Set Theory Talks

Global set theory seminar and conference announcements


This site features set theory seminar and conference announcements from around the world. The site is maintained by Peter Krautzberger and Sam Coskey.

How to post to the site

If you would like to post a one-time announcement, we can do it for you! Simply send Sam a message with the information.

If you would like to post regular seminar announcements, it is as simple as adding a special email address to your email list. Simply send Sam a message and we will add your venue to our database so you can get started.

Instructions for posters

To post regular announcements: Add the email address "" to your email list. This will only work if we have you in our database. Please send Sam a message if your posts do not appear within an hour or so.

To post manually or edit your post: Open the Google Sheet and edit your row or insert a new row at the top. You will need a Google account and edit permissions for our shared folder. Please send Sam a message if you need help getting access.

To include attachments: Open the Google Drive Attachments folder and open the current year sub-folder. You will need a Google account and edit permissons for our shared folder. Please send Sam a message if you need help getting access.

Finally open the Google Sheet, find or create your row, and paste the link into the Attachment URL column.

To post conferences: Open the Google Sheet and create a new row with the word "Conference" in the Seminar name column. Be sure to fill the Conference start date, as this will allow it to appear in the upcoming confences list. To post a major update, create a new post as normal, then delete the "Conference start date" from any older posts (i.e. please use the Conference start date just once per conference).