a closer look
Abstract: A counterpossible is a counterfactual with an impossible antecedent, like “if zero were equal to one, two would be equal to five”. Matthias Jenny [Jenny, 2018] has argued that the following is an example of a false counterpossible:

HT If the validity problem were algorithmically solvable, then arithmetical truth would be also algorithmically decidable

As Jenny himself emphasizes, establishing that HT is a false counterpossible would be highly significant. According to the standard analysis of counterfactuals ([Lewis, 1973], [Stalnaker, 1968]) all counterpossibles are vacuously true. If HT is false, then, the standard analysis of counterfactuals is wrong. 

In this paper, we will argue that HT admits two readings, which are expressed by two different ways of formalizing HT. Under the first reading, HT is clearly a counterpossible. Under the second reading, HT is clearly false. Hence, it is possible to read HT as a counterpossible (section 2) and it is possible to read HT as a false claim (section 3). However, it is unclear that it is possible to do both things at once, i.e. interpret HT as a false counterpossible.

It can be proven that the two readings are not equivalent. The formalization expressing the first reading is a mathematical theorem, which means that under the first reading, HT is a true counterpossible. On the other hand, I will argue that under the second reading HT, while false, is best interpreted as a counterpossible with a contingent antecedent.

- - - - Wednesday, Feb 21, 2024 - - - -

- - - - Thursday, Feb 22, 2024 - - - -

- - - - Friday, Feb 23, 2024 - - - -

Logic Workshop
CUNY Graduate Center
Friday Feb 23, 2:00pm-3:30pm, Room 5417
Tom Benhamou Rutgers University
Commutativity of cofinal types of ultrafilters

The Tukey order finds its origins in the concept of Moore-Smith convergence in topology, and is especially important when restricted to ultrafilters with reverse inclusion. The Tukey order of ultrafilters over  was studied intensively by Blass, Dobrinen, Isbell, Raghavan, Shelah, Todorcevic and many others, but still contains many fundamental unresolved problems. After reviewing the topological background for the Tukey order, I will present a recent development in the theory of the Tukey order restricted to ultrafilters on measurable cardinals, and explain how different the situation is when compared to ultrafilters on . Moreover, we will see an important application to the Galvin property of ultrafilters. In the second part of the talk, we will demonstrate how ideas and intuition from ultrafilters over measurable cardinals lead to new results on the Tukey order restricted to ultrafilters over . This is joint with Natasha Dobrinen.

Next Week in Logic at CUNY:

- - - - Monday, Feb 26, 2024 - - - -

Logic and Metaphysics Workshop
Date: Monday, Feb 26, 4.15-6.15pm (NY time)
Room: Graduate Center Room 7395
Matteo Plebani (Turin).
Title: Semantic paradoxes as collective tragedies

Abstract: What does it mean to solve a paradox? A common assumption is that to solve a paradox we need to find the wrong step in a certain piece of reasoning. In this talk, I will argue while in the case of some paradoxes such an assumption might be correct, in the case of paradoxes such as the liar and Curry’s paradox it can be questioned.

- - - - Tuesday, Feb 27, 2024 - - - -

CUNY Graduate Center
Tuesday, Feb 27, 1pm
Virtual: email Victoria Gitman ( for meeting id
Elliot Glazer Harvard University

- - - - Wednesday, Feb 28, 2024 - - - -

The New York City Category Theory Seminar
Department of Computer Science
Department of Mathematics
The Graduate Center of The City University of New York
Speaker:     Astra Kolomatskaia, Stony Brook.
Date and Time:     Wednesday February 28, 2024, 7:00 - 8:30 PM. IN PERSON TALK! Room 6417
Title:     Displayed Type Theory and Semi-Simplicial Types.

Abstract: One way to think about the language of Homotopy Type Theory [HoTT], is that it enforces that anything you can say is "up to homotopy". In particular, equality proofs are not strict, but rather carry the data of a particular [class of] deformation. In HoTT, all types have the structure of an infinity groupoid, and thus the language allows for conveniently working with certain infinitary structures synthetically. However, one of the most important and long standing open problems in the field is to analytically define infinitary structures such as semi-simplicial types [i.e. semi-simplicial sets "valued in" homotopy types]. The primary difficulty with this has been that as soon as you use the equality symbol in an attempted definition of such a structure, you fall into a pit of higher coherence issues such that infinitely many layers of higher coherences, with each depending on the proofs of all of the prior ones and growing exponentially in complexity, become required. In HoTT, therefore, one comes directly face-to-face with the core problems of homotopy coherent mathematics.

  • In this talk, we will construct semi-simplicial types in Displayed Type Theory [dTT], a fully semantically general homotopy type theory. Many of our main results are independent of type theory and will say something new and surprising about the homotopy theoretic notion of a classifier for semi-simplicial objects.

    This talk is based on joint work with Michael Shulman. Reference:

- - - - Thursday, Feb 29, 2024 - - - -

- - - - Friday, Mar 1, 2024 - - - -

Model Theory Seminar
CUNY Graduate Center
Friday Mar 1, 12:30pm NY time, Room: 6495
Rehana Patel Wesleyan University

Logic Workshop
CUNY Graduate Center
Friday Mar 1, 2:00pm-3:30pm, Room 5417

Alf Dolich, CUNY
Component Closed Structures on the Reals

A structure, R, expanding  is called component closed if whenever  is definable so are all of 's connected components. Two basic examples of component closed structures are  and . It turns out that these two structures are exemplary of a general phenomenon for component closed structures from a broad class of expansions of : either their definable sets are very 'tame' (as in the case of the real closed field) or they are quite 'wild' (as in the case of the real field expanded by the integers).

- - - - Other Logic News - - - -

Groups, Logic, and Dynamics
This is the second installment of the meeting in Groups, Logic and Dynamics. We will be meeting in New Brunswick at the beginning of the spring season.
WHERE: Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey.
WHEN: Saturday, March 23

- - - - Web Site - - - -

Find us on the web at:
(site designed, built & maintained by Victoria Gitman)

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If you have a logic-related event that you would like included in future mailings, please email

Logic Seminar Wed 21.02.2024 17:00 hrs at NUS by Neil Barton

NUS Logic Seminar
Invitation to the Logic Seminar at the National University of Singapore Date: Wednesday, 21 February 2024, 17:00 hrs Place: NUS, Department of Mathematics, S17#04-05 Speaker: Neil Barton Title: Title: Potentialist Sets, Intensions, and Non-Classicality A popular view in the philosophy of set theory is that of *potentialism*: the position that the set-theoretic universe unfolds as more sets come into existence or become accessible to us. This often gets formalised using *modal logic*, but there is always a question of how to move to *non-modal* theories. In this latter regard, a difficult question for the potentialist is to explain how *intensional entities* (entities individuated by an application condition rather than an extension) behave, and in particular what logic governs them. This talk will discuss some work in progress on this issue. We'll see how to motivate acceptance of different propositional logics for different flavours of potentialism, and discuss the prospects for proving results about the kinds of first-order theories validated. URL:

This Week in Logic at CUNY

This Week in Logic at CUNY
This Week in Logic at CUNY:

- - - - Monday, Feb 12, 2024 - - - -

Rutgers Logic Seminar
Monday, Feb 12, 3:30pm, Rutgers University, Hill 705
Gunter Fuchs, CUNY
Blurry HOD: a hierarchy of inner models

For a cardinal $\kappa\ge 2$, one can weaken the classical concept "x is ordinal definable" (i.e., x is the unique object satisfying some condition involving ordinal parameters) to "x is <$\kappa$-blurrily ordinal definable," meaning that x is one of fewer than $\kappa$ many objects satisfying some condition involving ordinal parameters. By considering the hereditary version of this, one naturally arrives at the inner model <$\kappa$-HOD, the class of all hereditarily <$\kappa$-blurrily ordinal definable sets. In ZFC, by varying $\kappa$, one obtains a hierarchy of inner models spanning the entire spectrum from HOD to V. Those stages in the hierarchy where something new is added I call leaps.

I will give an overview of what is known about this hierarchy: ZFC-provable facts regarding the relationships between the stages of the hierarchy and the basic structure of leaps, and consistency results on leap constellations, including consistency strength determinations.

- - - - Tuesday, Feb 13, 2024 - - - -

CUNY Graduate Center
Tuesday, Feb 13, 1pm
Virtual: email Victoria Gitman ( for meeting id
Dino Rossegger TU Wien
The Borel complexity of first-order theories

The Borel hierarchy gives a robust way to stratify the complexity of sets of countable structures and is intimately tied with definability in infinitary logic via the Lopez-Escobar theorem. However, what happens with sets axiomatizable in finitary first-order logic, such as the set of structures satisfying a given finitary first-order theory T? Is the complexity of the set of T's models in any way related to the quantifier complexity of the sentences axiomatizing it? In particular, if a theory T is not axiomatizable by a set of sentences of bounded quantifier complexity, can the set of models of T still be at a finite level of the Borel hierarchy?

In this talk, we will present results concerning these questions:

In joint work with Andrews, Gonzalez, Lempp, and Zhu we show that the set of models of a theory T is -complete if and only if T does not have an axiomatization by sentences of bounded quantifier complexity, answering the last question in the negative. We also characterize the Borel complexity of the set of models of complete theories in terms of their finitary axiomatizations. Our results suggest that infinitary logic does not provide any efficacy when defining first-order properties, a phenomenon already observed by Wadge and Keisler and, recently, rediscovered by Harrison-Trainor and Kretschmer using different techniques.

Combining our results with recent results by Enayat and Visser, we obtain that a large class of theories studied in the foundations of mathematics, sequential theories, have a maximal complicated set of models.

Computational Logic Seminar  
Spring 2024 
Tuesday, February 13  
Time 2:00 - 4:00 PM 
For a zoom link contact Sergei Artemov (
Speaker: Melvin Fitting, CUNY Graduate Center
Title: About Semantic Tableaus

Abstract:I will sketch the basics of tableau proof systems, beginning with those for classical propositional logic.  Then I will move to intuitionistic tableaus and modal tableaus (more than one kind of tableau system).  Finally I’ll say something about quantifiers.  Slides exist for the beginning part of the talk.  When they run out I’ll work on the Zoom equivalent of a blackboard.

- - - - Wednesday, Feb 14, 2024 - - - -

- - - - Thursday, Feb 15, 2024 - - - -

- - - - Friday, Feb 16, 2024 - - - -

Computability Seminar
CUNY Graduate Center
Friday, Feb 16, 10:30-11:30am NY time, Room: 3305
Speaker: Andrea Volpi, University of Udine

Largeness notions

Finite Ramsey Theorem states that fixed , there exists  such that for each coloring of  with  colors, there is a homogeneous subset  of  of cardinality at least . Starting with the celebrated Paris-Harrington theorem, many Ramsey-like results have been studied using different largeness notions rather than the cardinality. I will introduce the largeness notion defined by Ketonen and Solovay based on fundamental sequences of ordinals. Then I will describe an alternative and more flexible largeness notion using blocks and barriers. If time allows, I will talk about how the latter can be used to study a more general Ramsey-like result.

Logic Workshop
CUNY Graduate Center
Friday Feb 16, 2:00pm-3:30pm, Room 5417
Damir Dzhafarov, University of Connecticut

The Ginsburg-Sands theorem and computability

In their 1979 paper `Minimal Infinite Topological Spaces,’ Ginsburg and Sands proved that every infinite topological space has an infinite subspace homeomorphic to exactly one of the following five topologies on : indiscrete, discrete, initial segment, final segment, and cofinite. The proof, while nonconstructive, features an interesting application of Ramsey's theorem for pairs (). We analyze this principle in computability theory and reverse mathematics, using Dorais's formalization of CSC spaces. Among our results are that the Ginsburg-Sands theorem for CSC spaces is equivalent to  while for Hausdorff spaces it is provable in . Furthermore, if we enrich a CSC space by adding the closure operator on points, then the Ginsburg-Sands theorem turns out to be equivalent to the Chain-Antichain Principle (). The most surprising case is that of the Ginsburg-Sands theorem restricted to  spaces. Here, we show that the principle lies strictly between  and , yielding perhaps the first natural theorem of ordinary mathematics (i.e., conceived outside of logic) to occupy this interval. I will discuss the proofs of both the implications and separations, which feature several novel combinatorial elements, and survey a new class of purely combinatorial principles below  and not implied by  revealed by our investigation. This is joint work with Heidi Benham, Andrew DeLapo, Reed Solomon, and Java Darleen Villano.

Next Week in Logic at CUNY:

- - - - Monday, Feb 19, 2024 - - - -

- - - - Tuesday, Feb 20, 2024 - - - -

- - - - Wednesday, Feb 21, 2024 - - - -

- - - - Thursday, Feb 22, 2024 - - - -

- - - - Friday, Feb 23, 2024 - - - -

Logic Workshop
CUNY Graduate Center
Friday Feb 23, 2:00pm-3:30pm, Room 5417
Tom Benhamou Rutgers University

- - - - Other Logic News - - - -

Groups, Logic, and Dynamics
This is the second installment of the meeting in Groups, Logic and Dynamics. We will be meeting in New Brunswick at the beginning of the spring season.
WHERE: Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey.
WHEN: Saturday, March 23

- - - - Web Site - - - -

Find us on the web at:
(site designed, built & maintained by Victoria Gitman)

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If you have a logic-related event that you would like included in future mailings, please email

Wednesday seminar

Prague Set Theory Seminar
Dear all, The seminar meets on Wednesday February 14th at 11:00 in the Institute of Mathematics CAS, Zitna 25, seminar room, 3rd floor, front building. The program is not yet determined, the backup option is Chris and/or Šárka talking about Kurepa trees. Best, David

Logic Seminar Talk 7 February 2024 17:00 hrs by Alexander Rabinovich at NUS

NUS Logic Seminar
Invitation to the Logic Seminar at the National University of Singapore Date: Wednesday, 7 February 2024, 17:00 hrs Place: NUS, Department of Mathematics, S17#04-05 Speaker: Alexander Rabinovich, Tel Aviv University Title: The Church Synthesis Problem over Continuous Time Abstract: Church's Problem asks for the construction of a procedure which, given a logical specification S(I,O) between input-strings I and output-strings O, determines whether there exists an operator F that implements the specification in the sense that S(I,F(I)) holds for all inputs I. Buechi and Landweber gave a procedure to solve Church's problem for MSO specifications and operators computable by finite-state automata. We investigate a generalization of the Church synthesis problem to the continuous time of the non-negative reals. It turns out that in the continuous time there are phenomena which are very different from the canonical discrete time domain of the natural numbers. URL:

This Week in Logic at CUNY

This Week in Logic at CUNY
This Week in Logic at CUNY:

- - - - Monday, Feb 5, 2024 - - - -

Rutgers Logic Seminar
Monday, Feb 5, 3:30pm, Rutgers University, Hill 705
Filippo Calderoni, Rutgers
The L-space conjecture and descriptive set theory

Logic and Metaphysics Workshop
Date: Monday, Feb 5, 4.15-6.15pm (NY time)
Room: Graduate Center Room 7395
Roman Kossak, CUNY

TitleSome model theory for axiomatic theories of truth


AbstractTarski’s arithmetic is the complete theory of (N,+,x,Tr), where (N,+,x) is the standard model of arithmetic and Tr is the set of Gödel numbers of all true arithmetic sentences. An axiomatic theory of truth is an axiomatic subtheory of Tarski’s arithmetic. If (M,+,x,T) is a model of an axiomatic theory of truth, then we call T a truth class. In 1981, Kotlarski, Krajewski, and Lachlan proved that every completion of Peano’s arithmetic has a model that is expandable to a model  with a truth class T that satisfies all biconditionals in Tarski’s definition of truth formalized in PA. If T is such a truth class, it assigns truth values to all sentences in the sense of M, standard and nonstandard. The proof showed  that such truth classes can be quite pathological. For example, they may declare true some infinite disjunctions of the single sentence (0=1). In 2018, Enayat and Visser gave  a much simplified model-theoretic proof, which opened the door for further investigations of nonstandard truths, and many interesting new results by many authors appeared. I will survey some of them, concentrating on their model-theoretic content.

- - - - Tuesday, Feb 6, 2024 - - - -

- - - - Wednesday, Feb 7, 2024 - - - -

The New York City Category Theory Seminar
Department of Computer Science
Department of Mathematics
The Graduate Center of The City University of New York

Speaker:     Saeed Salehi, Univeristy of Tarbiz.

Date and Time:     Wednesday February 7, 2024, 11:00AM - 12:00 NOON. NOTICE SPECIAL TIME!!! ZOOM TALK!!! (see website for zoom link)

Title:     On Chaitin's two HP's: (1) Heuristic Principle and (2) Halting Probability.

Abstract: Two important achievements of Chaitin will be investigated: the Omega number, which is claimed to be the halting probability of input-free programs, and the heuristic principle, which is claimed to hold for program-size complexity. Chaitin's heuristic principle says that the theories cannot prove the heavier sentences; the sentences and the theories were supposedly weighed by various computational complexities, which all turned out to be wrong or incomplete. In this talk, we will introduce a weighting that is not based on any computational complexity but on the provability power of the theories, for which Chaitin's heuristic principle holds true. Also, we will show that the Omega number is not equal to the halting probability of the input-free programs and will suggest some methods for calculating this probability, if any.

- - - - Thursday, Feb 8, 2024 - - - -

- - - - Friday, Feb 9, 2024 - - - -

Computability Seminar
CUNY Graduate Center
Friday, Feb 9, 10:30-11:30am NY time, Room: 3305
Title: Computability of equilibrium measures
Speaker:  Emma Dinowitz, Grad Center

Set Theory Seminar
CUNY Graduate Center
Friday, Feb 9, 12:30pm NY time, Room: 6494
Hybrid: Please email Victoria Gitman ( for meeting id.
Tom Benhamou Rutgers University

Tukey-top ultrafilters under UA

In the first part of the talk, we will provide some background and motivation to study the Glavin property. In particular, we will present a recently discovered connection between the Galvin property and the Tukey order on ultrafilters. This is a joint result with Natasha Dobrinen. In the second part, we will introduce several diamond-like principles for ultrafilters, and prove some relations with the Galvin property. Finally, we use the Ultrapower Axiom to characterize the Galvin property in the known canonical inner models. The second and third part is joint work with Gabriel Goldberg.

Logic Workshop
CUNY Graduate Center
Friday Feb 9, 2:00pm-3:30pm, Room 5417
Russell Miller CUNY

Properties of Generic Algebraic Fields

The algebraic field extensions of the rational numbers  – equivalently, the subfields of the algebraic closure